Aquarium brocade catfish: content, care features and reproduction

What is brocade catfish pterigoplicht? What are the features of the content of such an aquarium fish? What kind of food do species prefer? How do they breed? You can find answers to these and other questions by reading our publication.

General information

Brocade catfish is a widespread species of aquarium fish, which is part of the family of loricaria or chain catfish. For the first time, the classification and description of such creatures in 1845 was performed by the famous Austrian ichthyologist Rudolf Kner. The researcher gave the name to the fish, which sounds like brocade catfish Antsistrus. In the 80s of the last century, a popular inhabitant of aquariums was classified as a pterygoprichitis.

According to the description of biologists, a typical brocade catfish has the following form. The fish has an elongated body with a massive wedge-shaped head. A characteristic feature is the presence of pronounced, protruding nostrils. Their mouth resembles a suction cup.

In front of the dorsal fin, a barely noticeable outgrowth in the form of a crest departs from the head. The large dorsal fin may contain 12-13 rays. The pectoral fins are widely spaced apart and resemble sails in their appearance. The standard color of brocade catfish pterigoplichitis is brown spots, which are separated by an extensive network of yellowish veins.

In natural conditions, representatives of the species live on the shallows of rivers with a rocky bottom. Brocade catfish are widespread in the Amazon and Orinoco basins. In the rainy season they can move to flooded fields.


brocade catfish content

Brocade catfish is a rather warlike fish. Representatives of the species often fight with each other for the territory and attention of the female. In the course of peculiar fights, these creatures widely arrange pectoral fins, trying to prick the enemy. Similar behavior is observed for brocade catfish in the wild. In particular, such actions often save representatives of the species from predators who are trying to swallow them.

Under natural habitats, brocade catfish activity depends on the seasons. When drought occurs, such fish dig in the silt, waiting for rain. During this period, they are able to fall into suspended animation, slowing down the vital functions of organs and systems. When brocade catfish are kept in the aquarium, this behavior does not occur.

There is another interesting point. Having pulled the fish out of the water, the owner can hear hissing sounds. According to ichthyologists, representatives of the species use this strategy to deter the aggressor.

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brocade catfish

Brocade catfish need an impressive amount of free space. Therefore, aquariums with a volume of 100 liters or more should be chosen as housing for representatives of the species. It is important here to constantly maintain the water temperature at a level not lower than 22 ° C. Do not also forget about the installation of special units that will perform high-quality filtration and aeration of the liquid.

Brocade catfish need access to cellulose to stay healthy. For these purposes, it is imperative to lay a fresh tree branch in the aquarium. The fish will daily scrape the bark from here, getting enough cellulose, which is involved in digestion.

Aquarium arrangement

catfish pterigoplicht brocade

The main part of the day, brocade catfish in the aquarium prefers to spend at the bottom. The fish is hiding in dense vegetation, hiding behind stones, snags, decorative elements. Given such a lifestyle, appropriate conditions must be created for the catfish.

The bottom of the aquarium must be covered with an abundance of large and small pebbles. Here you need to organize all kinds of shelters. A good solution is to use pieces of plastic pipes and tree branches. Alternatively, you can purchase a special decorative grotto at the pet store.

Numerous artificial and living algae must be placed in the aquarium. When planting plants, you need to consider that these fish love to dig in the ground. To protect the roots of algae from damage, it is recommended to strengthen them with large pebbles.


brocade catfish female

Brocade catfish need a varied diet. The basis of the daily diet should be live feed. To offer these fish you need bloodworms, shredded shrimp, as well as tuber larvae. The menu should include plant foods, in particular green peas, nettle, dandelions. Only with such a rich diet will catfish actively gain weight and feel completely healthy.

Alternatively, a daily diet can be built on the basis of specialized feeds that are sold in pet stores. Such products contain perfectly balanced substances necessary for the growth and maintenance of the well-being of catfish. However, it is recommended to supplement all such feeds with fresh plant foods. Otherwise, catfish will actively pluck aquarium plants.

It is recommended to feed the representatives of the species at night, when the other inhabitants of the aquarium show reduced activity. Otherwise, food may not flow to the bottom in the right amount. The result will be starvation of catfish, which will lead to their irritability and aggression towards other fish.

Compatible with other fish

brocade catfish

What fish do brocade catfish get along with? This question is rather complicated. After all, representatives of the species zealously protect their own territory and are ready to show pronounced aggression to any creature that swims too close.

It is most reasonable to settle them together with medium-sized fish that prefer to stay closer to the surface and rarely sink to the bottom of the aquarium. Among these, one can note gourami, cichlids, polypteriuses and astronotuses.

Brocade catfish are incompatible with sedentary fish, in particular gold. Representatives of the species often stick to their body and inflict quite impressive injuries.

How to determine the sex of the fish?

brocade catfish in the aquarium

Even experienced aquarists find it difficult to distinguish a male brocade catfish from a female. To cope with the task, it is worth paying attention to the following points. Males of this species have a more massive body structure. Their color is brighter. The pectoral fins are armed with outgrowths in the form of sharp spikes. In addition, sexually mature male brocade catfish have the so-called genital papilla, which is a small process located near the anus.


catfish ancistrus brocade

To reproduce offspring, these fish need special conditions. In its natural habitat, a female brocade catfish lays eggs in a deep mink, which the male prepares in shallow water near the shore. Caring parents guard such a nest for a week. Then numerous fry are born. The last for a long time do not feel the need for food, because I continue to feed on substances from their own yolk sacs.

To implement the above conditions in the aquarium is quite problematic. Therefore, brocade catfish are bred on special farms. Here, a semblance of natural reservoirs is created, in which the fish reproduce without any special hindrances.


Representatives of the species are quite resistant to all kinds of infections. The only thing that can harm them is an impressive concentration of suspended organic matter in the water column. Along with the lack of snags in the aquarium, this can lead to all kinds of digestive upsets. Although brocade catfish are renowned as true water cleaners, even they sometimes feel unwell if the water has not been replaced for a long time.


As you can see, keeping brocade catfish is not so difficult. In order for them to remain healthy and energetic, it is enough to regularly change the water in the aquarium, filter the liquid and saturate it with oxygen. Only in this case, these fish will delight with their beauty and grace for a long time.


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