How long do henna tattoos last? There is an answer!

how much henna tattoos hold

Henna tattoos are a great option for those who do not dare to get a permanent tattoo or do not want to. And some just need to constantly change something, including drawings on the body. And with a permanent tattoo, such replacements will be very problematic. How much henna tattoos hold is definitely impossible to say. They can adorn your body for only a week, and can last about a month. It all depends on the composition of the mixture that you apply to the skin. Therefore, how much henna tattoos are held depends on the skillful hands of the master who makes you a tattoo.

Another plus of such tattoos is that you can make them at home. It will not be a problem to prepare the mixture as well. The most durable patterns are obtained by adding henna diluted with water, coffee beans (ground) or black tea, lavender oil and sugar (it is added so that the resulting mixture is better absorbed and strengthened). Do you know how long henna tattoos applied with the mixture prepared as described above last? About three weeks, or even longer! Moreover, the colors will be bright and saturated.

henna tattoo

Such tattoos are absolutely safe and painless. They gradually fade and disappear from the skin, leaving no trace. However, a henna tattoo will not allow you to decorate yourself with a colored pattern, nor will it be possible to depict thin lines or halftones with it. But a simple drawing is also very cute and interesting. So you can, in addition, mask small scars and other minor skin defects. You can also get a henna tattoo by depicting the name of a loved one - this is often a gift on memorable dates. You can diversify your image by constantly creating more and more new tattoos. How many? Henna tattoos do not last for years, so their number can be huge. It only depends on your desire.

temporary henna tattoo

Yes ... Henna tattoo has become very popular today. It’s hard to say how long such a drawing lasts, but if applied correctly, it can stay on your body for quite some time. Their "life expectancy" also depends on the type of skin of a person who adorns himself with a tattoo. In addition, there is another factor that affects the time during which a temporary henna tattoo will adorn you. How long such a drawing holds, even depends on the place on which it is applied. The tattoo will last the longest in those parts of the body where the skin is thicker (for example, on the feet).

To extend the life of your tattoo even further, you need to follow a few simple rules. Before applying it, do not visit the tanning bed during the day before "Day X" and try to avoid strong exposure to sunlight. It is also advisable to peel the selected area before the procedure. Remember that the pattern will last longer on dry and clean skin. After the drawing is applied to your body, give it some time to dry (it may take from one to eight hours), and also try to prevent moisture from getting on the tattoo during the day. In addition, soap also contributes to the rapid disappearance of the pattern. Therefore, if it turned out to be where it is not allowed, do not rub it and rinse it off as soon as possible.


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