Spring work in the field, in the garden, in the garden

We all unconsciously await spring. Although it brings a lot of trouble and work, we rejoice at the first spring days and look forward to when it is possible to begin spring work in the field, in the garden, in the garden. Owners cultivating large tracts of land during the winter need to prepare equipment and seeds, prepare fertilizers and pest and weed control products. From the moment spring field work has begun, all processes must proceed sequentially and on time. Summer residents and homeowners are easier to prepare for spring. The main thing is to buy bags with seeds.

spring field work

Spring work in the field, in the garden, in the garden begins immediately after the snow melts. The land needs to be cleared of the remnants of the previous harvest, fertilizer, plowed.

Features of spring work in the field depend on what crop will be grown on it. If these are winter crops, then in the spring they are already sown. It is necessary to inspect them, to assess the degree of freezing and loss.

If everything is in order with crops, then spring work in the field begins with top dressing. Fertilizer applied on time allows you to collect a high crop.

When spring crops are grown, spring work in the field is aimed at preserving moisture in the soil and combating weeds. To do this, harrow chill. It can be carried out when the soil is not smeared. After harrowing, the soil warms up faster, and moisture does not go outside. In this case, germinated weeds die.

Spring field work in the field depends on the composition of the soil. On light soils, heavy harrows are used. On medium and heavy cultivators are used. High sandy soil dries faster than loam. Therefore, field work with such soil begins much earlier.

Garden work

Once the soil has dried out a bit, you can begin spring work in the garden.

You need to start by cleaning the shelters from the frost. It is better not to do this during sundial, so that the plants do not suffer from a sharp change in temperature. Those designs that are designed for repeated use are washed, dried and hidden until the onset of autumn.

spring garden work

Then all the garbage is raked: branches, last year's leaves, grass. Even if the cleaning was carried out in the fall, it must be repeated. They look to see if melt water is gathering under the trees. This can lead to rotting of the bark.

Flowerpots and flowerpots are cleaned and treated with herbicides. Plants are transplanted into fresh land.

Weed control

Spring gardening includes perennial weed control. They wake up with the first heat and begin to grow. Weeds are best removed immediately. This is more convenient to do when the soil is still wet, and the root system of the plant does not develop. Nettle can be removed completely. But sow thistle, no matter how hard you try, cannot be pulled out by the root. But if you regularly cut it as deep as possible, then you can get rid of this prickly enemy.

Top dressing

Feeding the soil can begin in March. They make fertilizers, which include nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium. These are preparations "Azofoska" (contains nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium), "Nitroammofoska". It is good to fertilize the soil with organic fertilizers: rotted manure, compost. Fresh manure and chicken droppings in the soil is better not to make. It is better to pile these fertilizers in a pile or in a pit and use them next year or as a liquid top dressing in the summer.

spring work in a field in a garden garden

This is a laborious process. But it gives a positive result.

Sawdust, last year's leaves, straw mulch the earth in flower beds, in beds with strawberries, under young trees.

They cover with a protective layer beds with delicate plants that require a lot of moisture. It can be tomatoes, peppers, carrots - how much strength and material you have.

Cucumbers, zucchini after this treatment rot less, give more fruits.

The mulched area almost does not need to be weeded, watered.

Tree care

Pruning is of great importance in the life of a fruit tree. Spend it before budding. If you do this later, the movement of the juice along the branches will begin before the wounds from the pruning are healed. So, maybe it's better not to trim at all? In this case, the tree will grow tall and thin. This will complicate the care of him. And the fruits will be small, pale and sick.

In the spring, dry, sick, damaged branches are cut. All places of pruning or damage by rodents are carefully lubricated with garden var. You can cook it yourself, but it's easier to buy in a store. Instead of var, it is possible to gloss over with paint, but oil, without acetone.

Some trees, such as cherries, walnuts, are best trimmed in the summer when the spring movement of the juices is over.

Often they are bleached with lime. This procedure saves young trees from bark burns in early spring, when there are no leaves. Lime kills some pests and fungi.

spring field work

Planting trees and bushes

They are planted in early spring, while the buds are not yet swollen and bloomed. Otherwise, the survival of the seedling will be very problematic. Pits for planting are better prepared in the fall, filling them with manure to half. But few do it. Usually the desire to acquire some sort of fruit tree arises when spring field work begins.

If you bought seedlings, but no pit, you can dig it in the spring. Its depth should be up to a meter. When planting grapes - 80 cm. The topsoil is laid separately, mixed with rotted manure, wood ash. You can add mineral fertilizers. Put a little to the bottom of the pit so that the tree is soft and the roots have room to grow. Before planting, the roots of the seedlings are slightly cut with a sharp secateurs and dipped in clay gruel. Install the tree so that the sling (the curved part of the trunk) is directed to the north, and the place where it starts is at ground level or slightly higher. This place should not be in the ground, as various infections or diseases can penetrate through it.

The pit is carefully covered first with enriched and then with the remaining soil, while watering several times. They look so that the roots do not break when the soil is compacted. It is better not to fill the pit to ground level, leave a recess for watering. Then the water will linger in this hole, and not scatter in different directions from the tree. The soil around the tree is mulched. Pegs are clogged next to or around the tree, tied with a rope. And the tree is a support, and you will not forget about it. Do not forget to water regularly.

spring field work began


This is the aerobatics of the gardener. Anyone who has learned to do it efficiently can provide himself with a wide variety of varieties of fruit trees and shrubs. It is possible to plant a new variety by copulation (grafting with a graft) or budding (grafting with a kidney). It is believed that copulation is more effective, cuttings better tolerate winter frosts. It is held from mid-April to the end of May. But stone fruit should be vaccinated as early as possible, until mid-March. The main problem when copying is to make even cuts on the stock and scion for their close contact.

Perennial Flower Care

A bush that has grown sufficiently needs to be divided. If this is not done, then the plant will weaken and may completely disappear. And his flowers will become small, or none at all.

Separate phlox bushes, hosts, bells. Chrysanthemums, if they winter in the street, are divided and planted. Those that were stored indoors are exposed to the sun, tempered, and then planted. Peonies after such an operation do not bloom for three years. Separate the bushes with a shovel or knife. The incision site can be sprinkled with crushed charcoal so that the wound does not fester.

Dahlias and gladioli are prepared for germination. They can be placed in sand or sawdust, periodically wetted with water. Gladioli are planted at the end of April, pre-disinfected for 20 minutes with a weak solution of potassium permanganate. In one place they are grown no more than 2 years.

Annual plants resistant to cold are planted: daisies, viola, forget-me-nots.

Bulbs are fed (tulips, daffodils, hyacinths).

features of spring work in the field

Gradually remove the shelter from the roses. They are pruned. In curly and park only dry and weak branches are removed. Repairing pruned for 6-8 kidneys. In teahouses leave 2-3 buds to escape.

Lawn Care

It consists in top dressing, combing, aeration, weeding. It’s better to fertilize right after the snow melts, “Kimeroy”. Comb out effectively with an electric calculator. For air access to the roots of plants using an aerator or less sophisticated technique - pitchfork. They are used to pierce the soil at small intervals.

If there are a lot of weeds, herbicides are used.

Pest and Disease Control

In the spring, a vegetable garden, field, and garden are attacked by a large number of pests. If you do not fight them, they will eat the crop, not you.

In the fields using chemicals. They spray crops when they carry out spring work in the field.

Dry leaves and fruits left on the trees must be removed and destroyed before pests get out. Weevils are harvested on a cold morning. Under the bush put a film and shake the branches. Weevils fall on her. They are collected and destroyed.

Each type of pest has its own methods of control associated with its habits and lifestyle.

You can sprinkle all pests together with chemicals or “Fitoverm”, created on the basis of organic raw materials. There are also means to combat fungal diseases of plants.

Bordeaux liquid, copper sulfate, when applied before budding, protects against scab (apple, pear), coccomycosis, moniliosis (stone fruits), and peach curly.

Growing vegetables

Before you start planting vegetables or sowing seeds, it is advisable to make a plan. Take into account the predecessor of each culture, determine the amount of occupied space and seed material.

spring field work began

You can grow garden crops in various ways, depending on what climate you have, soil, garden or field size, physical and technical capabilities. The beds can be lowered into the trenches (sandy soil, poorly retaining moisture), to raise the ridges (clay soil). This is a rather time-consuming method. A thick layer of manure, compost and earth form a “smart garden”. Equal ridges are used in greenhouses or on any soil, if there is no desire and ability to raise or lower them. Spring work in the field is difficult to carry out if it consists of such ridges.

If the area for planting is small, use containers.

Pre-sowing tillage is carried out from mid-March. The soil is considered mature when a lump of earth, firmly compressed in the palm of your hand, does not produce water. The soil is ready to receive seeds, tubers and seedlings.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/E3524/

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