Bitch: the meaning of the word and examples of use

Today we have an interesting topic - the word "bitch", the meaning of historical and modern. But that is not all, we will also throw a bridge from one meaning to another. It will be exciting, we promise.

Modern meaning

bitch value

The dictionary says that the word "bitch" is similar in meaning to its brother, that is, the definition of "bastard", and the latter means: "vile person, villain." And now I wonder how many men have now rethought their attitude to female bitch, having learned the true meaning of the word.

Often you hear from the stronger sex that they love this type of woman, because such behavior of the fair sex speaks of her courage, determination, steel character. But for some reason, no one thinks of elementary harmfulness or bad temper? But forgive the loving guys for their illusions. The latter are inevitable when you are under the influence of a drug called "love." By the way, this is not a fantasy, but a scientific fact - a chemical one.

Next, we will see the decoding of the word in the dictionary of V.I. Dahl.

Vladimir Ivanovich does not recommend

the meaning of the word bitch in the distance

The reader will understand everything now. The meaning of the word "bitch" according to Dahl: "the corpse of a sick animal, carrion, carrion, dohlyatina." Moreover, the word has a feminine and middle form, which is written as a “bitch”. So it goes.

We see that the language retains the general tonality of expression. But noticeable and development. Of course, now the definition of “bitch” (the meaning of the word in the process of scrutiny) is far enough from the corpse of a cow, but the general tone of worthlessness remains, and it doesn’t matter who we are talking about, a person or an animal. A man or a woman who is awarded this name is not worth it to establish a long relationship with them with the prospect, because it brings them to decay. And the language tells us about this.

Female bitch: characteristic signs

female bitch meaning

A lot of all kinds of information on this subject, and magazines are full of various articles that turn the problem around. Therefore, our task is to squeeze water from this letter sea and provide the reader with an extract of all the most important and necessary in this matter. So, the signs are:

  1. Bad character (capriciousness, eccentricity).
  2. Selfishness or self-centeredness.
  3. The consumer attitude in relationships, that is, such women are not able to give love. They have this feeling atrophied. They can only take, take and take, giving in return only strong negative emotions. Tantrum, for example.
  4. Sudden mood swings for no apparent reason.
  5. Partner manipulation as the main way of interaction.

These are the main features, but everyone probably has something to add to the list. Here, as they say, complete freedom. But if you notice a set of signs in a friend, then it is better to run away from her and not look back. Because family life with such "devils in a dress" either does not exist, or it looks like the place from which they came, that is, hell.

Relations with such girls destroy a man. And if he meets such a “mistress” in his youth, then she is quite capable of spoiling the boy’s opinion of all women at once and turning him away from the fair sex. It’s not that offended and offended will immediately go to the opposite camp, but a long bachelor life is also not sugar, you know.

Therefore, be afraid of the content that is hidden behind the meaning of the word "bitch". This woman is dangerous in all respects, even in a purely physical sense.

"Bitch" banned?

bitch meaning the word woman

No, why. Practice shows that such girls are even useful. Otherwise, how can a man distinguish evil from good, if he does not have an annoying example of a relationship. All the women who will be after the “hysteria” will not get scorched earth, but fertile soil. After destructive (destructive) relationships, it is much easier to build productive ones, because a person already knows exactly how not to.

In this sense, the main thing is that a person does not get too far in experimentation and, for example, does not marry such a woman. Bitch (the meaning of the word is already well known) is the type of women who are unsuitable for family and marriage. And the consequences of one wrong choice will have to be undone forever. But sometimes this happens: a person pays his whole life for one wrong step. Be carefull.

We hope we managed to convince the reader to be a little more careful. For each person, regardless of gender, to turn into a bitch (the meaning is not the most pleasant, whatever dictionary you take) - the prospect is not the best. Therefore, you need to take care of yourself. And yes, men turn into bastards, but this does not change the essence of the matter.


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