Yellow flowers: names, description. Yellow garden and wildflowers

Since ancient times, yellow flowers have been considered symbols of treason and separation. However, in reality, these superstitions do not always turn out to be true. So what do flowers with such a color mean? What varieties of these cultures exist? You will find answers to these and other questions in this article.

Value in culture

What do yellow flowers symbolize? People are used to thinking that they represent dying feelings. However, if you turn to floristry, you can find out what they are given when stability is established in a relationship. Therefore, the yellow bouquet presented to the girl means that the feelings of the gentleman towards her are sincere and strong.

During the reign of Catherine the Great, there was such a document as the โ€œRegister of Flowersโ€. It said that yellow flowers symbolize intelligence, warmth and the sun. Most often, such plants are preferred by cheerful individuals who are able to overcome any hardships in life.

Yellow flowers

If you turn to Japanese culture, you can find out that when giving such flowers as a gift, people wish the recipient good. Indeed, in the Land of the Rising Sun, yellow is associated with light. This color is very loved in the UK. Since cloudy weather constantly reigns in the territory of this country, such plants cheer up the inhabitants of England. In world culture, yellow is considered a symbol of success and wealth.

The value of individual plants

Traditionally, bouquets of flowers of sunny shades are presented to children and girls. However, referring to the value of individual plants, you can choose the decoration for a wedding or anniversary. Therefore, the language of flowers is interpreted depending on their type. What do the yellow flowers of specific varieties mean?

  • The donated tulips indicate that a person with strong feelings did not receive an answer to them. If you are presented with a bouquet of tulips as a gift, then you are loved and admired.
  • Orchids are a symbol of joy.
  • Chrysanthemums are associated with well-being.
  • A bouquet of yellow roses will bring wealth, joy and happiness.
  • Lily may mean gratitude for something. At the same time, she is regarded as a symbol of lies and frivolity.
  • Carnations speak of disappointment and neglect.
  • To prove the purity of your thoughts, you can give a sunflower.


Varieties of this plant can be either single or perennial. These stunted yellow flowers reach a height of about 20-40 centimeters, so they are often planted in flower beds. Alyssum is very branched, its flowers are a large number of inflorescences that look very cute. Each inflorescence has four petals. The diameter of the flowers is about 5 mm.

The plant also has a light honey aroma, which is why beneficial insects that pollinate nearby crops constantly fly around it. Under good environmental conditions and proper care, alissum grows sprawling, its flowers cover the ground, like a carpet.

Undersized yellow flowers


The primrose blooms in spring, which is why it got its name. Translated from Latin, it means "first." The plant is unpretentious, so it is often grown at home, on balconies. It not only decorates the space, but also has health benefits. So, in the leaves of primrose contains vitamin C, which is necessary for humans. One of the most popular plant varieties is a hybrid with yellow-orange large flowers.

Five-membered flowers have the correct form. They can be either single or collected in inflorescences, which are located at the ends of the stems. Leaves are covered with soft, short hairs. They are a little wrinkled. Almost all varieties are low herbs.


This unpretentious plant can be grown anywhere. Nasturtium can decorate any garden with its neat flowers, painted in a pleasant yellow shade. This plant is elegant. Its flowering lasts quite a long time. Breeders bred more than 80 varieties of nasturtium. Terry and simple, orange and yellow flowers - all of them are very popular. From them comes a pleasant aroma. The smell is very strong, which is why the plant got its name. Literally, it means "twist your nose."

Stems creeping along the ground. They can even reach 3 meters in length. Leaves have a rounded shape. Yellow and orange buds bloom in their sinuses. At sunset, they acquire a reddish tint. Interestingly, all parts of the plant are edible. They decorate dishes and prepare salads. They are also used in medicine as antiseptics.

Yellow garden flowers


Rudbeckia's yellow garden flowers delight with its beauty throughout the entire warm season. They are widely used in landscape design. The plant gained popularity thanks to the huge colors painted in a shade of gold. Variegated petals adorn the surrounding space until the first frost. Rudbeckia is associated in people with a beautiful childhood, warm sunshine. The homeland of this cold-resistant culture is North America.

Rudbeckia is undemanding to the soil. The flowering period falls at the height of summer, namely in July and August. Black head-buttons that remain after flowering give a special beauty to the plant. On stems bent to the ground up to half a meter large flowers are located with a black core. Each inflorescence has a diameter of up to 15 cm, while buds of different sizes can be located on one bush.


Yellow tulips are perennial bulbous plants that belong to the lily family. Most varieties have only one flower on the stem, but there are varieties with five buds on the peduncle. Despite the fact that flowers can be painted in a variety of shades, the most popular are red and yellow tulips. These Dutch plants inspire people around the world to create paintings, write musical compositions.

The upright stalk can reach a height of 5 to 100 cm. On it are green or bluish leaves of an elongated shape. They surround the entire stem. The flag list, that is, the one that is above all, is the smallest. In some varieties, leaves can be decorated with longitudinal stripes or small specks.

Yellow tulips

The so-called "bottom" of the flower is often painted in a color different from the rest of the petals. The tulip can have any shape: oval, cup- or goblet, as well as terry. Large flowers reach a length of 12 cm, their diameter is about 3-10 cm. If the tulip has opened completely, then its radius is 10 cm. Tulips close on cloudy days and at night, and open in sunny weather.

Perennials reproduce by bulbs, which are planted in the ground in the autumn to a depth of 15-20 cm. In the winter they are covered, and in May the flowering period begins. So that the plants really were beautiful, you need to take care of the soil. It should be loose and nutritious. Most often, with the help of tulips decorate the surrounding space. They are used as decorations for various events. People often give bouquets of these flowers.


This unpretentious plant has spread throughout the world. It grows even on scarce soils, while pleasing with its beauty. Yellow daffodil - a flower that is not picky about lighting and other environmental conditions. The main thing is that the weather be consistently warm. There are over 10 varieties of this plant. Most of them have yellow buds. These varieties differ in the degree of terry and the strength of the aroma emanating from the culture. Due to the stupefying smell, the plant got its name. Once Mohammed said that a person who has two loaves should sell one of them and buy a daffodil flower, because this is food for the soul. The flower is located on a stem of medium length (from 40 to 50 cm). It is flattened, there are no leaves on it. Large flowers can grow alone or be collected in a brush, their diameter is 2-6 cm.

Daffodils breed with bulbs. They are planted in the ground in mid-autumn and early winter. They are placed in holes 10-15 cm deep at a distance of 5-10 cm. To prevent the plant from dying during the cold season, you need to cover the bulbs. In spring, the flowering period will begin, which falls on April and May.

Yellow daffodil flower


Varieties of this plant can be dwarf and tall. Yellow iris is undemanding to the soil. However, excess moisture will not benefit him, so you need to regularly drain the soil. Perennial flowers grow in one place up to seven years. Iris yellow gained popularity not only because of the bewitching beauty. It also has a fragrant aroma that unobtrusively spreads around the surrounding space.

On the stem, the height of which is from 60 to 150 cm, there are long xiphoid leaves. Yellow-gold flowers delight with their beauty in June-August. Shiny seeds ripen in a closed oblong box.


Yellow varieties of lilies do not leave anyone indifferent. These Asian and North American plants are considered herbaceous. Their erect stems reach a height of 60 to 180 cm. Petioles on the leaves are absent, their width is about one and a half cm, length is 20 cm. The flowers can be single, sometimes they are collected in umbrella inflorescences. Some of them may consist of 35-40 flowers, in which case, they will need additional support.

These flowers are whimsical, they are demanding of environmental conditions. So, they need to be grown in sunny areas, soils must be nutritious. However, the high cost of planting material and the complexity of care are offset by the beauty of lilies.

Yellow wildflowers


These yellow wildflowers have their own charm. Sunflower got its name because of its appearance. The flower of the sun resembles a star in appearance. He turns to follow the sun, along with him going from sunrise to sunset. The root is thick and strong. Numerous leaves are rough, they are slightly pointed at the apex. Their number varies from 15 to 35 pieces. At the top of the stem is a basket-shaped inflorescence. It is surrounded by green leaves. On it are the flowers of golden color.

The yellow wildflowers of a sunflower are not just beautiful. They are beneficial to humans. The seeds contain vitamin E and polyunsaturated acids, which are necessary for the human body. They can lower body temperature or stimulate appetite. Also useful are inflorescences, stems, roots and sunflower leaves.


This unpretentious, resistant to diseases and pests plant is sometimes called the "golden rod". Its stem can reach 30-100 cm in height. On an upright peduncle, oval leaves with a serrated edge are located. The flowers are golden baskets, which is why the plant got its name. The flowering period falls on May-September. At this time, special preparations of goldenrod are made, which are subsequently used as a means of traditional medicine. So, with the help of this culture, you can fight arthritis, hemorrhoids and rheumatism.


This plant not only decorates the surrounding space, but also helps other flowers absorb useful trace elements hidden in the soil. Low-growing varieties look great in mixborders. Yarrow has a fairly simple appearance: many small flowers are collected in an inflorescence basket. This plant can be easily recognized by its pungent aroma. It got its name because of leaves resembling feathers. Yellow flowers are not typical for all varieties of yarrow. Only a small part of the varieties possess the colors of this color. Yarrow meadowsweet belongs to such grades.

Yellow chrysanthemum

Chrysanthemum Korean

There are a huge number of varieties of chrysanthemums. However, the most popular are Korean flowers. They are ideal for growing in central Russia. The name of the culture was given for its resemblance to the Sun. Translated from Latin, it means "gold." Yellow chrysanthemums can reach a height of one and a half meters. Fragile thin stems are surrounded by long leaves. Their length is 7 cm and width is 4 cm. Their shape is similar to the outline of oak foliage. Flowers can be terry or resemble a daisy. Depending on the variety, from 1 to 800 yellow chrysanthemums can be located on one bush.


These flowers are appreciated all over the world. Through the efforts of breeders, a huge number of varieties of this culture were bred. Yellow roses quickly gained popularity, because they are not only beautiful and elegant, but also unpretentious. They can be grown in parks, in dachas, they are used in the preparation of bouquets. From them comes a pleasant delicate aroma. Yellow roses differ in size, splendor and other parameters. It all depends on which of the hundreds of varieties you prefer. However, they all go well with other plants. So, in a correctly composed composition, phlox, forget-me-nots, verbena and cereal crops can coexist with them.


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