Silicone grease for rubber seals. Universal silicone grease: instructions for use

Modern lubricants help rubber seals last much longer and more efficiently. However, our construction market is now very extensive, so it’s quite difficult to figure out exactly what you need. In this article you will learn what silicone grease is for rubber gaskets, how it is used, what advantages and disadvantages it has.

What is a substance?

silicone grease for rubber seals

The presented product is an artificial lubricant made from organic and inorganic materials. The basis for the manufacture is silicone oil, to which other components are added. For example, viscous pastes are made with a thickener. If it is necessary to make an aerosol, then propylene is added to the silicone oil.

It should be noted that the presented substance is chemically inert. That is, it does not interact with other elements, which can harm the workpiece. Silicone grease for rubber seals is used as a protective and antifraction layer. It has many benefits that you will consider later.

Material Areas

silicone grease for car

Silicone grease for rubber seals is used quite often. However, there are a small number of alternative materials that can provide the same effect. Consideration should be given to where exactly this material is applied. So you can use grease to:

  • Lubrication of interior elements, the characteristics of which may deteriorate when exposed to external conditions.
  • Protect rubber seals from dust, frost, rain. And you can use the substance both in the house and in the car.
  • Lubrication of locks and hinges in the door frame. In this case, the mechanism is able to last much longer, it will not creak or jam.
  • Processing of wood, leather, metal and other products.

In principle, silicone grease for rubber seals can be used anywhere. Versatility is one of the advantages of the substance presented.

Material advantages

Now we need to consider why the lubricant is so popular with consumers. The fact is that it has a lot of advantages:

  1. Universality. You can use this material in everyday life, in industry and in laboratory conditions.
  2. Environmental Safety.
  3. High quality and product performance.
  4. Reasonable cost.
  5. Large selection of lubricants.
  6. The substance is not washed off with water, even hot.

Material Specifications

thick silicone grease

Silicone grease for the car will help you keep all the rubber gaskets and seals, preventing them from drying out and delaying the time when these elements become unusable.

Naturally, this substance has some technical characteristics that will help you determine whether you need to use this or that type of product. So, manufacturers declare the following lubrication features:

  • Inertia to burning. That is, you can use this tool to process those mechanisms that may heat up during your work. In this case, you do not need to worry that a fire may occur. This feature allows the use of grease in automobiles.
  • You can apply the substance in a fairly wide temperature range: from -40 to +250 degrees.
  • Chemical inertness.

You can read more detailed specifications in the instructions for use of the presented product.

Substance functions

Silicone grease (reviews about it is mostly positive) is used almost everywhere. The fact is that it perfectly performs the necessary functions:

  1. Restorative. Lubrication helps keep seals resilient. In addition, if these products began to soften, then the substance can quickly restore their previous appearance and functionality.
  2. Insulating.
  3. Lubricating. Thanks to this substance, the gaskets will better fit to the surface.
  4. Protective. This function ensures the longevity of the seal. The fact is that grease not only repels water well and prevents corrosion of metal parts. In addition, the substance prevents dust from entering the structure.

Varieties of remedies

silicone based grease

I must say, the market for modern lubricants is very wide. Therefore, to choose one thing is very difficult. In order to facilitate this process, it is worth deciding on what types of funds are:

  • Paste. This is a thick silicone grease that is very easy to use. However, its main drawback is that it cannot be used in hard to reach places.
  • Gel.
  • Liquid. Such a silicone-based lubricant can be used in complex mechanisms. However, its drawback is its spreadability.
  • Spray can. This type of substance is quite simple to use. However, it should be used for processing large surfaces. The fact is that the aerosol can simply scatter in different directions, falling on clothes, hands, on those surfaces that do not need to be coated. And also such a silicone grease, the price of which ranges from 5 to 20 dollars and above, needs grinding. Otherwise, you will have to deal with greasy stains on the treated surface.

Features of the choice of funds

universal silicone grease

In order not to waste money in vain, you must definitely decide which product is best to purchase. For this, some criteria should be followed. Among them are the following:

  • Cost. Naturally, this is not the main, but very important factor influencing the choice. It is advisable not to buy too cheap a tool, as it can be of poor quality.
  • Availability. This criterion is also considered important, since there should be a store in your village where you can quickly replenish your lubricant reserves.
  • Quality. Here it’s better not to risk it, but to purchase the product at certified points of sale. You should not pay attention to those stores that do not have a license to conduct business or do not have all the necessary documents for the goods.
  • Type of facility. Here you already need to decide what exactly you need lubrication for. If you need to protect the car, then you can apply a gaseous substance or gel. Naturally, the aerosol can be additionally equipped with a thin tube, which does not allow the agent to be sprayed strongly, and makes it possible to treat hard-to-reach spots.
  • Specifications. They can be read in the store directly on the packaging. They will also help you quickly decide what you need.
  • Manufacturer. Here you should already look at the ratings of manufacturers. The most popular lubricants on the modern market are: Eltrans, Bosny, Silicot, Verylube.

If you need silicone grease, the best of all will be determined only during operation.

Features of using the product in a car

best silicone grease

It must be said that the presented substance is very often used in machines. And not only for processing their external elements. For example, due to chemical and thermal inertness, the lubricant can be used for gaskets installed in internal combustion engines. Moreover, the water-repellent function of the product does not allow metal elements to rust.

Silicone grease for the car will be useful for door seals and wipers. Due to the excellent qualities of the product, the rubber does not loosen, does not become softer, which allows it to serve for a long time, and reduces the cost of servicing the machine. Moreover, the substance can significantly update the appearance of seals.

As for the wipers, the grease, due to its resistance to frost, can provide excellent glide on glass even at low temperatures. In this case, the rubber does not freeze to the surface.

Features and Benefits of Grease

The presented material has a specific consistency. I must say that thick silicone grease can be used for processing not only cars, but also underwater equipment, window seals. Due to its consistency, such a tool is not sprayed onto other surfaces, so its use is very convenient.

Due to environmental and organic safety, such a substance can be used for processing medical or home appliances. Dense grease perfectly lays on the surface, is not washed off with hot or cold water, does not leave greasy spots. After processing, the product remains only a pleasant shine. Store the lubricant in the garage or pantry. It also has the property of resistance to frost, so the temperature in the room is not significant.

Universal grease: application features

Probably the best tool is one that can be used immediately in several areas of life. Such a substance is a universal silicone grease. It has all the necessary qualities: ease of use; resistance to water, dust and low temperatures; lack of greasy marks on the treated surface. In addition, it extends the life of mechanisms and products made of metal, plastic, rubber.

Such grease is used almost everywhere:

  • For processing medical equipment and industrial machines.
  • For lubrication of electrical equipment that is being heated.
  • In work with door and car locks, hinges, gaskets.
  • For the processing of plumbing equipment.
  • For the lubrication of prams, sports equipment, furniture, household appliances.

As you can see, the material presented can be applied in almost all spheres of human life.

Features of use

silicone grease application

In principle, it is not difficult to apply the presented material. However, you need to prepare for this action in advance. For example, before applying a layer, the treated surface must be cleaned of dust and moisture. This should be done especially in the winter. In addition, the surface must be degreased.

Then you can apply grease. This should be done carefully, with gloves and a protective mask (if you are using an aerosol). In some cases, the lubricant will have to be evenly distributed. It dries quickly enough and leaves no residue.

Remember, if you need to use a substance such as silicone grease: its use is simple. So you can safely get this tool, even if you have not had business with it before. That's all. Good luck


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