How to weave baubles from a floss to the joy of yourself and others

There are many people who are equally pleased to give and receive gifts. Even if small, especially if they are made by hand. Making gifts with your own hands guarantees their exclusivity, and embedding a particle of your soul. Preparing a unique gift for a certain person, you think about him, imagine how he will be happy with your surprise, and involuntarily charge the gift with positive energy. This is understandable, who will spend his precious time on making even a small gift, but for an unpleasant person?

Choosing what to make, many young women, girls and girls think about how to weave baubles from a mouline thread. Moreover, at present, baubles have almost lost their symbolism - their former destiny, like a friendship bracelet. The first baubles were worn by the American Indians (before Christ), then this unattractive, but very attractive attribute was borrowed from them by Buddhists and hippies. Currently, this is a favorite accessory of many designers, baubles are no longer the privilege of representatives of informal movements. Now everyone can emphasize their bright personality thanks to jewelry that is so simple to make without spending a lot of time and money.

How to weave baubles from a mouline thread?

First of all, you need to stock up on the necessary materials:

  • Quality floss of various colors (1 m long);
  • Safety pin ;
  • Needle;
  • Scissors.

A little zeal and accuracy. And in a couple of days your work will be crowned - its result will be a completely unique piece of jewelry that will not be ashamed to give a person dear to you.

About how to weave baubles made of floss for those who have never done this

  1. There are a great many diverse weaving techniques from various materials, but the most common are bright and unique baubles made of floss.
  2. For beginners, the easiest way to learn how to weave baubles made of floss on the manufacture of a bracelet of eight threads. Colors are chosen in accordance with their (or for whom the bracelet is intended) taste.
  3. Take threads approximately 1 m long (if the brush is standard). In the case when the brushes are larger than usual, it is better to immediately calculate the length in a ratio of 1: 4, which corresponds to the required length of the bracelet to the length of the threads.
  4. They lay out the floss in the order that it is necessary for the colors to alternate in the finished product, put them together and tie a knot, which they pierce with a pin. So that the future bracelet does not twist during work - it is secured with a previously prepared pin to an armchair, sofa or, finally, to your jeans in the thigh or knee area (as convenient). After that, a small pigtail (3 cm) is braided, which becomes the basis of the bauble.
  5. Next, tie two knots on the rightmost thread with the closest thread on the left. As a result, the threads are reversed. Then they tie a bundle with the same thread with the next. And so to the very edge, when the initial row of knots of the same color in the form of a diagonal strip will be ready. Then they take the next extreme right thread and do the same manipulations. By this principle, a bracelet is woven until it reaches the desired size.
  6. In conclusion, a neat pigtail is braided of the same length as at the beginning, after which the finished bauble is removed from the pin.

Look great baubles made of floss with inscriptions, names. The abundance of patterns is striking, since the imagination of talented people is truly limitless. Even special computer programs for modeling baubles from various materials have been created. In addition, on the Internet you can find a lot of all kinds of patterns - among them are baubles made of floss with a pattern, words, symbols, which amaze with their beauty and originality. While I was writing an article and I was very eager to learn how to weave such wonderful bracelets, and you? If you like this kind of activity, stock up on materials and start to please your dear people.


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