How much do they pay at the labor exchange? What is the benefit of the employment center?

How much do they pay at the employment center? Unfortunately, this question is often asked in our country. Moreover, not only students who have not yet found a suitable job and want to get at least some money, but also people of mature age who quit for various reasons or fell under reduction. Several stages of the financial crisis over the past decade have forced employers to cut costs. As a result, a lot of people appeared on the labor exchange who need financial support from the state.

how much they pay on the labor exchange

How much are paid to the unemployed workers at the labor exchange

As long as people dismissed for any reason (except for those who have lost their jobs due to violation of labor discipline) are registered, they are entitled to the following payments:

  • in the first 3 months - 75% of the average monthly wage;
  • in the next 4 months - 60% of the average monthly salary;
  • in the next 5 months - 45% of the average monthly salary.

However, the accrued allowance at the employment center cannot exceed the maximum unemployment benefit amount established by the Government of the Russian Federation. The maximum unemployment benefit for 2014 is 4,900 rubles. The minimum unemployment benefit for 2014 is 850 rubles. Amounts are indexed by the size of the district coefficient.

People often ask how much the employment center pays to the unemployed, who have never worked anywhere else. Such citizens are entitled to only the minimum monthly allowance. The same amount is paid to those laid off for violation of labor discipline (absenteeism, drunkenness, etc.), who have worked for less than 26 weeks and those who have been registered for more than a year, as well as to former entrepreneurs and former members of farms.

how much they pay at the employment center

Maternity Unemployment Benefit

Very often the question arises of how much pregnant women pay at the labor exchange. Everything is simple here - expectant mothers are not allocated in a separate category, and the size of their benefits, like all categories of citizens, depends on their salary at the previous job, status (never worked, got a reduction, quit of their own free will, etc. .). But there is one caveat - 70 days before delivery, payments cease. This is not discrimination, just the expectant mother will receive sick leave (140 days) for this period, which is paid by the social protection authorities.

Social guarantees for unemployed citizens

  1. The state guarantees the payment of unemployment benefits during the period of disability of a citizen.
  2. Unemployed people sent from the employment center to retraining courses, advanced training courses or other forms of the educational process are entitled to scholarships.
  3. Unemployed citizens can take part in paid public works.

How to register

After you find out how much they pay at the employment center, and how much is personally paid to you, you must register. How to do it? It’s very simple - go to the exchange, get a list of documents (you can see them below), collect all the necessary certificates, fill out a questionnaire and give it all to an employee of the employment center.

Citizens who have lost their job redundancies are advised to register two calendar weeks after leaving, otherwise they may lose their pay. The former employer is obliged to pay two more average monthly salaries, and if a person has not found a new place, then a third. And this third payment can be lost if you do not register in a two-week period.

labor exchange allowance

General list of documents for all categories of citizens

  • Passport of the Russian Federation.
  • INN
  • Insurance certificate.
  • Certificate, diploma or other document on education.
  • Statement.

For previously employed people (optional)

  • A work book or other similar document confirming the fact of work (contracts, contracts).
  • Statement of income for the last three months.

In order to receive benefits at the labor exchange, persons with disabilities must be provided with an individual rehabilitation card.

employment center benefits

Hard to be unemployed

As it turned out, finding out how much they pay on the labor exchange is very simple. It’s much harder to start getting this money. Problems with registration can arise for various reasons. Take, for example, an income statement. Accountants are often mistaken and issue a 2NDFL certificate, which is suitable for a tax or any bank, but is not suitable for an employment center. In the case of the exchange, a special form is needed. And it still needs to be filled in correctly, and any discrepancy gives the employee the right to refuse registration.

But even after that there are problems. If a person has refused two suitable vacancies, he is suspended payments for three months. And the concept of a “suitable vacancy” for an exchange employee and for the applicant can differ greatly - sometimes it seems that the employee of the employment center really does not understand why a person does not want to go to the other end of the city with transfers, work in shifts and get as much as 8,000 rubles! After all, he is offered a job in his specialty.

And to citizens who have never worked, it’s even worse - any paid work is considered suitable for them.

Employment center benefits

Basic rules of the employment center

Employment center benefits may be reduced or stopped for the following reasons:

  • if a citizen undergoes retraining, advanced training, courses with scholarships;
  • if you fail to appear on the mark without a good reason;
  • when moving to another location;
  • if it was determined that the benefit was obtained by fraud;
  • if a citizen has been convicted or is in correctional labor ;
  • upon accrual of pension (labor, for length of service or early).

This is an incomplete list, but here are the most common reasons that cancel payments.

Real help or fiction?

Information about how much they pay on the labor exchange can surprise anyone. It is impossible to live for such an amount, no matter the maximum or minimum allowance is assigned. And what to do?

It must be understood that the policy of our state is not to support a person and to encourage citizens who do not want to work in principle, but believe me, there are many. The main task of the employment center is to help people find work in their specialty and to support them financially a little while these searches continue.

how much does the employment center pay to the unemployed

However, the labor exchange is not particularly successful in the search for suitable vacancies. Most of the proposed posts are low-paid, with an uncomfortable schedule, with actual processing, etc. The range of salaries is from 5 to 25 thousand rubles. There are more highly paid vacancies, but it is extremely rare, and very strict requirements are made to candidates: education, work experience, knowledge of foreign languages ​​- everything should be at the level.

And here, again, an employment center can help. He annually teaches thousands of people at his own expense: re-profiling, upgrading qualifications, teaching new, previously unclaimed specialties. It should be noted that the population has no complaints about this area of ​​work of the labor exchange. Many people remained grateful for the knowledge gained and for new opportunities, others did not find application for the acquired skills, but also, in general, did not lose anything. They had a reason to add a new line to the resume, which may increase the chances of interest for employers.

So we can conclude: the labor exchange provides real assistance. Yes, these are not mountains of gold, but nevertheless at least some financial support, while a person is busy looking for a new job.


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