Balinese Cat

Balinese domestic cat descended from Siamese breed. She has her own special external data, but is still very similar to Siamese. The main difference between the breed is a long coat. Balinese is a family, loving cat. Such a pet is perfect for a pet person who will not be out of the house for a long time. Before starting an animal of this breed, it is necessary to find out all the features of its care and maintenance. This is especially true for those who plan to breed Balinese kittens.

Breed history

Judging by the old photo, the Balinese cat breed is descended from Siamese. This can be determined at a glance at their noble ancestors. Even a layman can notice the consanguinity between the two cat breeds. Longhair kittens began to be born at them approximately in the twenties of the last century. In those days, breeders did not think about these changes and believed that ordinary Siamese cats were born with a deviation.

Only in the fifties, American breeders drew attention to this and started work, which was to be the beginning of the recognition of a new breed around the world. Already in the sixties, the description of the breed of Balinese cats was recognized in America, and ten years later throughout the world. These beautiful and unique creations were finally recognized as a separate species and began to breed successfully.

cream color of a balinese cat

Description and characteristics of the breed

Looking at the photo and description of the breed of the Balinese cat, we can conclude that although it is similar to the Siamese cat, it also has its own unique external data. Based on the information about the breed standards, its appearance can be expressed in the following description.

  • The weight of cats that have reached maturity is 3.5 - 4.5 kg. Cats should weigh between 2 and 3.5 kg.
  • The head of Balinese cats is elongated triangular in shape. The ears are large, the nose is straight, and the ends of the ears are pointed up. The chin of the animal is in line with the nose.
  • The eyes of cats are large, almond-shaped, and slightly elongated at the edges. The breed standards assume only one color - bright sapphire.
  • As for the bite, it must be correct, and the jaw - powerful.
  • The body of a Balinese cat is a little elongated and slender. Musculature is quite pronounced, the skeleton is refined, and the hips and abdomen are well toned.
  • The limbs are slender, elongated.
  • The tail is straight, without kinks.

Cats of a Balinese breed are distinguished by their sophistication and grace, despite their rather unusual appearance. They move very regally and smoothly, reflecting their unique breed with each movement.

Fur and color of cats

The Balinese have a rather long coat, but it is completely devoid of undercoat. Because of this nuance, it will be much easier to take care of the pet. The fur adheres strongly to the skin and is very soft and pleasant to the touch. In length, it can reach from 1.5 to 5 cm. There are faint curls near the neck and tail. On the shoulders and neck, the coat is much longer than on the body. The tail is fluffy and very similar to fringe. Looking at the photo of a Balinese cat, you can look at this amazing creature for a long time. Its long coat compares favorably with the short coat of a simple Siamese.

The classic color of the fur of cats is “color point”. This coloring represents a beautiful combination of a dark and light area of ​​wool. Initially, only four species of the color of the cats of the Balinese breed were recognized. The wool could be:

  • brown (force point);
  • blue (blue point);
  • brownish pink (frost point);
  • deep brown (chocolate point).

After the breed gained popularity around the world, the following colors began to be recognized:

  • tortoiseshell;
  • red;
  • cream;
  • striped.

The prefix "point" in the description of the Balinese cat breed indicates dark marks on the face, tail, legs and ears of the animal. In other parts of the body, the fur of a fluffy Balinese is colored in light color.

beautiful, rare color of a balinese cat

Who will fit a Balinese cat

These amazing pets can get along well with their owners, as well as subtly feel the mood of a person. No wonder the cats of the Balinese breed are considered one of the most vulnerable and understanding animals. They can get along with any character of their owner, but never put up with rudeness. Therefore, furry creatures rarely get along with young children who are not yet fully aware of the fragility of the animal. If you strongly offend a Balinese cat, she will answer the same.

Despite the stormy and predatory disposition, the Balinese woman will become a good friend and companion for a person of any age. But you should not buy an animal for those who are absent for a long time at home. The cat has a strong temperament and alone will be very homesick for his master.

Cat character

Despite the ability to fend for themselves, these pets are very kind and affectionate. Cats love to sit in the arms of the owner and enjoy his attention. At the same time, the Balinese are quite jealous. They will never be able to come to terms with the fact that a person let an animal of another species into the house. A cat of Balinese breed will openly express its dislike to a new resident and will even rush into a fight. In addition to hostility to the beast, man will also get it. She will show her dissatisfaction with the pieces of furniture and her favorite things.

beautiful balinese cat

The cost of kittens Balinese breed

The average cost of a fluffy beauty or a handsome man varies within 15 thousand rubles. This is the amount the breeder will ask for a pet class cat. Such individuals will not be allowed to exhibit, as in their genetic code there will be small deviations that are invisible to a person who does not understand the breed characteristics of a Balinese cat. The photo and description of the breed, as well as the health of the pet will not differ from an animal of the highest class with a cost of 20 thousand rubles and above.

balinese kittens

Breeding kittens

Pregnant cats need good nutrition as well as good grooming. It is better for novice breeders to negotiate with the veterinarian so that he takes part in the birth. Experienced will already know how to help the cat in this process. In any case, it is always necessary to have the contacts of a veterinarian on hand, because childbirth is a real lottery not only for women, but also for animals.

After the birth of the kittens, you need to take good care of them and make sure that they learn from their mother to go to the tray, and also use a claw brush. You will have to spend heavily on keeping kittens. Moreover, the costs will not be one-time, but monthly. Kittens are given to the new owners only when they reach the age of four months.

Balinese cat breed photo

Features of breeding kittens

Breeding a Balinese is extremely expensive. First you need to get an animal in a good nursery. Breeding cats below the breeding class is not recommended, so as not to distort breed standards. It is also very important to attend all kinds of exhibitions, while receiving merit and medals from the judges. This is especially important for cat owners. The more rewards the Balinese will have, the more breeders will try to get him to mate.

After the birth of the kittens, it is necessary to provide them with comfortable conditions for life and development. When the kids are covered with a distinctive color and long coat, they can be transported to a new home. For each month of a kitten’s life after birth, the breeder will have to spend up to 3 thousand rubles. To this amount you also need to add the services of a veterinarian, vaccinations, as well as initial expenses: tray, bowls, scratching post, toys.

Based on the peculiarities of breeding kittens, as well as the fact that this breed has not yet gained popularity in the Russian market, we can conclude that only true lovers and admirers of these beautiful creations can engage in breeding Balinese.

Balinese breed

Tips and tricks for the care of the breed

Based on the description of the breed and nature of the Balinese cat, it may seem that such royal persons need careful care and maintenance. However, this is not at all true. Such refined and graceful creatures do not need special conditions. Their fine wool is not at all confused and does not stray into tangles. Since Balinese cats have no undercoat, there is no need for regular brushing with a special brush. Nevertheless, in order for the fur to shine beautifully and glossy in the light, from time to time you need to comb the fluffy pet with a metal comb.

Animals also do not need water procedures. They do an excellent job of their own hygiene. The only exceptions are those cases when the cat has an exhibition. It is very important to regularly inspect the ears and eyes, and if there is dirt in them, immediately clean it with a cotton swab. Also, the cat should have a claw point. Without it, the animal will have to sharpen its claws on furniture. About once a month, too long and sharp claws should be carefully trimmed by 1-2 mm with a special nail clipper.

Balinese cat food

Feeding cats

Pets of this breed can be fed with natural food, dry and wet premium foods, as well as holistic. When choosing a natural diet, you need to include in the cat's menu the following products: cereals, vegetables, lean meat, cottage cheese, sour cream, kefir. Each meal should be prepared from fresh products and have a balanced composition of vitamins and minerals. Do not add sugar, salt or any other seasoning to your cat’s food. It is also forbidden to give food intended for humans.

It is better to choose one option for feeding the animal in order to exclude the possibility of food indigestion. If the cat eats ready-made food, then you do not need to dilute it with homemade food of your own preparation. You can not worry about the fact that the pet will lack healthy substances. A good feed already contains a set of essential vitamins and minerals. When choosing a manufacturer, it is very important to consider the advice of veterinarians, as well as the cost of the product. High-quality feed will not be cheap and advertised on TV. Most often this is the prerogative of the economy class.


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