Why hydrangea leaves turn yellow: causes and solutions

Hydrangea is divided into many types. It is impossible to establish the exact figure, but it varies from 30 to 80. This flower is most common in Japan and China. He owes his name to one Roman princess. Despite the fact that hydrangea has many species, only some of them are grown in room conditions: garden hydrangea or large-leafed. This is the only species that has compact forms for home growing.


In the natural environment, a hydrangea bush can reach 3 meters in height. Usually these are small trees and creepers. It is interesting that some species of this plant can be evergreen, but in our regions gardeners prefer deciduous species more. Hydrangea has large round leaves, pointed at the top and with small denticles on the sides. You can enjoy hydrangea blooms from spring until the first frost. Most species of this plant have white or cream flowers. But there is one species, large-leaved hydrangea, which can bloom with purple, pink and even red flowers. Interestingly, the shade of inflorescence depends on the soil on which the plant is planted. Many gardeners have a question: why do hydrangeas turn yellow leaves? You can find the answer to this and many other questions in the article.

why hydrangea leaves turn yellow

Types of Hydrangea

Since hydrangea is divided into many types, before planting it is better to find out which one is suitable for your region and soil. After all, each species has its own requirements for the place of cultivation and care:

  • Hydrangea. Tree hydrangea is widespread in our latitudes. It has the appearance of a shrub that can reach a height of 3 meters. The plant has lush white inflorescences.
  • Panicled Hydrangea. This is a fairly tall species, which can reach five meters in height. He was very fond of gardeners and is very popular. With proper care, panicle hydrangea can grow in one place for up to forty years. Flowering is plentiful, albeit short-lived. The first blossoming inflorescences can be observed only in August. They are white. The species is not afraid of frost, so it can be grown even in our northern regions. Many are interested in why the leaves of panicle hydrangea turn yellow. You should take this problem seriously if you want your garden to be decorated with a healthy and beautiful tree.
  • Large-leaved hydrangea (garden). The habitual habitat is a garden, but this species can be grown even in a room. This is exactly the most interesting species that can have inflorescences of white, red and even blue. Their color directly depends on the composition of the soil. When growing, you may also wonder why the leaves of garden hydrangea (large-leaved) turn yellow.

These are the most common species that can be found in our gardens.

why the leaves turn yellow in panicle hydrangea

Features of hydrangea cultivation

Before decorating your garden with this plant, study the features of its cultivation so as not to encounter many problems and questions, in particular, why hydrangea leaves turn yellow, what to do and how to avoid this trouble.

If you want large-leaved hydrangea not to bloom with white inflorescences, then experiment with the acidity of the soil. For example, on acidic soil, flowers will turn blue.

Hydrangea is very fond of moisture. Do not overdry the plant. Watering should be regular and plentiful.

Hydrangea loves bright light, but does not tolerate direct sunlight. When planting, you should choose a place where it will be light enough, but in the afternoon heat the flowers can hide in the shade.

If you solved the problem with timely watering, then take the process of pruning the plant with the same seriousness. This is an important point in hydrangea cultivation.

When feeding organics, the plant quickly grows and has a very lush crown, but you should not wait for flowers, so you should be careful with this type of fertilizer.

There are frost-resistant plant species, but even they need to be sheltered for the winter, otherwise they may freeze. This is not a serious problem, because usually during the growing season hydrangea is fully restored.

One big plus is that hydrangea is rarely susceptible to pest attacks and all kinds of diseases.

why do hydrangea garden leaves turn yellow

Seed planting

For a long time, species hydrangea has been planted with seeds, but you will have to spend a lot of time and effort on this. In autumn, seeds are planted in prepared soil. It should include 4 parts of leaf mixture, 2 parts of peat land and 1 part of river sand. After planting from above, the seeds are also lightly sprinkled with such a mixture and watered using a spray gun. Then the container with seeds must be covered with film or glass. Occasionally they will have to be aired, and also watered with the same spray. The optimum temperature for successful seed germination is + 14-20 degrees.

After a month and a half you will see the first shoots. It is at this moment that the glass must be removed. A pick is usually carried out twice. The first falls at the moment when cotyledon leaves begin to develop, and the second - for the month of May. In May, seedlings are planted in separate pots of 7 cm in diameter. During this period, they should be hardened, so in the afternoon the seedlings are put out on the street. But you should choose a place where direct sunlight and rain will not fall. You will need about two years to grow healthy and strong seedlings at home.

why hydrangea leaves turn yellow

Planting seedlings

Healthy two-year-old seedlings are planted in open ground. Early spring is most suitable for this . Pick a place for hydrangea in advance. This should be a well-lit area without direct sunlight. Any soil will do. Pay special attention to the fact that next to hydrangea there are no plants with the same root system (surface). This threatens that between them there will be a struggle for water and nutrients, as a result of which the question may arise: why hydrangea leaves turn yellow and what to do about it. Before planting, evaluate the size of the rhizome of the plant and make a hole twice as large. Peat, mineral and organic fertilizers are put at the bottom. It is necessary to plant a flower together with the ground in which it sprouted. Before you fill the roots, they need to be leveled. After planting, the seedling should be well watered and mulched with the help of needles or bark.

why hydrangea leaves turn yellow photo


Caring for hydrangeas is not so difficult, but you will have to remember a few mandatory points. As already mentioned, hydrangea loves moisture, so twice a week each bush needs abundant watering. You will need about 50 liters of water per bush. She must be warm and settled. Those plants that were mulched with peat do not need such frequent watering due to the layer of mulch.

You should also periodically loosen the soil so that the roots can breathe and prune to remove dead or diseased shoots.

why leaves turn yellow at room hydrangea


So that hydrangea is strewn with flowers and you never have a question, why leaves turn yellow at hydrangea room or at garden, it needs to be fed periodically. It is better to do this once before flowering and once after it has finished. For one adult plant you will need three buckets of such a solution: 20 grams of urea per bucket of water. And after flowering, fertilizers use mineral fertilizers. Fertilizer during flowering in summer is also allowed. During this period, slurry is used. But in this case, you need to know the limit so as not to overfeed.

why leaves turn yellow in hydrangea largeleaf

Why hydrangea leaves turn yellow: reasons

Many gardeners face this question. So why do the leaves turn yellow at room hydrangea or at any other kind of this flower. There are a number of reasons that may lead to yellowing of the leaves:

  • Although hydrangea loves moisture very much, it is not worth pouring it. This is one of the main mistakes why the leaves turn yellow in hydrangea largeleaf, etc.
  • If you plant a plant in a draft, then most likely the leaves will turn yellow and crumble, since hydrangea loves heat.
  • Providing proper care and timely watering, novice gardeners can not find the answer to the question why hydrangea leaves turn yellow. The reason may lie in the small amount of fertilizer that the plant receives.
  • With a large number of inflorescences, the leaves may lack something and because of this they begin to turn yellow.
  • Leaves turn yellow in hydrangea, which was affected by powdery mildew. The presence of this disease can be determined by a gray coating on the foliage.
  • Another disease is circular spotting.

why hydrangea leaves turn yellow

Ways to combat yellowing of leaves

Why do hydrangea leaves turn yellow (the photo in the article demonstrates this process), and most importantly, what to do about it? So many gardeners were left alone with this problem. Before you start a fight with her, you should find out the reason. And then everything is simple. If the plant receives too much moisture, then simply reducing the amount of watering is enough.

A plant that suffers from a draft should be transplanted immediately, otherwise the problem will not be solved, and the bush will completely die. It is worth fertilizing those flowers that do not receive enough nutrients.

If you find traces of the disease or the presence of pests on the plant, you must immediately begin to fight them. To do this, use a 1% solution of Bordeaux fluid as a spray.

A plant may suffer from a small amount of iron in the soil. In such cases, usually the acidity of the soil is increased artificially. To do this, you will need a bucket of water and a teaspoon of vinegar essence.

There are not so many reasons why the leaves turn yellow in panicled hydrangea and in other species, and all problems are eliminated quickly and simply enough.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/E3561/

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