Limonary in Saratov - a paradise

Saratov is one of the major administrative centers of the Middle Volga. His story begins in 1590. The city is geographically conveniently located and can be considered prosperous. Here at all times there was a lot of fish and bread, and the development of railway transport and river shipping made the city the largest commercial and industrial center. Saratov is famous for its museums, theaters, architectural and historical monuments. In this city there are many tourists who travel along the Volga River and go ashore for excursions to places of military glory. In addition to them, in Saratov there is a rather exotic institution, which can only be called a garden of paradise.

Exotic in the Saratov land

The limonary in Saratov is one of the city's favorite attractions. It was built in 2003, and since then thousands of tourists and local residents appreciated the beauty of this wonderful place. Exotic greenhouse is a favorite place for all photography lovers and couples in love.

limonaria Saratov
And the children in Saratov’s limonaria feel like in a fairy tale, inventing simple stories about the iguana, who lives here. A city greenhouse with such an unusual name also attracts tourists. Indeed, on the territory of this wonderful garden grows more than 30 species of tropical plants. For the climate of central Russia with its icy winds and prickly frosts, the outlandish flora of Limonaria in Saratov has become a place of relaxation and a kind of relaxation.

The healing air of the greenhouse

On the very first visit to the greenhouse, it becomes clear why the lemonarium in Saratov has become a favorite vacation spot for tourists and local residents. Tropical plants tend to bloom beautifully when winter begins in Russia and the earth is covered with a fluffy snow cover. They exude unusual odors that can be good for your health. For example, the aroma of lemon invigorates and gives vitality to the body.

Where is the lemonarium in Saratov
It has long been known that citrus essential oil has an antibacterial effect. Judging by the name, there should be the most lemons in the greenhouse. However, there are oranges from Spain. True, they are grafted on lemons, but they feel great in that quality and grow by the day, and by the hour, and even give a crop.

Lemons, pomegranates and other outlandish fruits

A visit to the limonaria in Saratov begins with an excursion, which is enthusiastically conducted for all comers by a piece of paradise. Thanks to their story, you can learn about the varieties of lemons that grow in the greenhouse. There are fruits of the usual form and taste familiar to us, but there are also those that are larger than a child’s head and weighing more than two kilograms. Guides tell adults and children how to grow these outlandish trees and plants. As a souvenir, you can buy a small tree, already at home it will remind you of the exotic limonaria in Saratov.

limonaria saratov reviews
There are grenades here. Their beautiful, red skirts are visible from afar and they have become a kind of calling card of this Garden of Eden. Everyone who has ever visited Saratov’s limonaria leaves the most cordial reviews. Many recall the guide’s interesting story about kiwi, because, in fact, this fruit develops on the vine. Or about colors that delight the eye. Do not forget in their reviews the healing air of the greenhouse, after which it is easier to breathe. And in order to enjoy the magical aroma, you just need to know where the lemonarium is located in Saratov. His address: Sokolovaya Gora, 6.


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