The main endings of Fallout: New Vegas

In the game “Fallout: New Vegas” there are a huge number of endings. This role-playing project was primarily famous for the fact that it has an extensive system of selecting actions that directly affect the plot. Depending on them, the player will create certain conditions that will lead to one of the many finals. For those who are interested in the main endings, it is recommended to read this material. Here they are given with a full description of the necessary conditions and events that have occurred.

Hoover Dam

It should be noted that in “Fallout: New Vegas” there can be a huge number of endings depending on the variations of the actions taken at an important moment in the game. The first of these will be the battle on Hoover Dam. This is the main storyline along which the player will be given the mission "Joker: You and the Army." The protagonist, nicknamed the courier, must complete it, and after that you can update the securitrons. If you do this, then after the battle with the New California Republic and the Legion on Dam, the forces of robotic creatures will be able to stop unrest in the streets of New Vegas. The city will maintain its important independence status in Mojave. If securitrons are not activated, then anarchy will reign for a long time in the village. Despite this, soon the authorities will be able to deal with the situation on their own, this will not affect New Vegas in any way, only the number of casualties will increase.

fallout new vegas endings

The second option and the "Legion"

At Fallout: New Vegas, endings always leave room for reflection on whether all decisions were correct. In a battle on the Dam, the player can also support Mr. House. If the storyline does not fulfill the above mission, but the task "Casino always wins", the village will be completely transformed under the influence of the new commander. His securitrons quickly cleared the streets, and House in the manner of a dictator will begin to actively impose the type of life that prevailed in the pre-war era. Gambling will reign in the city, and the number of people who want to try their luck will begin to increase markedly.

In a fight on the Hoover Dam, the player can support another opposing force - he will begin to fight for the Legion. The endings in Fallout: New Vegas also include a wide variety of endings. In the first case, the player on the assignment “Execute cannot be pardoned” must not let the leader of the faction named Caesar die. If you complete the entire plot with the “Come, See, Win” task, then Legion will create its own order in New Vegas. Most of the settlements in Mojave will be captured by force, others will submit peacefully. Caesar will begin to impose civilization in all directions by cruel methods. If the ruler dies, then Legat will take his place. He instantly exterminates everyone who will show the slightest resistance in this territory. Civilization will come to the settlement, but at the cost of barbaric deeds.

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Another faction

The best ending in Fallout: New Vegas is hard to get, because the concepts of good and evil are too much intertwined here. The only right side does not exist. If the courier decides to support the New California Republic on the Hoover Dam and ends the game with the Eureka mission, the faction will win a second major victory. The government will immediately begin to establish new rules, and along with this, discussions will go on the further annexation of neighboring free settlements. If the Courier has good karma at the same time, then his contribution will be highly appreciated in the NKR. The ending “Fallout: New Vegas” for this association will be shown with all the honors for the protagonist. He will be awarded the highest award in the form of a Golden Branch, and the respect of each resident is guaranteed. With neutral karma, the result will not change. Many people will doubt the true goals of the Courier, but still he will be given the highest praise. It would seem that with bad karma the heroes should simply be let go for free bread, but in the NKR any help is appreciated. In this case, the actions of the central character will be strongly condemned, but not in public. Officially, he will receive the Golden Branch and will go down in the history of the new state.

The fate of the protagonist when choosing the "Caesar Legion"

The mods at Fallout: New Vegas, which allow you to play even after passing, have gained great popularity due to the quality of the project. A huge number of secondary tasks and an open world prompt to conduct thorough research. The fate of the Courier when choosing "Legion" is divided into several categories. If he saves Caesar, while the faction triumphs, and the main character has positive karma, then soon the people of the wasteland will use gold coins with his image. With the presence of a neutral attitude of the state, the result will not change in any way. With bad karma, Courier actions will be condemned, but not at the highest level. Caesar will strongly support his savior and in any case will start the production of a coin with his image. The situation will not change in the case of the death of the previous Caesar on the mission "Execute can not be pardoned." The legate will take his place and will treat the Courier in the same way with positive, neutral or negative karma. This ends the options for the NKR and the Legion, but the choice in the game is quite branched; there are a large number of endings in Fallout: New Vegas.

fallout new vegas endings add-ons

Unceasing struggle

The courier can easily choose for himself the role of an ardent fighter for the independence of the territory of New Vegas. To do this, he needs to go along the storyline of confronting all factions. If there is good karma, the region will gain independence in Mojave, and Mr. House will be overthrown, the days of his tyranny are numbered. The New California Republic and Caesar's Legion will never set foot on this land. The government of the two factions will understand that a new powerful force has appeared in the wastelands. In the case of neutral karma, the situation is the same. It should be noted that even the Fallout: New Vegas mods are not capable of fundamentally changing the final in this project. With bad karma, fear in the region will only increase. The courier will gain a reputation as a person who is ready to use all methods for the sake of the independence of the village. With the help of Mr. House’s victory, he will build a large tower called Lucky 38 in New Vegas. He will shower the courier with honors and any pleasures available. House will be proud all the time that he managed to attract such a powerful assistant to his side as the central character. With neutral karma, the assessment of the Courier’s actions will change, but not his future fate. With a negative attitude in Fallout: New Vegas, the ending for Mr. House will end with the main character settling in Lucky 38, but more out of fear of him than of pride.

mod for fallout new vegas to continue the game after the ending

Some game events

Each user can calculate how many “Fallout: New Vegas” endings are, if you sort through all the variations of events at each stage. The events of the finale are also related to the user's choice on Mount Black. If you visit her and go through the storyline with the death of Tabitha, then all subsequent coming of shadows with mutants to the legendary state will become one complete disappointment. Traces of the past existence in this place of a unique association will begin to disappear over time, individuals will scatter across the wasteland. When Raoul is freed without the Madness task, Tabitha will assemble a team of faithful shadows and leave Mount Black. Soon, the area around it will be overgrown with legends of constant attacks by invisible creatures on caravans, and traders will no longer make their way through the local roads. If a player decides to get along with Ronda and put her back on duty, then Tabitha will leave these lands with her forever. Together they will go on an unforgettable journey, and their accomplishments will sometimes be heard from the lips of other non-game characters. The player also reserves the right to never visit Mount Black. In this case, radio propaganda at their frequencies will never stop. Raul Tejada will humbly await the execution, which will soon be completed. Travelers will continue to suffer from followers of the Tabitha cult near Mount Black.

Contact with an interesting person

The mod for Fallout: New Vegas to continue the game after the ending will help to correct the situation if the player decided not to go to Mount Black and make contact with Raul Alfonso Tejada. This man used to be a dangerous mercenary and is now captured by Tabitha. If you continue to ignore messages from this area, the man will be executed. His constant luck brought a gap, and this time nothing helped to be saved. When visiting a location, a user can perform the task “Old Tempering Hum” as a Courier. In this case, Raul will not be able to forgive himself for past misconduct. His torment will force to leave the old craftsman Mojave. The man will take another name for himself and continue to live alone. If you do not just complete the quest, but support Raul and return to former skills, a new legend will appear in the wasteland. Different characters will talk about a certain ghost who will come to take revenge on a person who offended the weak or was marked by an unjustified evil. The last option is to choose a replica with a statement about Raoul’s old age to continue the adventures of the gunfighter. In this case, the character will spend some time with the Courier, and then decide to settle in Outer Vegas. After that, repairing various techniques became his work.

fallout new vegas game after ending

Relations with the Brotherhood of Steel

Relations with the legendary Brotherhood of Steel association also influence the endings in Fallout: New Vegas. A break in relations will occur if a player walks along the storyline and ends up destroying the Hidden Valley bunker, then the Brotherhood of Steel in Mojave will cease to exist. Surviving members will leave in search of other shelters, the rest will scatter in the wastelands. If one of the tasks called “Do not meddle in other people's affairs” or “Blind Eye” will be completed by the player, and the whole story from the mission “Come, See, Win” will end, then the consequences will be different. The Brotherhood of Steel will take advantage of the battle on Hoover Dam and capture Helios. Thanks to this, the retreat of the New California Republic will turn into a nightmare. They will be shelled and inflicted huge damage. When everything settles down, the Legion will turn its attention to the Brotherhood of Steel, knock them out of HELIOS, and then destroy the only refuge of Hidden Valley. Subject to the fulfillment of the “Blind Eye” task, as well as the conclusion of a truce between the NKR and the Brotherhood in the mission “For the Republic, Part 2”, the two factions will unite. There will be an agreement between them, although in the west their forces continue to fight. The Republic transfers power armor to the Brotherhood , and in return they help maintain peace on important transport routes. This is if the game ends with the Eureka! Quest. If, at the end, the Courier completes the task of “Neither Gods nor Masters,” then the situation will change. Instead of shelling the retreating troops of the NKR, the Brotherhood of Steel will help them maintain the remaining forces. In the reigning anarchy by force, they will establish terror on all the main routes of the region, taking away all their values ​​from travelers.

fallout new vegas legion endings

The Bombers, Part 1

In “Fallout: New Vegas”, the game after the ending is available using the modification of the same name, but if you master all the content, then there will be no sense in further adventures. In the story, the user will encounter the organization "Bombers." If you kill Pearl along with the Adept during the development of history, then their union will slowly fall apart. People without proper management began to gradually leave their shelter at Nellis airbase. The place became the target of looters of all stripes. The accumulated large amount of knowledge that the "Bombers" collected is considered forever lost. If you finish the game with the task “Eureka!”, But at the same time pass “To the skies”, then the NKR after capturing the region’s war with them. Their forces will attempt to storm the air base, but artillery fire in response will prevent this. The shelling will stop only at the moment of establishing supplies of ammunition from the "Armsman" in exchange for grain. Under the same conditions, but with the completion of the story “All or nothing” in the life of the organization, nothing will change. They will continue to exist separately from the whole world in Nellis. When choosing the support of the Caesar Legion, this warlike force will completely destroy the Bombers, erasing any memories of them. The final “Neither Gods nor Masters” will leave the union in its previous positions.

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The Bombers, Part 2

The endings of Fallout: New Vegas add-ons are formed in the same way as in the main story. The remaining options are associated with the same conditions as described in the paragraph above, but subject to the task "To the sky." In the case of the final "Eureka!" NKR will establish trade with the "Bombers", and they will occasionally go outside. The airbase will continue to be inaccessible to third parties. In the case of the final All-or-Nothing task, House will ignore the union, and its representatives will start trading outside the walls of the shelter. If the Courier has chosen the side of the Caesar Legion, the Bombers will continue to exist in isolation. It was decided not to fight with them because of the demonstrated abilities on Hoover Dam. Sometimes "Bombers" will be visible in the sky above the Mojave. The final “Neither Gods nor Masters” will not change much compared to the first case. The organization will continue to defend its air base in Nellis from looters and strangers, but now they will have more resources for this.


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