How to install a game with a cache on "Android"? Installing games with cache on the Android tablet

In the life of every person there comes a moment when you want to escape from pressing problems and devote your time to some kind of entertainment. If you have an Android phone or tablet on hand, then the problem is resolved. You can download various games to your taste to this device and fully enjoy the genre that you like best. If a user downloads games through the Google Play Store, then no problems. But if he independently downloads them from any site, then inevitably the majority raises the question: "How to install a game with a cache on an" Android "tablet or phone?" Let's figure it out together.

how to install a game with cache on android

Why choose Android?

For several years, this operating system has the proud title of the most common within the mobile device market. All this time, since the first version saw the light, it is rightly considered a practical and very functional solution for the electronic filling of any tablet or smartphone. Year after year, from version to version, this platform is being improved, and today all the largest manufacturers, except Apple and Nokia, release gadgets based on this operating system.

It is not surprising that many want to know how to install a game with a cache on Android, because the devices on which this platform is installed provide their users with a wide range of features: a variety of games, watching videos and photos, reading books, listening to your favorite music. And all this can be done only by a small smartphone or tablet.

how to install the game with cache on android

How to install games on mobile devices?

Games for self-installation, as a rule, are provided in two versions. The first, simplest is the installation file of the .apk format, which you only need to copy to your phone or tablet by connecting the device to the computer, and after disconnecting, start and follow the instructions on the screen. As a rule, this does not cause any special difficulties for users.

Of great interest is the question: “How to install a game with a cache on Android?”, Since in addition to the existing .apk file, several, usually archived folders with various names containing many files are provided for installation. What to do with them, where to remove and install them?

What is a cache and why is it needed?

What is meant by the word "cache"? In simple terms, these are files that provide beautiful graphics and music that delight your eyes and ears. For any game with high-quality video and audio, the installation of these additional system files is a prerequisite if you want the application to start correctly and run on the device. That is why it is important to know how to correctly install the game with a cache on Android, in order to avoid incorrect program operation in the future.

installing games with cache on android

Game System Requirements

An important factor in the stable operation of the game is the minimum system requirements that the device must satisfy. This may be the minimum version of the firmware installed on the smartphone or tablet, a certain screen resolution, the presence of permanent Internet access (preferably Wi-Fi). In addition, you should select and download the correct additional files specifically for your video accelerator, otherwise games with a cache on Android will simply not start. To avoid wasting traffic and money, we recommend that you do not skip the system requirements for the game in the description of the application you like. They need to be read and compared with the characteristics of your device. Otherwise, it may turn out that the toy you dreamed of playing on your phone or tablet is simply incompatible with it.

games with cache on android

What is a video accelerator?

In fact, this chip inside a smartphone and tablet is an analog of a video card that is installed in a regular desktop computer and is responsible for processing graphics in games. The type of video accelerator is usually indicated in the technical specifications of the device in paragraph “Graphic accelerator”. The most popular and commonly used video accelerators today include Adreno, Mali, Tegra, Power VP. If you have decided on the type of chip installed on your device, then this is a guarantee that games with a cache for Android will go without any problems on a smartphone or tablet.

how to install a cache game on an android tablet

How to install?

After we found out what types of games are installed on the Android platform, what is the cache, how important is it to read the system requirements of the installed application, what is a video accelerator, where you can find information about it in relation to a specific device and, as a result, download the necessary additional files , it's time to figure out the most important thing. How to install a game with a cache on "Android"? To do this, you need to follow a few simple steps:

  • download the installation file in the .apk format and the archived cache in the .zip or .rar format, selecting it in accordance with the video accelerator of your device;
  • connect the device to the computer, copy the installer file to the SD card, and unzip the cache at one of the following addresses in accordance with the installation instructions attached to the game: sdcard / Android / data, sdcard / Android / obb;
  • if the specified destination folder does not exist, it must be created;
  • disconnect the device from the computer and run the .apk installation file.

But the most convenient option is still downloading the game through the Google Play Market, since when you start the program it will download additional files for a specific model of the device and to the right place.

Possible problems when starting and running applications

After studying the instructions above, installing games with a cache on Android should not be such an overwhelming task for you. However, difficulties can always arise with the correct launch and operation of a program. Let's look at what problems you may encounter and how to solve them.

games with cache for android

If after installation the game writes that it won’t find the cache, most likely you installed it in the wrong place where it should be. Keep in mind that some applications download missing information from the Internet, so you will have to download the cache again directly to the device.

If during the game you notice white textures, this may mean that you downloaded the wrong cache. Replacing it with the right one in most cases solves the problem.

If the installation files are saved in the memory of the device itself, and not on the SD card, you can resort to using the specially created system utility AutoPatch, which will help to cope with this problem.

Now you know how to install a game with a cache on an Android tablet or on a phone based on this operating system, and also what to do in case of a malfunction. As you can see, everything is not as complicated as many people think, and the knowledge gained will help you enjoy your favorite games anywhere and anytime.


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