Bradley Shelley: biography, creativity and interesting facts

Author Shelley Bradley is a writer known in certain circles under the pseudonym Shyla Black. Born in Southern California. Now lives in Texas. Married, brings up a daughter.

While still in college, she began to read novels, was carried away by their content. Once Shelley thought, why not write her own novel. And so it happened. She has written many books, participated in creative contests. In one of these contests, under the name Golden Heart, Shelley managed to win a prestigious award.

Among his favorite activities he singles out dances and travels to new places. On such trips, she draws inspiration, which directs to the creation of new novels. She hates housework and loves chocolate.

Shelley Bradley

The story of the first novel

The first novel under the intriguing title "Perverse Ties" was released in 1985. These were Shelley's first college years. A girl published the book under the pseudonym Shyla Black, so as not to betray her true identity. After all, the topic in the novel was touched upon very sensitive. To the surprise of the young writer, many became interested in her work. It was thanks to the warm welcome of the audience that Shelley continued to write her books, inventing new and more exciting stories.

According to the plot of the novel, the creator of his own program on television began to pursue a maniac whose identity could not be established. Until the situation has gone too far, the girl decides to hire a bodyguard so that he can always protect her from the unknown. For her safety, she hires Master Jay. A man is known for his addiction to cruel intimate life, but this does not bother the girl. Initially, everything goes according to plan. The man guards the lady, the pursuer does not make itself felt. But later the situation changes, the girl begins to feel uncomfortable in the presence of Jay. She is confused by signs of attention and even courtship. After some time, the girl gives up and does not know how to overcome the flushed feelings in herself. But then the pursuer appears ...

What are books about?

For her work, the writer chose a rather bold direction: erotic romance novels. Many friends and relatives of Shelley were a little shocked. It was because of uncertainty about how the public would regard her work, the girl decided to release them under a pseudonym. In her novels, she tries to express a wide range of feelings that can be between a man and a woman in an intimate sense. Passion, betrayal, intrigue, love triangle - that can be easily found in the novels of Shelley Bradley.

All books

The list of novels of the writer is quite extensive. An interesting fact is that half of them are released under the real name of the author. And the other half under a pseudonym: Shyla Black. All published books are distributed in two large series: "Vicious lovers" and "The Brotherhood of Doomsday."

Shelley Bradley

All Shelley Bradley books by series:

1. Collection "Vicious lovers":

  • "Vicious ties."
  • "Decadent".
  • "Delightful."
  • "Submit to me."
  • "Be mine."
  • "The love of sinners."
  • "Take my power."
  • "Vicious through and through."
  • "Our favorite."
  • "Vicious night."
  • "Sinful forever."
  • "Their sweet lover."
  • "In his possession."
  • "The purest vice."
  • "Vicious for you."
  • "Plunging into the abyss."
  • "Vicious sinners."
  • "The Most Vicious Christmas."
  • "Weaving tight."

2. The collection "The Brotherhood of Doomsday":

  • "Tempt me with darkness."
  • "Intended."

In collections, books are arranged in the order of their writing. This decision was made in order not to violate the real chronology. Each work reflects a certain period in the life of the writer, her thoughts and secret fantasies.

Awards and prizes

Thanks to her talent, diligence and charisma, Shelley managed to get several very important prizes and awards in her career. Here are the key ones:

  • Victory in the contest "Passionate Ink", which took place in 2010.
  • Winning the Colorado Romance Writers Award of Excellence.
  • A career-winning National Reader's Choice Awards.
Shelley Bradley

Many readers are convinced that this is not all Shelly Bradley's accomplishments. Loyal fans expect from her a new breakthrough in creativity and new high-profile awards. Although there has been a lull in her work lately, real fans continue to wait. Maybe such an extravagant writer is simply working on some very interesting book to supplement some of her collections.

"One night"

In 2002, the writer released a sensational novel called One Night. He was identified as a historical romance novel. The plot was the most unexpected for readers.

The old husband asked one young lady to find a lover so that they could continue the famous family. A child would have to become the heir to all money and real estate. The girl decides to fulfill this strange request and finds a man. Surprisingly, a romance is struck between them that cannot stop.

In The One Night, Shelley Bradley showed readers and the world that novels can be based on historical events and have an exciting plot. This novel plunges into the era of regency in Britain. Shelley was able to prove to everyone and to herself that the novel is not only a love story with a banal plot. This book was not included in any of the series, as it belongs to a completely different, more scientific category.

Interesting Facts

  • Few people know that Shelley has a real degree in marketing.
  • Shelley's daughter will go to first grade soon.
  • The writer hides the identity of her husband.
  • Shelley Bradley puts all the books in order in collections to preserve the chronology.
shyla black

Readers' Opinion

Each writer creates works for his fans. Not only the author’s earnings depend on their opinion. This is an incentive to write new books. Shelley Bradley has a very large circle of fans. They write many positive reviews of her books, support all her experiments.

The writer has noted on her social networks many times that if not for the support of her huge readership, she would not have continued to do this. In this case, who knows how her future fate would have developed. She could not meet her husband, not be popular, not discover something new.

Shelley Bradley

Bradley's books are actively bought in different countries of the world. The number of fans of her talent is constantly growing.


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