Cichlazoma bee or eight-lane cichlazoma: photo and description, features of the content, advice from aquarists

Aquarium enthusiasts in their attempts to find the most unusual inhabitant for their aquarium often pay attention to an amazing predatory fish - a cichloma bee. Its modern scientific name, Rocio octofasciata, means "morning dew." This is due to the appearance of the fish: on the sides of the head and body, on the scales, placers of bluish spangles are clearly visible. Today we will tell you about this exotic fish, which has an amazing color, excellent parenting qualities and unusual behavior.

Classification and area

The eight-lane cichlazoma (aka bee) was first described by Charles Reagan under the name Heros octofasciatus. In Europe, aquarium fish lovers first came in 1904. In the Soviet Union, she appeared in 58 of the last century. Despite the fact that this species of aquarium fish is more than 100 years old, and during this time many new interesting species have appeared that are worthy of attention, the bee cichlazoma still holds its position.

Tsikhlazoma bee: photo







Rocio octofasciata

A type



Radiant fishes






Currently, the cichlazoma bee lives in Central America in the waters of the Atlantic slope, in Honduras and in the south of Mexico. These individuals can be found in Belize and Guatemala. Cichlazomas were artificially brought into water bodies in the south of the USA, in Thailand and Russia. In our country, a stable population exists in the Krasnodar Territory in the Old Kuban Lake.

Cichlazoma bee: description


A cichlazoma bee is an American cichlid. The fish got its name because of the warning color at the time of spawning and because the fry surround their parents like a bee swarm. In the natural environment, cichlazoma grows up to 25 cm, in the decorative version it is much less - up to 14 cm. The color of the fish is dark, has bluish-green spangles on the scales. Across the body of an eight-lane cichlazoma, there are 8 strips of a darker shade than the main color. They are especially noticeable in the back. In addition, one dark spot can be seen on each side and at the base of the caudal fin. The male is larger than the female, brighter colored. Cichlazoma reaches puberty at the age of about 10 months.

Character and Compatibility

Tsikhlazoma is a predator, so it can not be kept in an aquarium with small fish. Compatibility of fish in the aquarium is possible with other cichlids, such as black-stripe, diamond, managuan. In this case, it is necessary to prepare an aquarium of impressive size with a large number of shelters. You can settle them with other large fish: giant gourami, brocade pterigoplichtum, black pack, plecostomus. The best option would be to populate the aquarium exclusively with cichlase. Note that in fish of this species, the character is wayward, cocky. In addition, they show uncontrollable territoriality. Please note that a pair of fish is more aggressive and pugnacious than a few pairs.

Cichlazoma bee: how to feed


Consider the conditions of cichlazoma. This rather large fish needs a spacious aquarium, its volume should not be less than 200 liters. Due to the fact that after feeding there is a lot of waste, it is necessary to carry out regular water changes, have a powerful filter. The hardness of the water in the aquarium should have an indicator of 5-30 gH, water temperature 20 .... 26 ˚C, pH 7.0-8.5. It is not necessary to place soil and plants in the aquarium. If you still want to decorate it, we recommend that you first plant the plants in pots, and then put them in a container. It is best to plant hard-leaved plants, these can be large anubias, echinodorus. Please note that the low water temperature (below +25 ˚C) and shelters help to significantly reduce the level of aggression of bee cichlazoma. 7 days before the alleged spawning, it is recommended to lower the water temperature by a couple of degrees, and then gradually increase to +27 ˚C. These manipulations are performed to stimulate spawning. At this time in the aquarium you must have the following items: halves of flower pots, a small piece of ceramic pipe, or just any smooth stone.

Aquarium fish compatibility

How to feed fish in an aquarium?

These are predatory fish, so they need to be given live food. Perfect for bloodworms, tubule, shrimp. Also for this purpose, aquarists advise using a variety of seafood, previously thawed and chopped. What and how to feed the fish in the aquarium? Herbal supplements will certainly be needed: finely chopped cabbage, dandelion or lettuce leaves, oatmeal. Before feeding, all these ingredients must be scalded with boiling water. It is recommended to feed the fish no more than once a day to prevent overfeeding.

Aquarium Tips

Many sources have information that the content of bee cichlazoma is not too complicated. But experienced aquarists say the opposite. But, despite all the difficulties, they note that this is a very interesting and fascinating activity. Consider the most common difficulties that arise when keeping these amazing fish.

Cichlazoma eight-lane

Aquarium volume

A bee is considered a territorial fish, and therefore requires a large reservoir. For one pair, it is necessary to provide an aquarium of 100 liters. In the event that the territory is too crowded, there will always be quarrels and fights, possibly fatal.


This fish is prone to turning over the entire soil. Therefore, to close the bottom of the aquarium, it is best to lay granite chips or pebbles, preferably small ones. It is possible to use coarse river sand, which must be washed with special care. As shelters, you can use several large stones, it is recommended to build grottoes from them. A great shelter option is empty pottery pots.


Aquarium fish cichlazoma is very demanding on various plants. In the event that they did not appeal to her, she would rip them without root with root. That is why aquarists advise using artificial flowers or planting plants in pots. Of the living plants, the following are recommended for planting: Amazonian Echinodorus, Aponetetifolia cryptocoryne, Elodea.

How to feed fish in an aquarium


A bee is a lover of muffled light, although, of course, it has a brighter outfit in good light. It is recommended to install fluorescent lamps with a total power of 0.3-0.5 W / l. If the cichlase is constantly located behind shelters, hiding from the light, it needs to be muffled a little. Filtration and aeration in the aquarium are necessary.

"Aquarist's shop"

This is the name of the first Russian aquarium online store. This is a huge exhibition hall where you can find everything that lovers of the underwater world will need! It is located in St. Petersburg, near the metro stations Narvskaya or Kirovsky Zavod. His address: st. Marshal Govorova, d. 35. The store was created on the basis of a very large wholesale company "Axolotl." The online store offers a huge selection of aquarium equipment, accessories, feed and aquatic organisms (aquatic organisms). Prices for all products in the "Aquarium Shop" are very reasonable. All hydrobionts presented for sale are healthy, full-time doctors are watching this. Due to the fact that the company has developed logistics, the order can be delivered to any region of Russia. Delivery of hydrobionts is possible at any time of the year. The company has established relations with a large number of transport companies and Russian Post. The online store has very competent managers who can advise you on any issue in the aquarium industry and place your order correctly.


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