Quartz Stone - A Good Talisman

One of the most common stones is quartz. It forms a large group of various minerals that differ in color and shape. Quartz stone has long been used by man for farming. This mineral is often used as a talisman. In combination with silver, it brings success, luck, wealth, true love. For those who need protection, it is better to insert a quartz stone into a cross made of silver or platinum.

quartz stone

The properties

Our distant ancestors believed that many stones can significantly affect the fate and character of a person. It was quartz that was one of the very first to be used as magic stones. People believed that they attract divine light. They made lenses and balls from quartz and installed them in temples. Through them lit the altars and illuminated the premises. Stone quartz was used by priests. With their help, they predicted the future and recognized the past. In those days, it was believed that quartz is a kind of astral skin of the planet. At the same time, stones are recording devices that receive and store signals that the Universe sends to us.

Modern astrologers and magicians consider quartz a stone of illusions. Only experienced specialists in the field of magic and fortune telling use it in their practice. It is believed that an ordinary person is not easy to deal with. The stone will easily confuse him, showing possible pictures of the future. He easily gives out wishful thinking, driving a person crazy.

rose quartz stone photo

Quartz stone can be worn as an amulet. This will bring great benefits to people: they will develop imagination, strengthen memory, make speech brighter and more colorful, and activate mental processes.

Rose quartz is a stone (its photo is simply mesmerizing), which symbolizes beauty, love, peace of mind. It helps women find family happiness and love. It restores peace of mind, helps to cope with stress, increases self-confidence and raises self-esteem. Unsure ladies who have not found happiness in their personal lives are advised to wear this stone as jewelry.

White quartz attracts luck and helps in love affairs. It is often used for water purification, as well as in a bath. This stone is simply irreplaceable in this case. It is sturdy and heat resistant. In addition, thanks to it, excellent steam is formed.


white quartz stone

In addition to its magical properties, this stone is often used to treat a variety of ailments. Amethyst quartz accelerates melancholy, cheers up and sets its owner to the best. It gives a person the ability to see the future.

Water is insisted on quartz. After that, it acquires valuable healing and stimulating properties of the body. And this is not surprising. In nature, the purest water from life-giving sources often passes through quartz beds before breaking through to the surface. Some properties of a stone depend on its variety. Everyone will find suitable among these stones. All quartz can be used to cleanse the space. They also make magic decorations and balls.

All zodiac signs can wear quartz as a talisman. Especially recommend it to Libra, Scorpio and Aquarius.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/E350/

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