Should eye exercises be done in kindergarten?

An integral part of the educational process should be gymnastics for the eyes. In kindergarten, a similar procedure is carried out in order to relieve fatigue from the eye muscles that occurs in children after drawing, reading and writing lessons. Such a complex, as a rule, contains several simple exercises and is repeated several times a day.

gymnastics for the eyes in kindergarten

general information

Gymnastics for the eyes in kindergarten can be carried out by the educator himself, if it involves exclusively the implementation of exercises. It happens that the warm-up complex contains rubbing, massages and other techniques that can improve vision. In this case, all this must be done by a professional - a nurse who understands ophthalmology, or the attending oculist. Now we give an example according to which eye gymnastics can be held in kindergarten. It consists of simple exercises, mainly borrowed from the famous doctor M. Norbekov.

gymnastics for the eyes at dow

Warm up

Many difficult exercises, which include changing the focus, converting and moving the eyes, we miss. It will be difficult for children to fulfill them, and it is not a fact that every child will learn to do such techniques correctly. Therefore, our gymnastics complex for the eyes begins with relaxation. Each child should rub his palms against each other (in advance, children should wash their hands thoroughly) and put them on their eyes. It is desirable that the eyes themselves be closed, so the pupils and muscles are better at rest from light and other loads.

The main set of exercises

Now we turn to outdoor exercises. First, children must make oscillatory movements of the pupils up and down. We perform it 10 times in each direction, then again we put our hands on our eyes so that they rest. After a 10 second break, we move on to the second exercise - oscillatory movements from left to right. We also perform it 10 times, after which we rest. The last exercise is that with the eyes of the children, they must draw the letter “O”. First, circle the circle with the pupils clockwise, then do it against its movement.

gymnastics complex for eyes

Features of our gardens

As a rule, eye gymnastics in preschool educational institutions takes place if this institution is designed specifically for visually impaired children. Often in simple kindergartens, teachers simply forget that children, in addition to warming up in the gym, still need training for vision, which is so far impeccable. Therefore, if you know that such activities are not carried out in the preschool institution that your baby is attending, train him to do exercises for the eyes. Let him, after reading the tale or after a drawing session, will stretch his eye muscles with the help of exercises learned at home. So he will set a good example to both his classmates and educators.

If gymnastics for the eyes in kindergarten is under the guidance of medical professionals, then there is nothing to worry about. Children who have poor eyesight by nature, they will help in their problems. And for those who see everything perfectly, it will be useful to warm up, so that in the future no ailments arise. Be sure that massage and charging your baby’s eyesight will definitely not hurt.


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