How to teach a child to jump rope? Develop stamina and coordination

Many parents, especially when the baby grows and becomes mobile, are interested in how to teach a child to jump on a rope. And how to make sure that the classes are interesting and do not end with injuries, and the upper and lower extremities work smoothly?

Why is this sport?

Already in the second year of life, the child begins to show interest in jumping, then this skill improves. By around the age of 5, he is able to overcome minor obstacles. How to teach a child to jump rope? We develop coordination in a playful way. After all, at this age, this is just a toy for the baby, like dolls or designers.

How to teach a child to jump rope
But he still does not understand that this subject is of great benefit to his state of health and overall development. Thanks to the rope, you can achieve these results:

  • strengthen key muscle groups;
  • motor system;
  • cardiovascular.

All this in the future develops the child's stamina, he will be less prone to injuries and physical overload.

Other benefits

Many parents are interested not only in how to teach a child to jump on a rope, but also the benefits of this. In addition to the above, this activity contributes to the following:

  • bones are strengthened;
  • legs harmoniously develop;
  • the risk of flat feet is reduced;
  • coordination of movements develops;
  • correct posture is formed;
  • sleep quality and appetite improves;
  • the body keeps in good shape.

How to start practicing?

How to teach a child to jump rope? We develop the endurance of our baby and help him to be healthy from early childhood.

How to teach a child to jump rope
When he already knows how to jump, but you need to teach him to try to do it on toes. To break away from the floor should be one and a half centimeters and then fall to the foot entirely.

You also need to choose the right rope. Take into account the height of the child. To do this, you need to check whether your shell is suitable for him or not. Ask him to stand on the rope with his legs and pick up her hands. In a tense position, it should end at the level of the baby's armpits.

Instrument Requirements

Before you understand how to teach a child to jump on a skipping rope, you need to choose it in size. If you conducted a test and there were extra centimeters, you need to cut them off, and then attach the pens again. They, in turn, should fit comfortably in the palm of your hand and not slip out.

How to teach a child to jump on a rope. We develop endurance.
If you plan to do it more seriously, you can take a thick rope, and tie its ends to a knot.

The diameter of the rope should be a maximum of 0.8 cm, but too thin will not be very convenient. But if its thickness exceeds one centimeter, then it will be difficult to jump.

Materials for fixture

Rope rope for beginners will not be very practical. It is better to give preference to a product made of leather, synthetics or rubber. When buying in a store, be sure to pay attention to the smell. It is an indicator of the quality of the rope. If it is unpleasant and harsh, it can cause an allergy in the child.

Key Rules

If you decide to learn how to teach a child to jump the rope, it must be borne in mind that each kid needs an individual approach to learning. But despite this, there are basic rules that must be observed:

  • Begin training from 4-5 years of age.
  • The first lesson is after adjusting the length of the device.
  • You can’t make a child study, he must want to study himself.
  • Show how to hold the rope in your hand. Take it in your hands without tension. It should be placed behind and slightly touch the surface of the floor.
  • We teach the child to rotate the projectile correctly. This should only be done with a brush, and the upper limb should be slightly bent at the knee. If it’s difficult for a child, then the task is simplified.

How to rotate a shell?

How to teach a child to jump on a rope? It all starts with the development of its rotation. It is recommended to cut it into two halves and offer the child to first twist with one hand, then the other. And then it will be much easier for him to move his brushes synchronously.

Jumping training

So, the rotational movements are mastered. Now you can show how to jump, using your own example.

How to teach a child 8 years old to jump rope
Offer to stand on your toes and slowly roll onto your heels. Then you need to take the rope itself and do the same, stepping it over with each limb.

Naturally, this is the first time that few will succeed. And to consolidate this skill, draw an analogy with salki. Two people should spin the projectile, and the third should try to jump over it. This will improve coordination, after which the baby will be able to jump 2-3 times in a row.

Kids Exercises

To understand how to teach a child to jump on a rope, one must also take into account his age. For those who are from 5 to 7 years old, it is recommended to perform the following exercises:

  • rotate the projectile back and forth;
  • forward and jump on both legs;
  • first jump on two legs, and then on one through a jump rope;
  • jumping with legs thrown;
  • with alternate jump;
  • jumps with the rotation of the projectile back or forward;
  • rotation of a rope folded in two near the ground, with jumping and stepping over;
  • arms crossed;
  • jumping with jumping from one foot to another;
  • low jumps over a long projectile;
  • rotation and running;
  • runaway during rotation and much more.

How to teach a child to jump on a rope. We develop coordination.
But this applies to very small. If you start learning more older children, then they are encouraged to perform more complex exercises. More about this below.

Classes for primary school students

Some are interested in how to teach a 8 year old child to jump rope. In this case, the algorithm is similar, and the exercises for fixing will be more difficult.

  • Fold the shell in half and place in one hand. Direct it to the side, and put it on your friend’s belt. Twist the rope in one direction with a brush.
  • If possible, hold it with both hands in the same condition and simultaneously rotate it backward or forward.
  • Put it back, point your hands to the sides and rotate in one of the sides, throwing through yourself.
  • With one brush, rotate two shells in each hand, one at a time.
  • Put it back, twist it forward, at the same time pass the projectile under your feet, rolling from heels to toes.
  • The position of the rope is similar, move it forward, passing at the same time under your feet by rolling.
  • We perform one-leg jumping with two legs through a moving skipping rope forward.
  • Similarly, only one moves backward.


How to teach a child to jump rope
It should be understood that such jumps are not suitable for everyone. This load is very serious, so at first you need to monitor the pulse of the child. Rope is contraindicated in such cases as:

  • the presence of cardiovascular disease;
  • joint problems
  • overweight (not always, a pediatrician examination is recommended here).

It is worth remembering that during classes of this kind a child can easily be injured. To minimize this risk, you need to choose the right shoes for training with a skipping rope. The main requirements for it are lightness and convenience. Barefoot is absolutely impossible to jump.

It is recommended to do stretching exercises before starting classes so that there are no problems with the calf muscles and ankle ligaments.

As already mentioned, a jump rope will help to develop coordination and endurance of the child. He becomes more active, so learning will also be better. After all, when the baby is healthy, he will be drawn to knowledge and everything new. The main thing is to interest him in this direction. This is also a great reason to make new friends in the yard.


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