How to make a gun in Minecraft without mods

When you first start playing Minecraft, you donโ€™t even have the most primitive weapon, and you have to either fight with your fists if the enemy meets, or use working tools, such as a shovel or pickaxe. However, over time, everything changes, and you get the opportunity to create the most diverse weapons, with which you can easily ensure your own safety.

How to make a gun in Minecraft?

A variety of weapons in the world of Minecraft

Most often in Minecraft, you can find melee weapons, there are dozens of varieties. Swords, hammers, spears - all this is made of various materials, has different colors and properties. However, sometimes I really want to use some kind of firearm, and then the question involuntarily comes to mind: how to make a gun in Minecraft? It may seem to many that this is an absurd idea, and you wonโ€™t be able to make a gun, but cunning players have come up with their own analogue of this type of weapon. It works approximately on the principle of a gun, and its shape is similar to it, which is why it is called that. Naturally, this is not a ready-made item that can be crafted, it is a real design, so you have to spend a lot of time to learn how to make a gun in Minecraft.

How to build a gun in Minecraft?

Creating a base for the gun

As mentioned earlier, the gun is not a game item that can be crafted, so you will have to go through several stages to make it work. And if you are interested in the question of how to make a gun in Minecraft, then you should start by creating its foundation. To do this, you will need 32 stone blocks, they are quite easy to get, so this should not be a problem. In the future, you will need a couple more pieces, so do not stop at this number, it is relevant exclusively for the foundation, so get a larger number of blocks so that you do not go on repeated searches later. You need to arrange them as follows: seven blocks in length in two rows, connecting them at both ends with each other. After this, do it a second time on top of the first structure, after which fill the resulting well with water one level. After that, you can proceed to the analysis of how to make a gun in Minecraft, based on this design.

How to make a gun in Minecraft?

Miscalculation of all the details

At this stage, you will need more specific materials, so be patient and go in search. You will need seven blocks of red sand and three stone. Moreover, if you want to learn how to build a gun in Minecraft, then you will need to craft two torches and four repeaters, it will not do without a simple button. So, if you look in the direction where the gun will shoot, then on the left edge of the structure you need to lay out all seven blocks of red sand. Two more stone bricks need to be built above the back of the gun, one of which must be above the water. Install the button behind the outer block, and the torch from its right edge. Now we turn to the right side of the structure, on it you need to put four repeaters, which are worth charging for the maximum delay. Where the repeaters end, install the last stone block, and in front, that is, where the gun will shoot, hang the last torch. That's all, now you know how to make a gun in Minecraft. But how to charge it?

How to make tnt gun in Minecraft?

Powerful charge of dynamite

This whole design is suitable for charging five TNT blocks into it. That is, this is a guide on how to make a TNT gun in Minecraft, but there are other versions of the guns, but this one is the simplest and most effective. So take five charges of dynamite and go to your cannon, which you can use as a powerful weapon. Four TNT blocks you need to place on accessible water slots, and the fifth - on the front edge of the gun. Now you just have to light two torches, go over the cannon and click on the same button that you set. Dynamite is activated, and you will fire a powerful shot at your enemy.

How to make a gun without mods in minecraft 1 5 2

Use powerful weapons

Over time, you will find ways to create an incredibly powerful weapon, some of it will hit vast spaces, but the gun in the initial stages of the game is your best ally. However, it is worth mentioning that it is better to use it in multiplayer battles, since there you will have quite serious rivals. Against them, such a tool is very useful, while in a single game you can easily cope with conventional weapons. The gun can also be built and used only for beauty and your own pleasure.

The important point is cooling

When you learn how to make a gun without mods in Minecraft (1.5.2 - the version of the game under consideration), you should pay attention to the fact that such a massive weapon cannot be used without side effects. Naturally, when you were building a cannon, you wondered why water was needed in it. After all, you can reduce the design in size, make it more compact and shoot with even greater pleasure. But everything is not as simple as it seems at first glance. After all, TNT is still a rather powerful projectile, which, during an explosion, greatly heats all the blocks located around it. And it is water that is used for cooling, it absorbs heat, thereby protecting the gun from the negative effects of dynamite and allowing you to fire shots much more often. But there is a way out of this situation that will allow you to fulfill your plan and build a smaller gun, but with the same power. You can replace the stone blocks with obsidian, and then you do not need water for shooting. The problem is that finding obsidian blocks is not so easy, and when you find them, there are a lot of more useful things for which they are needed. Therefore, stone guns in the Minecraft world are much more widespread. But if you have extra blocks of obsidian, then you can always build a cannon from them according to the same principle, simply by completely eliminating the bottom layer. It turns out that for the base you will need not 32, but 16 blocks, but do not forget that for the mechanism you will need three more blocks, so correctly calculate the amount of obsidian used.


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