Mosvar cocktails - what is it?

Many gamers complain about the fact that modern computer games require a lot of resources, do not run on weak and even medium computers, and also take a lot of time. Of course, on a day off you can spend a couple of hours on some major project, but very often there is such a situation that on weekdays this is not provided - what then? In this case, browser games come to your aid, which are the perfect solution. Firstly, they do not require free space on your computer. Secondly, they have very low system requirements, and you can run such a project on almost every computer. Thirdly, they take much less time, that is, you can save and exit at any time if you need to urgently leave, and not look for a checkpoint, which can be another twenty minutes, if not more. Well, of course, itโ€™s worth clarifying that many browser games are multi-user, that is, you will interact and communicate with other gamers, which gives such projects another plus. This article will discuss the popular browser game "Mosvar", or rather, the process of making cocktails in it.

What is Mosvar?

Mosvar cocktails

If you go to the site, you will find that this address also contains the browser game described above, which you may really like and like. What is its essence? Here you take on the role of the person who lives in Moscow - and that, in fact, is all. You need to pump your character, and you will have to do this on the streets of the capital of the Russian Federation. You will participate in fights, squabbles, constantly earning yourself more and more respect, organizing clans, which will then lead clan wars and so on. In general, this game has a huge variety of features that you yourself can realize, proving to everyone your superiority. But itโ€™s better for you to go to yourself to try out this project. And in this article we will talk specifically about cocktails that can be brewed here.

Cocktails in the game

moswar ru

Many may ask, why do we need these cocktails? Mosvar is a game in which you have to constantly fight with opponents. And you will spend energy on it, take damage. And also you will need to achieve maximum efficiency. And for all this, you can mix special cocktails for yourself, thanks to which your character will be transformed. There is a special site where cocktail studies are conducted, so you will find recipes for making them. Using this site you can make any cocktail that will bring you a lot of benefits. And this article will help you figure out how the process goes and how to make the best Mosvar cocktails.

Fruit meter

Mosvar cocktails recipes

The first thing you need is a fructometer, without it you will not be able to correctly make cocktails. โ€œMosvarโ€ is a game that is constantly changing, nothing remains in it, so you always need to check the probability of success when making this or that cocktail. If on the fructometer the arrow points to the green compartment, then you will get a cocktail with almost one hundred percent probability. If the arrow points to the yellow compartment, then on this day this cocktail can be prepared, but it is better not to risk it. And finally, if the arrow is on red, then you better refrain from making a specific cocktail and wait for a more favorable day. As you can see, this is not an easy task to make cocktails (Mosvar). But this is far from the last condition that you have to observe.

Fruit for cocktail

moswar cocktails

What do you need to make cocktails at Mosvar? Recipes in absolutely all cases involve the use of four different fruits in specific proportions. Thus, you need to acquire the necessary fruits and correctly measure their quantity. The site will significantly help you with this, because without it you will be wasting a lot of fruit for nothing, getting much less effective cocktails. Look at the table of the cocktail you need and select the fruits for which the exact quantity is indicated - from them select four types that are available to you, and now you can put them in the shaker of the desired level and prepare cocktails in Moswar. But thatโ€™s not all you need.

Ice and gas

Mosvar game

Apart from the fruit, you have to plan to add ice and gas to the cocktail - these are important ingredients that affect how long the effect of your cocktail will last. The maximum duration of action is four hours, so you need to focus on this indicator. If you use the ideal amount of gas and ice, then you will get 240 minutes, if you make a mistake in something, the action time will be shorter. Everything here is much simpler than with fruits, because these ingredients need to be added much less - usually up to five units, while fruits sometimes need to be used in dozens. But the perfect recipe will allow you to get the maximum effect and duration of the cocktail, so you really should try to achieve the best result and maximum accuracy.

Cocktail additives

Another important point is the additives for a cocktail. They are optional, that is, they do not affect either the power of the cocktail or the duration of its action, but at the same time they themselves can give useful additional effects.


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