A stove with a stove bench: projects, selection of materials, construction

The stove with a stove bench is a multifunctional design. It not only heats the house, but can also be used to treat colds, diseases of the musculoskeletal system and cooking. For ancestors, such heating equipment was the real heart of the house, it acted as a universal assistant.

Such furnaces were made large enough, their dimensions were as follows: 1.8 x 3 m. Structures were constantly heated. To date, many varieties of the Russian stove are known, if you also want to prefer it for your home, then you can consider the variations to choose a design depending on the needs of the family.

Some features of the stove with a stove bench

A stove with a stove bench should have a width of 1.5 m or more, while the length of the structure exceeds 2 m. It is necessary to place the dress at a height of 1.8 m. The hearth is placed 45 cm from the floor.

The foundation can be made of stones, brick battle or combine it with the general base of the house. Today you can find reinforced concrete, brick and concrete concrete foundations. The material for the furnace is fired brick, and the chimneys were originally wooden, later became stone and brick.

stove with stove bench

When an oven with a stove bench and a cooktop is being executed, the box is placed 80 or 100 cm from the floor. You can store household utensils in the underwear . Podpecheye to this day can be found in Russian ovens. This option is subjected to high loads, so when erecting the masonry should be performed especially carefully. To do this, you need to prepare a special brick.

After completion of work, the surface of the hearth should be sanded, which will achieve perfect smoothness. Below you need to place the six for the pots. Instead, a hob is sometimes equipped.

Russian stove projects

The stove with a stove bench should have a guard. In this design, the lower part will not warm up. The lounger should be used for relaxing, harvesting fruits or drying clothes. When the couch is made bunk, then the whole family can rest on it.

An additional function of the construction is expressed in the fact that you can even wash yourself at the beach, for this the water is heated in the tub. If necessary, the furnace can be supplemented with other designs. For example, today they line up with cast iron cooking surfaces.

stove designs

The following dimensions can be used to equip a small furnace : 1500 x 1750 mm. If you need a larger oven, then the last parameter can be increased to 2300 mm. An additional element can be an oven or a fireplace. Considering the designs of furnaces, you can pay attention to that sometimes the hob is installed in the place where the six-piece, which was previously deaf, should be located.

Sometimes the design has a trestle bed, in this case it is possible to increase the area of ​​the bed. Some stove designs include a fireplace in the next room. This is convenient for the reason that there is no need to build a separate foundation, as for the smoke exhaust system. If the room does not have such a large area, then the design with a fireplace in the next room will not take up much space.

Material selection

In order for the oven to last as long as possible, it is necessary to correctly select fireclay bricks, which during operation will be subjected to constant exposure to high temperatures. It is necessary to reject those products that do not correspond to actual sizes. On their surface there should be no cracks, burrs and burrs, it is important to pay attention also to the appearance regarding the composition. Extraneous inclusions can reduce the quality characteristics of the brick.

You should refuse to purchase too dark, warped, swollen products that have spots on the edges. Those bricks that have traces of gas emission during firing are not suitable, they look like rounded shells with a smooth inner surface. Country stoves, however, can be built using fireclay bricks, on the surface of which there may be sinks, but no more than four. Only one such sink can be on one face.

chimneys for stoves

Features of the construction of the foundation

Brick stoves have an impressive weight, which can reach 8 tons. Therefore, the foundation must be reliable and reinforced. The base is poured in such a way that it is 5 cm away from the main foundation of the house, while it is necessary to deepen the structure by 80 cm.

A 10 cm layer of sand is poured into the bottom, which is compacted. Next is a layer of crushed stone, which also requires compaction. A reinforcing frame, reinforced by wire, is placed in the resulting space. Concrete should be poured so that the foundation level is slightly higher than the finish flooring.

country stoves

Russian stove construction

If you decide to build a stove with a stove bench, then it will be necessary to prepare:

  • single red brick in the amount of 1600 pieces;
  • chamotte wedge-shaped brick - 100 pieces;
  • fireclay - 250 pieces;
  • fireclay clay;
  • sheet steel;
  • corner.

A solid foundation will be needed for the construction so that the furnace does not sag. The niche under the stove is closed, and also complemented by wooden poles. They must be coated with an antiseptic before use.

Summer stoves are not always lined on the outside. They can be covered with plaster or tiles. The clay may be a plaster. An alternative solution is a plaster heat-resistant mixture, which is implemented in finished form.

do-it-yourself oven

Features of the masonry furnace

An oven with a do-it-yourself stove should be absolutely leakproof, this will ensure safe operation. Therefore, you should abandon the use of cracked bricks. The seams between the products should have a thickness of 5 to 8 mm. To do this, it is best to use clay, smearing it with the walls from the inside.

The ceramic brick before masonry should be soaked so that it does not absorb moisture from the solution. The outer walls are laid out in one or half a brick, while the internal ones are laid in half a brick. If you use a thickness of 1 brick to form the internal walls, the structure will warm up much longer, and you will not be able to save fuel.

stove with stove bench and hob

Furnace order

A Russian stove with a stove bench in a village house should be laid in accordance with the order. In the second row, internal channels for cleaning are formed, while in the third row you need to install doors for the cleaning and blowing chambers. In the fourth row, the entrances to the internal channels are formed, the masonry overlaps, forming the ceiling of the hearth channel. In the fifth row, a grate should be installed, while a tank for heating water is mounted on the sixth row.

A small firebox will be formed in the next row, and the eighth and ninth rows will serve as a place for fixing the door and small firebox. The tenth row will become the place of the bottom of the crucible and the connection of the large and small fireboxes. Next, the valve is installed in a horizontal position, an entrance for the chimney is made, the masonry begins to narrow, blocking the cooking chamber.

In the 17th row, you can install a screed on the back wall with a metal strip. A template is installed at the bottom of the furnace, and in the next step, you can fix the wall above the entrance to the cooking chamber. On the 22nd row, the overtube should be narrowed, and then the door for cleaning the chimney should be installed. The weir on the 27th and 29th rows will need to be connected to the chimney. Next, chimneys for furnaces are laid out , after which a cutting is formed. The pipe should be led out through the attic, laying waterproofing between the roof material and the pipe.

brick stoves

The main components of the chimney of the Russian stove

The Russian stove must have a brick chimney, which is installed on the structure itself. For 6 rows before the interfloor overlap, the overhead part ends, the neck of the fluff begins. This assembly is an extension of the chimney, but the cross section remains the same as throughout the pipe. The outer part extends by 40 cm.

The part of the chimney that will go into the attic is called a riser, it goes all the way to the roof. Chimneys for stoves have another cut, which is called an otter, this is an extension from 4 sides. Due to this, precipitation does not fall into the cracks between the chimney and the roof.

After the otter, you can proceed to laying the neck, it will have the same dimensions as the chimney itself. The masonry ends with an extension that forms a head. You can install a deflector or a metal cap on it to protect the chimney from rain, debris and snow, and this is good for traction.


Do not assume that the traditional Russian stove with a stove bench has sunk into oblivion. Even today, such structures are installed in country and country houses, where they are used for heating and cooking. The presence of trestle bed increases fuel consumption, but not significantly, and the furnace equipment is more efficient. That is why it is almost as popular as because it uses other types of fuel when working. In addition, firewood is always available, especially outside the city, where such stoves are most often built.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/E3571/

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