Evgeny Bazarov. The origin of the hero in the novel "Fathers and Sons"

In the novel Fathers and Sons, Bazarov’s origin is described in precise detail. Turgenev Ivan Sergeevich tried to convey all the possible traits of his character in certain acts and actions. In order for the reader to feel a significant difference and see a certain “contrast” between the characters, he introduced into the storyline other characters who were the exact opposite of Bazarov. What was he really like? We will tell further in the article.

Life story

The origin of Bazarov in the novel plays an important role. His parents were strict people, his father worked as a doctor and considered this profession to be very prestigious. Therefore, when Eugene grew up, the family did not even have a question about who he would study for.

bazaars origin

Mother represented an impoverished noble family, and in her behavior this could be clearly traced. No sophisticated manners and excessive pathos.

It was these traits that Bazarov adopted from his mother. Although he loved his parents immeasurably, he still had to leave home after training and return only after three years. Eugene decided to take this step due to the fact that his father's instructions interfered with his career growth and self-development.

Excessive severity and custody led to the fact that Bazarov became isolated in himself, but at the same time was a self-confident person.

The appearance described by the author was also a stumbling block in the life of Bazarov. He did not consider himself particularly attractive, but his facial features made him attract attention, and his smile was excessively calm and expressed his mind and self-confidence.

the origin of Bazarov in the novel Fathers and Sons

Peculiar behavior

The origin of Bazarov in the novel “Fathers and Sons” is not accidental, the author sought to show how much you can be estranged from society and at the same time put yourself head and shoulders above the rest.

In addition to excessive self-confidence, Eugene did not follow the rules of good manners and was distinguished by excessive rudeness.

At the university, he met Arkady Kirsanov, his manners were the exact opposite of Bazarov. This is not to say that this friendship changed him greatly, but it made him much softer and more tolerant of people.

fathers and children origin of bazarov

Relations between Eugene and Arkady formed the basis of the novel, it was a conflict of “two worlds”. The Kirsanov family belonged to the liberal-conservative movement, and the Bazarov belonged to the democrats.

In fact, these difficult relationships reveal throughout the work the nihilistic nature that Evgeny Bazarov nurtured throughout his life. The origin of his personal beliefs and character as a whole depended on the people around him and their attitude towards him.

Favorite of children

Although Eugene was distinguished by a slight rudeness, the people around him loved him. In the novel Fathers and Sons, Bazarov’s origin is described as the appearance of a person who combines negative and positive qualities at the same time. Moreover, they appear very brightly.

The peasant children who were in his surroundings were right behind him. For example, a neighbor boy Mitya recognized Bazarov’s charm and noted how he feels when a person loves children.

As a doctor, Evgeny Bazarov, whose origin helps to understand the special meaning of the work, was magnificent, and his approach to the patient was different from others. Contact between him and the client arose instantly.

His friends also loved him and were amazed at how he could easily get any conversation on the right track, by which he bribed and covered up all his shortcomings.

His friend Arkady marveled at the hard work of Eugene. He could give up everything and run to work in order to help others.

But the main goal of the author was to make the young man such a character that the reader could accept, despite the rudeness and complex character.

origin of bazarov

The main feature of Bazarov remained the ability to love, despite all the nihilistic beliefs. The author showed this in a beautiful romantic line with Anna Odintsova. Her independent character and willpower bribed and charmed Eugene. But throughout the work of these two, indecision enveloped.

She was not ready for a serious relationship and was lost in doubts, and the young man could not take a decisive step and admit his feelings. Both are to blame, but Bazarov all the time was looking for excuses for his actions.

The spirit of the Russian man

Bazarov, whose origin was planned out by points, was a follower of nihilism - a man who denies all norms of behavior, traditions, values, morality and culture. He adhered to such statements: life has no truth, no action is preferable to any other, and there is no creator higher than us.

It was important for the author to convey the spirit of the nation so that a person who is in another country and reads this work can understand how versatile a Russian person can be. Its indestructible character attracted people from different walks of life, it does not matter if you are poor or rich, you can find an approach to anyone.

the origin of Bazarov in the novel Fathers and Sons

In many ways, the author tried to find positive features, in particular in nihilism, which Evgeni Bazarov was fond of.

After all, the main thing that nihilists strive for is "happiness", but how reasonable it is to go this way is already a moot point. In any case, the goal was achieved, and readers were able to draw a definite conclusion for themselves.

The self-confident nihilist Evgeny Bazarov, whose origin greatly influenced the formation of personality, plays an important role in the work. His image in the novel contains the totality of character traits of people of this type and shows how excessive rudeness and indecision can affect a person’s fate.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/E3440/

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