Responsibilities of Parents for the Maintenance of Adult Children: articles of the Family Code, features, legal aspects and advice of lawyers on family law

Consider the main responsibilities of parents in the maintenance of adult children. They come only under two conditions: the child's disability and if he needs material support. In addition to moral standards, are there any legal obligations of parents regarding a sick adult child?

for the maintenance of the disabled

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Duties of parents arise for the maintenance of disabled adult children in a forced manner, namely, by decision of the judiciary. In some cases, parents, on their own initiative, pay cash to their children.

The conditions, procedure, amount, methods, as well as the maintenance payments for disabled children who have reached the age of majority, are determined by agreement. If it is absent, in this case, the maintenance of parents of adult children is established by the court.

Payout Specifics

Alimony is recovered in the amount of money, the amount of which is fixed by the court, on a monthly basis. The marital and financial situation of each side is taken into account. Claims for the recovery of alimony for disabled adult children from parents may be submitted by persons who are appointed guardians.

If exceptional circumstances (injury, illness) are identified, in this case, the alimony recipient needs additional material means for the purchase of medicines, payment for the operation, prosthetics. It is the responsibility of parents to support adult children to provide such funds.

How is the size of payments determined

court cases

The court takes into account the marital and financial situation of the person from whom material resources (alimony) will be exacted. The amount of wages, the total income of both persons (from which funds are collected, in favor of which the payments will go), the number of dependents are taken into account. If the material or marital status changes, the responsibilities of parents regarding the maintenance of adult children change. They have the right to file a lawsuit to change the amount of alimony (Art. 103 CoBS).

Payment Methods

Considering the obligation of parents to support adult children, it is necessary to dwell on payment options. With voluntary payments, two methods are assumed:

  • in person (by mail, cash);
  • through the administration at the place of work (upon written request of the direct payer)

The basis for the deduction of alimony payments from earnings or other income that is paid by the organization is a written statement of the payer. In case of voluntary payments, the claimant of the alimony retains the right to appeal to the courts with a statement of claim.

parents keeping adult children

Features of the Agreement

If the court has established the obligations of parents to maintain adult children, in this case, an agreement may be concluded between the parties. Chapter 11-1 of the CoBS specifies the procedure for concluding, amending, enforcing, terminating, and invalidating the Alimony Payment Agreement. Also noted is the order of indexing alimony, an algorithm for determining their size.

The main parties to the Agreement are the parent, who must pay child support, as well as the person who will receive them. If the parent, whose liability for payments was established in court, is declared legally incapable, in this case the Agreement is concluded on his behalf by the legal representative.

parental support

The form

Are parents required to pay full age allowance to adult children? If a similar fact is established by a court decision, in such a case it is necessary to conclude a Payment Agreement in writing, to notarize it. If the form established in the Russian Federation is not complied with, it is declared invalid (paragraph 1 of article 166 of the Civil Code). According to Russian law, a transaction that is not valid does not imply legal consequences.

If the court has established that parents are required to support their adult children, the absence of monthly maintenance entails administrative liability. Since the Agreement on the payment of alimony under Art. 130-2 CoBs is an act that must be executed in the manner that determines the Civil Procedure Code of the Russian Federation, if it is improperly executed in relation to one side, the second has the right to appeal to the court for a writ of execution. It involves the compulsory fulfillment of duties by the violator.

Order and content

The responsibility of parents for an adult child is noted in the Agreement. Unilateral refusal to fulfill it, sole change of conditions is not allowed. The Agreement shall indicate the method, sequence, amount of payments. The amount of alimony paid by parents cannot exceed 50% of material income per month.

parental responsibility

Important facts

According to Art. 85 SK of the Russian Federation? upon recognition of adult children as incapable of work, their parents must support them. Alimentary duty is not a continuation of the responsibilities that parents had before the children reached the age of eighteen. After adulthood, it ceases automatically. New recoveries of alimony can only occur if a similar decision is established by a court decision.

Neediness implies an insufficient amount of material resources that are required for a person's normal life in certain socio-economic conditions. It is determined by the court regarding the cost of living, allowing a person to restore vitality.

They calculate it taking into account the cost of the consumer basket, as well as other social and economic factors. The court has the right to determine a living wage, taking into account certain facts: expenses for treatment, marital status, additional care. This indicator is an average value that can vary for each individual case.

Alimony for legally incompetent children of legal age, recoverable by the court, is payable monthly. The amount of payments is calculated individually, taking into account the marital and financial situation of both parties to the dispute. It is the second parameter that is the main when establishing alimony. For example, in some situations, the amount of payments is limited only by the subsistence minimum, and in other cases, it is associated with the parent's income.

Considering the basic rights of parents of an adult child, we note that they, for their part, can file a lawsuit in court to reduce the amount of alimony. If the statement of claim will be accompanied by documents confirming the deterioration of financial condition, certificates from the medical institution about the state of health (serious illness, conducting an expensive operation), in this case the court may change the amount of alimony in the direction of their reduction.

parents are required

What you need to know

Regardless of whether the parents have a sufficient amount of funds to make payments to adult children who are recognized as legally incompetent, they are required to provide for their maintenance (if there is a court decision).

It is theoretically possible to collect child support from the parent even if his income does not exceed the subsistence level. This is based on the fact that kinship involves the mutual assistance of loved ones, regardless of their material capabilities. The obligation of parents to create normal conditions for the life of legally incompetent children who have reached adulthood is related to the duties of first-order child support.

When determining the size of payments, the material situation of the recipient and the payer is compared. The court must be aware of the material capabilities of each party to the dispute in order to make a fair decision.

Payment is made according to the rules provided for by the family code of the Russian Federation. With the voluntary payment of alimony, you can draw up an Agreement using a special form.

In some situations, parental responsibilities for their legally incapable adult children are not limited to child support. In exceptional circumstances, they are also involved in additional costs for children. The following cases are attributed to similar situations: severe illness of the child, injury. The list is fixed; it is indicated in the Family Law of the Russian Federation.

legal advice

To summarize

Parents of a child who is declared legally incompetent by the medical board are required to take part in his life.

If you do not want to voluntarily pay for his treatment, food, care of a nurse, the child himself or his representative can turn to the court. By court decision, not only the fact of the obligation of alimony is established, but also their size (based on the defendant’s material condition).

Each parent (if separated) can take on an equal share of material obligations for alimony of an adult son (daughter), who is officially recognized as legally incapable. Correction of shares may well be carried out by the court, taking into account the income of mom and dad, as well as the property condition of the most incapable person. The amount of alimony is fixed, and when there is a need for additional material resources (surgery, expensive rehabilitation), additional penalties from parents are possible.

Note that adult children have responsibilities in relation to their parents. It can be considered moral compensation for the care and maintenance that was provided to him. In Art. 87 of the IC of the Russian Federation, not simple material content is noted, but care and care for elderly parents. From a legal point of view, the essence boils down to property support for moms and dads.


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