Shopping Abroad, or What to Buy in Greece

Not a single trip to other countries takes place without shopping. Tourists include in their mandatory program visits to supermarkets and markets in search of souvenirs for family and friends and exclusive things for themselves. Greece is a country of small business. Shopping here is best done not in huge shopping centers, but in small shops and flea markets. There, the assortment will be richer, and prices lower, and bargaining is welcome.

what to buy in greece

Here is a list of what to buy in Greece:

  • This country is famous for its olives. Tasty, fresh, fragrant, different varieties - this is what Greece and Crete are truly famous for. What to buy - a few cans of canned olives or by weight in the market - you decide. But leaving this country without such an edible β€œsouvenir” would be a big omission.
  • If we continue the discussion of gastronomic delights, then do not forget about Greek feta cheese. Only here it is produced according to old recipes, kept secret, and therefore the product has a unique and refined taste. And the salad cooked with him at home, at least for a couple of minutes, but will return you to the Greek holidays and make your memories brighter.
  • Alcoholic drinks are also something that every traveler needs to buy in Greece. Cognac Metaxa is a legend, and friends will surely be delighted if you bring them a bottle as a souvenir. Wine in Greece is inexpensive, but very tasty, and you are sure to discover new tastes and aromas.
    what can you buy in greece
  • Greece is the birthplace of Christianity and Orthodoxy, and therefore many pilgrims probably know what to buy in Greece for themselves - icons and other objects of this subject. In this country there are a lot of holy places and Orthodox churches, from where you can bring a piece of the shrine and make it your talisman for life.
  • You can not ignore the folk souvenirs made of ceramics. Saucers with the best views of the most ancient cities, painted vases, jugs of unwritten beauty and even whole tea sets will not leave indifferent any tourist. Classical shades in Greece for such souvenirs are considered gold on a black background and white-blue, like the colors of the national flag.
  • What to buy in Greece for the woman you love? Of course, jewelry. You will hardly find such a large number and such a wide range of rings, bracelets, chains and earrings made of gold elsewhere. Massive, sophisticated, with and without engraving, ornate - many products are real works of art, and their prices are quite affordable.
  • Greece Crete what to buy
    And, of course, a fur coat - more than 90% of tourists and travelers leave Greece with such a purchase. It is for fur coats that thousands of women and girls come to this country. Long and short, expensive and not very, from polar fox, mink and even fur of rare animals - from the abundance of offers eyes are scattered, and the heart begins to beat furiously. Each woman will find "her" coat in the store for herself and, without a doubt, will go home the happiest in the world.

This is not much that can be bought in Greece. Feel free to go to this country for new experiences and, of course, for pleasant shopping!


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