How to change a passport through public services: step-by-step instructions, tips and tricks

An identity card of a citizen of the Russian Federation is an extremely important document. Unfortunately, it has to be redesigned from time to time. And this process sometimes causes a lot of problems.

How to change a passport through public services? Is it possible to achieve the desired goal through this service? And what difficulties do users face most often? Answers to these questions will certainly help to minimize the hassle associated with reissuing a passport. In fact, everything is not as complicated as it might seem at first glance.

Procedure for replacing a civil passport in Russia

Chances of success

Can I change my passport through public services? ESIA Gosuslugi is an all-Russian portal of electronic services. With its help, the population receives municipal and state services. For example, through this web service, you can apply for a benefit or enroll a child in a kindergarten (school).

Registration and reissue of various civil documents are the next options of the service. You can request a passport using public services without much hassle. Especially for those who have long joined the ESIA system.

Preliminary preparation

How to change a passport through public services? First you have to prepare for such an operation. Otherwise, the citizen will have some difficulties in the process of moving towards the desired goal.

Replacing a passport through State Services in Russia

In order to carry out the replacement of the identifier of the person, without leaving home, a person will have to:

  • register on the government services web service (it's free);
  • enter data into the user profile;
  • Verify your account using any of the available methods.

All of these manipulations are absolutely free. Only in general do they take about half a month to implement the process. Accordingly, it is better to register and activate a profile on ESIA in advance. As we have already said, it will be possible to avoid unnecessary trouble and problems.

Reasons to Reissue

How to change a passport through public services? The step-by-step instructions below will help clarify the situation. In reality, everything is not so difficult and scary as it seems at first. And if the user already has a verified account at ESIA, possible difficulties will be minimized at all.

For what reasons may a passport reissue be required? Usually this:

  • loss or theft of a document;
  • spoilage of an identity identifier;
  • achievement of 20 and 45 years (by age);
  • in connection with the change of F. I. O. man.

In addition, the documentation can be changed if inaccuracies are found in it or the person’s appearance has changed beyond recognition. These operations are almost never encountered in practice. We will not focus on them.

Is it possible to change a passport through public services

Help for the service

How to change a passport in 20 years through public services? A citizen will have to prepare a certain package of documents to achieve the desired goal. The list of required papers varies depending on life circumstances. Fortunately, it's not that complicated.

Mandatory for re-issuance of an identity identifier a citizen needs the following papers:

  • old passport or certificate of his theft (loss);
  • a check evidencing the transfer of a service fee to the state treasury;
  • the application of the established sample (in our case it will be electronic);
  • personal photos (passport photo, preferably in electronic form);
  • birth certificate;
  • military ID (if the person is obliged).
How to change a passport for public services

Next, you will have to report papers as necessary. Most often you need to prepare:

  • certificates of marriage;
  • statements on termination of the marriage;
  • documents from the registry office on the change of personal data;
  • medical reports about changing gender.

All of this will be enough. It is advisable to immediately make copies of the listed papers. Such a technique will save a person from unnecessary questions from the migration services.

Important: if you need to enter a child under fourteen years of age in a passport, a citizen needs to take a birth certificate or adoption of a minor.

Portal Instruction

How to change a passport through public services? This procedure, with proper preparation, will not be difficult. Especially if you register in advance on the service.

Choosing an Electronic Service

The thing is that regardless of the reason for accessing the web portal, the algorithm of actions will be the same. The upcoming instructions for such an instruction are summarized:

  1. Go to the website and through the archive of available options find the function "Replace passport ...".
  2. Click on the line that most accurately describes the requested service. For example, "Replacing a passport after reaching 45 years."
  3. Examine the information on receiving electronic services and put a check mark next to "Electronic ...".
  4. Click on the "Login" button.
  5. Indicate the login and password for authorization on ESIA "State services". If you logged in in advance, you can skip this step.
  6. Click on the inscription "Get ...".
  7. Fill out an electronic application. It is divided into several blocks. Part of the data in it will be copied from the "My Account" on ESIA. If necessary, the relevant information can be changed manually.
  8. Indicate in which place the person would like to pick up the finished passport. At this stage, it is usually proposed to determine the date and time of the upcoming visit.
  9. Upload a photo for future ID.
  10. Submit a processing request.
  11. Transfer money in the form of state duty for an identifier. This operation becomes available after the electronic application passes the processing stage.

Perhaps this is all. How to change a passport in 20 years through public services? In the same way as in 45 - through the above instructions. After all these manipulations, the citizen will have to wait for the invitation to the authorized body and come there with pre-prepared documents.

Terms of circulation

How to change a passport after marriage through public services? And how to replace a document by age? The procedure will not differ from the previous one - the manipulations are performed according to standard instructions.

It will not work in advance to file an electronic application for a passport replacement. Usually, it is recommended that you contact the help of the portal immediately after the ID becomes unusable.

Replacement of an identity card through "State services"

How much time is given for reissuing a passport? In Russia, the application of the established form must be submitted within 30 days. The countdown begins after the identifier of the person becomes unusable.

Service speed

Do I need to change my passport through public services? Change of surname, achievement of one or another age - it doesn’t matter for what reason a person will turn to ESIA for help. The main thing is to remember how to behave in certain circumstances.

Passport exchange is usually carried out in 10 days. This applies to appeals to the migration services, taking into account the place of residence of the applicant. Otherwise, you have to wait up to two months.

What to do with the service "State services"? In this case, the application will be processed up to ten days. In this case, an invitation to the migration service for the documentation will be valid for another month. After this period, you will have to accept the cancellation of the electronic application. As a rule, this alignment is almost never found in practice.

Service cost

How to change a passport through public services, we figured out. How much will this operation cost?

The answer depends on the reason for the re-issuance of the identifier of the person. You can focus on the following indicators:

  • 300 rubles - the usual replacement of a passport;
  • 2 500 rubles - the cost of the service in case of damage, loss or theft of the document.

But that is not all. ESIA "Government Services" has a distinctive advantage. It is about providing a 30% discount when making fees through the electronic services portal. It is applied automatically. So, using the Gosuslugi service, a person can save a lot of money.

Important: after making the state fee, it is recommended to immediately print the receipt of payment for electronic services.

Obtaining an electronic service for replacing a passport of the Russian Federation


Changing a passport at 20 through public services, like at 45, today is not difficult, because everything can be done electronically without leaving your own home. The search string on the "State Services" service will greatly facilitate the implementation of the task.

Typically, the initial registration of an identifier is carried out directly in the migration services. But its re-release is possible via the Internet. Until the passport holder is 18 years old, legal representatives file a petition for him.


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