Cannibalism in Africa. Wild cannibal tribes

How much mysterious and unknown the mysterious Africa hides in itself!

cannibal tribes
Its rich fairy-tale nature, amazing wildlife, are still of great interest to scientists and excite the inquisitive minds of travelers. Inexplicable admiration, along with animal fear, is caused by the customs and customs of local Aborigines belonging to the most diverse tribes throughout the black continent. Africa itself is quite contrasting, and behind the facade of the civilized world often hides the unprecedented savagery of a primitive communal system.

Wild africa. Ogre tribes

One of the most mystical secrets of tropical Africa, of course, is cannibalism.

africa tribes of cannibals
Cannibalism, that is, eating people of their own kind, in many African tribes that are constantly at war with each other, was originally based on a belief in the miraculous effect of human blood and flesh on such qualities of soldiers as courage, courage, heroism and courage. Some cannibal tribes made extensive use of various drugs made from a burnt and powdered human heart. It was believed that such a black ointment based on the resulting ash and human fat was able to strengthen the body and raise the spirit of the warrior before the battle, as well as protect against enemy spells. The true extent of all kinds of ritual killings is unknown, all rituals, as a rule, were performed in deep secrecy.

Wild tribes. Cannibals involuntarily

Cannibalism was in no way connected with the level of development of one or another Aboriginal tribe or with its moral principles. It was just that it was very widespread throughout the continent, there was an acute shortage of food, moreover, it was much easier to kill a person than to shoot a wild beast while hunting. Although there were tribes that specialized, for example, in cattle breeding, which lacked animal meat, they did not do cannibalism. At the beginning of the XX century, in the territory of modern Zaire, there were huge slave markets where slaves were sold or traded for ivory exclusively for human consumption. One could see slaves of different sex and age on them, it could even be women with babies in their arms, although men were in great demand for food, since women could be useful on the farm.

Cruelty of morals

The cannibal tribes openly stated that they like human meat because of its juiciness, fingers and toes, as well as female breasts, were considered a delicacy.

wild cannibal tribes
A special ritual was associated with eating the head. Only the most noble of the elders received flesh stripped from the head. The skull was carefully stored in special pots, before which sacrificial rites were performed and prayers were read. Perhaps the most inhuman among the natives was the rite of tearing pieces of human flesh from a still alive victim, and some Nigerian cannibal tribes, distinguished by special, ferocious cruelty, poured boiling palm oil into the throat or anus of the captive with boiling palm oil . According to these cannibals, the cadaveric meat which had lain for some time and was completely saturated with oil was much juicier and more tender in taste. In ancient times, the flesh of strangers mainly went to food, primarily prisoners. At present, however, tribesmen are often victims.

Tribes of cannibals. Terrible hospitality

Interestingly, according to the cannibal customs of hospitality, the refusal to try the delicacies offered to guests was perceived as a mortal resentment and insult.

cannibal tribes

Therefore, without a doubt, in order not to be eaten and move freely on the continent from tribe to tribe, as well as as a sign of friendship and respect, African travelers must have tasted this food.


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