LED aquarium lighting. LED lamps and tapes for the aquarium. Calculation of LED lighting for an aquarium

For the normal functioning of almost any aquarium, artificial lighting is required . Depending on the number of fish populating the tank, and in particular plants, light of different quality is required. The time has passed when the aquarium was illuminated with halogen lamps. Technical progress does not stand still, and now LED lamps are actively shifting the usual fluorescent from their place.

Due to its special properties, LED aquarium lamps are used not only as a backlight, but also as the main source. In this article, we will consider options for various lighting for aquariums, as well as highlight the nuances of calculations when selecting LEDs.

Why LEDs

First of all, it is worth deciding whether it is necessary to mount the LED lighting of the aquarium. Maybe this is a simple fashion trend and spending on the consumer certain amounts of money? To understand this issue, it is enough to consider the advantages that can be obtained from the use of LED lighting:

  • profitability;
  • better compliance with the parameters of light in comparison with fluorescent lamps;
  • wide possibilities of design;
  • duration of operation;
  • environmental friendliness;
  • good mechanical protection against damage.

The main reason for the introduction of LEDs, of course, is economic. The fact is that with the same power, LED lamps emit many times more light. Therefore, a conventional lamp changes to a much less powerful LED, which significantly saves the cost of lighting the aquarium.

LED aquarium lighting

The second important reason for using LEDs is that the lighting parameters match the natural light. Moreover, for specific cases, you can play with the parameters of the LEDs and choose the options that are more needed by the fastidious plants of the tropics.

Do not brush aside the environmental component. Indeed, LED aquarium lighting is harmless, since the material does not contain mercury compounds. In addition, the heating of the LEDs is not so strong, in comparison with other lamps, and especially with incandescent lamps.

Features of selection

Having decided on the installation of LEDs for the aquarium, before you go buy them, it is important to consider the composition of the inhabitants. After all, if you mainly contain fish, then special selection is not provided. Of course, you can set a goal and make lighting for a more advantageous view of the inhabitants of the underwater world. But basically for an aquarium with fish, ordinary light is enough to make them convenient to view.

led aquarium lights

A completely different question is if plants are bred in the aquarium. Especially if the plans include a “Dutch” aquarium with a large number of rare and whimsical plants. In these cases, lighting the aquarium with LED lamps requires a preliminary calculation that takes into account the spectral demand of the plants. In addition to the luminous flux parameter, which is measured in lumens, it will be necessary to recall such as illumination in lux and light temperature in kelvins.

Varieties of LED lighting for aquariums

LED lighting aquarium can be structurally performed in various ways. Depending on how the LEDs are placed, they emit:

  • LED strips;
  • lamps;
  • LED spotlights.

The use of this or that equipment will depend primarily on the contents of the aquarium, and then on its size. To a lesser extent, the design of the aquarium and the presence and use of its cover will affect the design features of the LEDs.

LED lighting for plants aquarium

If it is possible to make LED lighting for the aquarium with your own hands, do not miss it. In this case, in addition to saving on equipment, you can get an individually designed and implemented design. In addition to the skills of working with electricity, you will need: a 12-volt power supply, wires and actually LED lamps.

LED lamp

The easiest option for creating LED lighting in the aquarium will be LED lamps. This is primarily suitable for small aquariums up to 50 liters. In their covers often already have cartridges intended for ordinary classic incandescent lamps with E27 and E14 sockets. For such options, it remains only to select and purchase a bulb of the required power and light temperature.

More expensive options will be finished LED panels of a rectangular shape of a certain length for ready-made aquariums of standard sizes. Such an LED aquarium light will be very easy to install. For example, you can see the equipment from the famous company Aqualighter.

LED spotlights

LED aquarium lighting is a very good option for aquariums with an open lid. LED Floodlight is a very bright lamp that can easily reach the bottom of the aquarium of any size and depth. They require only one to three, depending on size. For example, for a rectangular 100-liter aquarium, one 50 W floodlight or 2 each 25 W will be enough. In the case of the "Dutch" version of the light you need 1.5-2 times more. That is, it is 1 spotlight per 100 watts or 2 by 50 watts.

LED aquarium lighting

LED strip

More recently, LED aquarium lighting was only possible for small tanks. Or it was used as a backlight for another type of lamp. This is explained by the fact that the first LED strips were made on superbright LEDs of the first generation SMD 3528. Their luminous flux is only 5 lumens at a power of 0.1 watts. Therefore, a 5-meter tape with 300 LEDs has a power of 30 watts. For an aquarium with good plants, these 5 meters will be enough only for 30 liters, which is structurally difficult to implement.

LED aquarium lighting

Now there are tapes containing more powerful new-generation LEDs SMD 5050, SMD 5630 and SMD 5730. To illuminate most aquariums, including the Dutch ones, there are already enough tapes on the SMD 5050, which are only 2 times more powerful (0.2 W), and emit 18 Lm of light each. A 5-meter LED strip, which includes 300 of these LEDs, easily illuminates a 100-liter aquarium. And this is when used as the main lighting.

The SMD 5630 and SMD 5730 LEDs have a power of 0.5 W each and emit 40 and 55 Lm, respectively. When using them in lighting, it is necessary to think through cooling due to more intense heating.

LED lighting calculation

The calculation of LED lighting for the aquarium is based on approximate standards for such tanks. So, for example, it is assumed that 1 W of aquarium water needs 0.5 W of lighting power and 40 Lm of luminous flux. At the same time, there are nuances, taking into account which the initial data can change greatly.

  • The aquarium for breeding rare whimsical plants, the so-called Dutch, involves a luminous flux with a power of 0.8-1 W per liter of volume and a luminosity of 60 or more Lm per liter.
  • Aquariums with elongated shapes, having considerable depth, also require brighter lighting, which is selected individually. It is roughly believed that with every 10 cm of depth, the luminous flux decreases by 50%.

It should also be remembered that with improperly selected lighting there can be two main options. In the event of a lack of light, the plants will wither and produce oxygen poorly, which, in turn, can adversely affect the fish. In the case of excessive light flux, rapid growth of both plants and simple algae can be observed. Outwardly, this can manifest itself in clouding of water and overgrowing of the walls of the aquarium. This is especially bad for new tanks, when the main plants only grow and have no strength. The simplest algae in this case grow much faster.

Do it yourself

There are several ways to mount LED lighting for an aquarium with plants. Consider the most popular lighting options using LED strips. For example, take an aquarium of 100 liters and an LED strip of 5 m, including 300 SMD 5050 LEDs of 0.2 W each. Taking as a fact that for the natural development of plants the light flux is best directed from top to bottom, consider several options.

LED aquarium light

  1. We place the LED strip on the top cover of the aquarium in the form of a snake. The rings can be placed in any direction, but the density of the LEDs should be uniform. Then the tape is glued with a special silicone, moisture-resistant glue. If the kit already has a starting device with a power supply, then we simply place it on the outside for better heat transfer. If there is no launcher, it must either be purchased separately or constructed from a computer power supply. On this work is considered complete.
  2. In the second embodiment, the LED strip is wound on a cylindrical profile in the form of a fluorescent lamp. It turns out a neat cylindrical LED lamp. If necessary, you can take and make two cylindrical lamps from one LED strip. Of course, the result is not a professional LED lighting of the aquarium, but their main functions such lamps will perform well.
  3. In the presence of blanks and forms of LED strip, you can make a figure of any configuration. The voluminous chandelier thus obtained (or several chandeliers) is attached in any convenient way either to the lid of the aquarium or to special brackets in the walls if the aquarium is open.

How to choose LED lighting

For a simple choice of equipment on LEDs, you should adhere to the following plan:

  • determine the content and inhabitants of the aquarium;
  • taking into account all the parameters, calculate based on the standard of 0.5 W per liter;
  • decide whether the lighting will be done with your own hands or bought in the finished version;
  • knowing the power of the light flux and the configuration of the aquarium, choose the design of LED lighting - lamps, lamps, tapes or spotlights;
  • pick up the necessary amount of equipment;
  • install a ready-made LED lamp for the aquarium or assemble it from the selected components.

LED aquarium lighting

For those wishing to carry out LED illumination under water, remember that you need to choose equipment with a protection class of IP 68. Whereas the standard version of IP 65 implies only short-term spraying, but no more.

Choosing a manufacturer of LED elements

LED aquarium lighting is becoming increasingly popular. Today, LED lighting is offered by several companies:

  • Aqua Medic.
  • Aquael.
  • Hagen.
  • Juwel.
  • Sera.
  • Dennerle

In addition to existing officially, there is a huge list of companies from China, where LED products can be bought for a lower amount. At the same time, you have to check the quality yourself. But one thing is certain, the parameters of Chinese LEDs differ by an order of magnitude. That is, if the luminosity of European and Japanese LEDs matches the parameters, then the Chinese will shine weaker.


LED lamps for the aquarium are actively used instead of obsolete fluorescent ones. Obvious advantages and ease of use are finding more and more positive feedback among aquarium enthusiasts.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/E3493/

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