"Chorus" - fungicide: reviews, instructions for use

A high yield on a personal plot largely depends on the proper care of plants, which, like people, can get sick. Fungicidal agents have been developed to combat various infections. A new drug “Horus” has appeared on the Russian market - a fungicide, the use of which is possible for many fruit crops.


This tool is considered the first systemic medicine, with the help of which comprehensive prevention and treatment of many plant diseases is carried out.

chorus fungicide instructions for use

It is known that the drug "Chorus" is a fungicide, the instruction describes its translaminar action or local systemicity, which is due to its insolubility in water. In this regard, the drug is not able to spread throughout the plant along with the juice. However, it can penetrate into young leaves or fruits through the intercellular space and for a long time act from the inside for prevention.

The translaminar action is also a drawback of the drug, since the active substance of the slub can penetrate into mature leaves, especially with a thick cuticle. That is why the tool "Chorus" (fungicide) instructions for use recommends use for young plants at the beginning of the growing season.

The penetration of the active substance into the cells of the leaf occurs in a few hours, after precipitation the medicine will not be washed off. The fungicide is able to work even at low temperatures. With late spraying, shortly before harvesting, the fruits are decontaminated, which improves their storage and reduces rot losses by 40%.

Who produces

The Swiss company Syngenta is considered one of the world leaders in the sale of plant protection products against various diseases, and it is she who is the developer of the Chorus drug. The manufacturer produces fungicide in the form of water dispersible granules. Packaged in packages of 1 g, 3 g, 15 g and 1 kg.

Description of the active component

The active substance of the fungicidal agent is cyprodinil. The chemical group of the compound is considered anilinopyrimidine.

The amount of cyprodinil is 750 g in one kg of the drug “Chorus” (fungicide). Instructions the active substance belongs to the third class of toxicity according to the WHO classification.

chorus fungicide instructions for use reviews

Being a modern pesticide, the medicine is aimed at combating fungal pathogens, most of them for preventive purposes. The substance inhibits amino acid biosynthesis, which contributes to the disruption of the life cycle of the pathogen during the growth of the mycelium and during its entry into plant cells. An important feature of the drug is its effect on the wintering stage of pathogenic fungi of the classes Ascomycetes, Deuteromycetes and some types of Bazidomycetes.

Cyprodinil prevents the growth of fungal hyphae in the tissues of only young leaves, which limits its use in adult plants. It is unlikely that this fungicide is able to neutralize a heavily infected seedling.

What is it used for?

The drug "Chorus" (fungicide) instructions for use are recommended for use with monilianol burn of stone fruits, which include cherries, cherries, apricots, plums, cherry plum and peach.

The product is effective for coccomycosis, klyasterosporiosis, scab, powdery mildew, fruit rot, curl of leaf blades, gray rot, oidium, mildew, white and brown spotting, gray rot, leaf spotting.

The drug "Horus" (fungicide) instructions for use recommend processing various grapes, strawberries, strawberries, rose bushes and lawn grass.

General recommendations for use

For the drug "Chorus" (fungicide), the instruction contains recommendations for the proper preparation of the solution and processing of plants. For trees, spraying of the crown in two stages is provided. The first treatment is carried out before flowering, the second - in the growing season after flowering, but no later than 2 weeks before the harvest ripens.

To prepare a working solution, use 3-3.5 g of fungicide, which is diluted in 10 liters of water. This volume of the mixture can be treated 1 planted weave. The amount of solution for one tree is from 2 to 4 liters, however, the size of the crown of the tree and the type of spraying device should be taken into account.

Processing plants is carried out when it is dry and calm, in good weather. For a better action, the solution uniformly moistens all leaf blades. With regard to mixing with other pesticides of the drug "Chorus" (fungicide), reviews of specialists indicate good compatibility, however, a preliminary check should be carried out so that a chemical reaction does not occur.

Typically, water is first poured into the tank of the spraying device, then this fungicide is loaded, and then the remaining substances are poured. When packaging products in water-soluble bags, they are first immersed in water, and only then fungicide is added. After the treatment, the sprayer is washed with a stream of clean water.

chorus fungicide instruction

The peculiarity of the use of this tool is its greatest effectiveness in cool weather, at an air temperature of +3 to + 10 ° C heat. When the thermometer column exceeds + 22 ° C, it does not recommend processing the plants with the Chorus preparation (fungicide). Reviews of gardeners confirm its advantage in comparison with other means that do not work at low temperatures. Due to this property of the fungicide, it is used in early spring, just during the period of spread of moniliosis and other infections to stone fruit or pome trees.

The duration of protection is from 7 to 10 days. The instructions also indicate that the drug is able to exert a therapeutic effect on infected plants. For further processing, other fungicides are used that are effective in warm weather, for example, “Skor”.

The time between harvesting and the last spraying of the culture with fungicides, when the content of the product used is reduced to safe levels, is different for each plant. Berries can be picked from strawberries and grapes after 7 days, from stone fruits and pome fruits only 30 days later.

The drug has no toxic effect on bees and other insects that live on the site. It is proved that with an increase in the rate of fungicide in two times there is no harmful effect on plants.

The remnants of the Horus working solution will not be stored; they should be disposed of. If the package of the drug has not been opened, it can be kept at an air temperature of -10 ° C to + 35 ° C.

Rose processing

Plants are treated to prevent powdery mildew and other fungal diseases with various pesticides. Typically, the drug "Chorus-fungicide" is processed roses until the buds and the establishment of ambient temperature + 10 ° C. The solution is prepared in 10 liters of water.

chorus fungicide rose treatment

In the future, a combination of several fungicidal agents is used at once. For medicinal purposes, a flowering bush is sprayed with a mixture of the preparations “Horus” and “Aktara”.

Powdery mildew gives good results at the simultaneous treatment of roses with several drugs, which include the fungicides "Chorus" and "Actara", chelated trace elements, the medicine "Adhesive". All of these drugs are diluted together in 10 liters of water. Spraying should be carried out in the evening.

Fruit tree processing

In case of clusterosporiosis or coccomycosis defeat, seedlings of peach, plum, apricot, cherries, cherries are first treated with the Chorus preparation during the growing season, and subsequent spraying is performed after 10 days. When processing 1 hundred square meters of plants, 3.5 g of the drug per 10 liters of water is required.

They treat peach, cherry, apricot and other fruit stone trees with a monilial burn with the Chorus fungicide . With the appearance of the first signs of infection during the growing season, the first treatment with the drug is carried out, and the subsequent spraying is performed after 14 days. When processing 1 hundred parts of plantations, 2 to 3.5 g of the preparation per 10 liters of water is required.

chorus fungicide peach

If fruit rot has appeared on stone fruit plants, the first treatment with fungicide is carried out during the growing season , and the second spraying is carried out two weeks before the fruit is picked. When processing 1 hundred square meters of plants, 3.5 g of the drug per 10 liters of water is required.

When scab, alternariosis, moniliosis or powdery mildew appear on pome fruit trees (pear and apple) during the growing season, the first spraying of the crown of trees in the phase of the green cone or the end of flowering is carried out. Subsequent processing is performed after 10 days. When processing 1 hundred parts of plantations, 2 g of the preparation per 10 liters of water is required.

The amount of working solution that is consumed per 100 m 2 is 10 liters. Workers entering the areas treated with fungicides to carry out manual work related to crop care are allowed only after 7 days. To perform mechanized activities, it is enough to wait 3 days.

Processing of stone and pome crops in large areas is carried out by tractor sprayers. Calibration of equipment for spraying before use is necessary beforehand, taking into account the speed of movement of the spraying device, the flow of the solution, the uniform distribution of the working solution. A stream of air is directed to cultural plantings using throttle valves.

Processing of trees is carried out from two sides, covering the entire crown. The volume of working solution is used depending on the size of the tree and ranges from 400 to 9000 liters per hectare. Handpieces having a hollow spray cone and suitable filters can be used. Air pressure ranges from 2 to 5 bar.

Strawberry and Strawberry Processing

These plants are susceptible to infection with gray rot, powdery mildew, white and brown spotting. The main source of infection is the remains of diseased plants left over from last year. That is why it is important for the prevention and treatment to use the drug "Chorus" (fungicide) for strawberries or strawberries.

chorus strawberry fungicide

In different growing periods, different concentrations of working solution are used. For processing bushes before flowering or after picking berries, a solution is used. It is prepared as follows: 6 g of fungicide per 10 liters of water. During the formation of the ovary, I reduce the concentration of the solution in half, for which 3 g of the drug is dissolved in 10 liters of water. The flow rate of the obtained liquid is 5 liters per one hundredth.

Such treatment before and after the flowering period will protect strawberry bushes from pathogens that cause powdery mildew, white leaf spot, gray rot of berries.

Also, the drug can be used in conjunction with other pesticides. For the prevention of fungal diseases and protection against pests (weevil, leaf beetle), a combination of fungicide "Chorus" in the amount of 0.7 kg and the insecticide "Actellic 500" in the amount of 0.6 liters per hectare of plants are used.

The drug is highly effective against gray rot of strawberries. The spread and penetration of this infection occurs at the time of flowering. An increase in the number of fungal spores in the air is observed at the beginning of the opening of the buds, but most of them were found at the end of fruiting. This treatment is recommended by the drug "Chorus" (fungicide) instructions for use. Reviews of farmers indicate the effectiveness of preventive spraying before and after the flowering period. The pesticide is able to provide a therapeutic effect for a day and a half after infection.

Grape processing

Against oidium, gray rot and mildew, the protective agent “Chorus” (fungicide) is used. Instructions for grapes include the consumption rate of the drug, which is 6 g per 5 liters of water, the rate of use of the working solution, the value of which corresponds to 2 liters per hundred.

chorus fungicide instruction for grapes

During the growing season, the young vine and leaves are processed in three stages at different times of the season. The first spraying with the drug “Chorus” (fungicide) for grapes is carried out at the time of formation of the buds and before flowering, the second treatment occurs during the formation of clusters of berries, and the third is carried out during ripening and staining of the fruit.

The opinion of gardeners and specialists

When using the drug “Chorus” (fungicide) for the first time, you can hear various reviews. Usually, with good action, gardeners begin to advise his friends. In case of low efficiency, the fungicide is not used in the future, but is replaced with another modern drug.

Good results are obtained by spraying strawberries against white and brown spotting with the Chorus protective agent (fungicide). Reviews indicate effective treatment of plants, spots do not form on young leaves, the bush begins to turn green and takes on a healthy look. The drug is convenient to use, it is enough to dilute the contents of the sachet in water, mix well and pour into the sprayer tank.

High efficiency is manifested in cool damp weather, which is a feature of the Horus product (fungicide). Responses of summer residents confirm its effect at a temperature of + 3 ° C in the spring season, and the action becomes noticeable after a couple of hours.

When used correctly, no addiction pathogenic microflora to cyprodinil, which is part of the fungicide. Gardeners like that the drug is not washed off by precipitation, which is the advantage of its use.

Another important feature of the product is the lack of phytotoxicity, which allows you to get environmentally friendly fruits after processing, only subject to safety rules. It is noted that the drug does not harm bees, but it is dangerous for fish.

Ease of use is associated with its good compatibility with many pesticides, which provides the best effect and the ability to apply not only against fungal infections, but also to destroy harmful insects.

The disadvantage of fungicide is a weak effect with a strong infection of adult plants, which in most cases cannot be saved.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/E3514/

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