Argonians, "Skyrim": description, walkthrough, mods and codes

The Elder Scrolls game series has a large variety of races, and for each of them you can try to play. Before you begin, they give you the opportunity to choose exactly who you will be. There are gnomes, and elves, and people, and even creatures that look like tigers, but at the same time remain humanoids. But one of the most interesting races is still the Argonians. “Skyrim” is a game in which even the choice of race can seriously affect how the further gameplay will develop, the same applies to all previous parts of the series. Therefore, if you decide to make a specific choice, then be prepared to face the consequences.

In this article, one race will be analyzed in detail - the Argonians. Skyrim is a project that makes you think seriously when creating your character, so read this material to find out all about the above race.

general information

argonians skyrim

So, first you need to understand who the Argonians are. Skyrim offers you a lot to learn about each of the existing races in the process of passing, but at the moment you should be more worried about which character you create before the start of the game. So just carefully study all the details about the race and decide whether it is suitable for you, whether you like it, and whether you want to receive those advantages and those disadvantages that will accompany the choice of a particular race - in this case, Argonian.

These creatures are humanoid, but at the same time they are more likely to belong to the class of cold-blooded reptiles. They live in the province of Black Marsh, which is also called Argonia, and this is what their name came from. There is another name popular with people - hist, but only illiterate people use it, because educated residents know that hist is a tree that grows in the province described above. It is extremely important for the life of the race, so many associate its representatives with this plant.

Now you have at least a basic idea of ​​who the Argonians are. Skyrim, of course, does not leave you with this grain of information - in fact, there is much more information about these creatures.

Main advantages

Skyrim companion Argonian

You can often hear the opinion that the best companion for the game “Skyrim” is the Argonian. Also, many believe that this is a rather risky race, but the risk is justified, since in return you get an impressive set of advantages. Which ones? Firstly, Argonians are known throughout the world for their immunity to poisons, as well as for their impressive resistance to any disease. But their most important advantage is the ability to breathe underwater. That is what they attract many gamers who decide to create a new character. This ability gives you tactical scope of incredible scope. At the same time, the Argonians have very strong and fast legs, so that they most often end up either in military service or in a thieves profession. So now you should have understood why people believed that the best companion for the Skyrim project was an Argonian. It is impossible to poison or drown, and it is also very quick and agile, so if you are not playing as a representative of this race, you can at least use it as a partner - such help will definitely come in handy.

Typical class selection

Skyrim Argonian mod

The best game to test your mod on is Skyrim. The Argonian here is very often subjected to changes by gamers who add his tail, make his paws, like a dinosaur, and so on. But regardless of cosmetic changes, most players come to the conclusion that representatives of this race best cope with the role of an adventurer. If you correctly use all the features of these creatures, which was mentioned above, then you can travel around the world, catch up with those you need, hide from those you don’t want to meet, get the most inaccessible artifacts and much more. That is why the Argonians in the game "Skyrim" most often become adventurers. The Argonian mod can change the appearance of these creatures, but it does not change their essence, so you should also think about developing your hero in this direction.

Where to find argonian?

skyrim mod for argonian

In the Skyrim game, Argonian companions are extremely rare - what is the reason for this? The fact is that you, being the protagonist of the whole story, do not fit the general rules of the world, while ordinary Argonians follow the laws of nature. Accordingly, unlike most other races, these amphibian creatures prefer to be in the territory of their native province, where they can exist without problems in complete safety. So if you meet a representative of this race, then you should definitely try to make friends with him in the game Skyrim-5. The Argonian companion is a huge plus in your travels, especially if you have chosen a different race for yourself. Its resistance to poisons and diseases, the ability to breathe under water, speed and dexterity - all this makes it a wonderful adventure partner in the vast world of this role-playing project.

Past Argonian

skyrim companions argonians

With the development of The Elder Scrolls series, you can follow how the appearance of representatives of this race has changed - the last part at the moment is the Skyrim project. There were a lot of Argonians' retextures, and if you compare how they looked in the second part of the game and in the fifth, the differences will be simply amazing. But not only the appearance of the representatives of this race changed, but also their fate. The fact is that during the third part of the game called Morrowind, the Argoninans were slaves who were in the service of many people. The empire did not particularly approve of slavery, but did not rush to do anything with it, so as you progress through, you can meet these creatures in the role of slaves more than once.

At Morrowind

skyrim 5 companion argonian

Since the theme of the past has been touched upon, it is worth taking a look at what this race was in previous games, respectively, in Morrowind and Oblivion. In the third part of the series, the main distinguishing feature of these creations was that they could not wear closed helmets, accessible to people, as well as shoes. The thing is that in this game the humanoid and bestial characters had different game models, respectively, the Argonians could not use some of those items that were accessible to people. But at the same time, they had all the bonuses mentioned above, so they could safely use them to compensate for their shortcomings. Moreover, in Morrowind, being an Argonian, you could get rich by extracting pearls from under the water at the very beginning of the game.

In Oblivion

skyrim retexture argonian

In this part, the difference between humanoid and animal-like characters was eliminated, and all races were given the opportunity to use the same objects as the rest. Specifically, in this episode it was clearly demonstrated that most other races show open hostility towards the Argonians. Some other interesting facts were also presented - for example, during a conversation of a representative of a given race, a hissing and whistling sound is clearly heard. Moreover, it became known that with age, the color of the Argonian scales changes from green to red.

Racial bonuses

Well, it's time to tell you exactly how the fact that you have chosen the Argonian race affects your progress. First of all, this affects some skills - your race determines the bonuses that you receive at the beginning of the game and which you can use in order to more effectively develop and progress. The biggest bonus, an additional ten points, is credited to the Argonians for hacking skills. So you can open rather complex locks from the very start of the passage, which will greatly facilitate the gameplay. Also, you get five points of bonuses to the skills of restoring health, stealth, pickpocketing, wearing light armor, and also to use spells belonging to the class of "Changes", such as "Paralysis", "Matter" or "Light". As you can see, the bonuses are very impressive, and also again push you to choose the role of an adventurer. In previous games of the series, much more bonus points were given in the “Athletics” column - in “Morrowind” you generally received as many as 15 points for this skill. But in “Skyrim” such a bonus, unfortunately, you do not have, therefore, “Athletics” if you wish, you have to download yourself from scratch.

Hist bark

Each race has special talents and skills that its representatives receive at the very beginning of the game and which are unique to specific types of creatures. If we talk about the Argonians, then they have three skills that deserve attention. The first is the Hist Bark. You already know what a hist is - a tree that is extremely important for Argonians. As for the skill, it can be very useful to you in extreme conditions. Each character has a certain rate of health recovery without using various medicines. If you use this skill, your character’s health will be restored ten times faster within a minute than usual.

Disease resistance

The second skill is Disease Resistance. Unlike the previous one, it is passive, that is, you do not need to activate it, it is always active. Your character from the very beginning of the game receives 50% resistance to any diseases that can be imposed on him by opponents. In previous games of the series, the Argonians also had one hundred percent resistance to poisons, and their immunity to diseases was slightly higher and amounted to 75 percent.

Water breathing

Well, the last skill, in principle, does not need comments. Your character can safely be under water for an unlimited amount of time, while most members of other races have a time limit.

Mods and Codes

The codes for the game "Skyrim" actually do not exist - you can only use the game console to change certain values, which will allow you to become immortal, go through walls, improve skills and get the necessary items. But no codes specifically concern the Argonians - but the mods for these creatures are very diverse. There are modifications with the help of which Argonian children are added to the game “Skyrim”. There are add-ons that make the characters of this race more detailed, realistic and intimidating. What can I say, there is a “Skyrim” mod for the tails of the Argonians, which allows you to transform your hero beyond recognition.


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