Solar panels for an apartment: how to install?

Recently, renewable alternative energy sources are becoming more and more popular , among them the energy of the sun should be highlighted. She is good because she is inexhaustible. The amount of heat generated by the sun is great. Today, when new technologies are constantly developing, this natural gift is worth taking advantage of. But to collect and accumulate such energy, it will be necessary to install solar panels for the apartment.

Installation location

solar panels for an apartment

In order for solar panels to work with the greatest efficiency, it is necessary to take into account the peculiarities of their location. For example, if the battery is in a shaded area, it will not be able to generate enough energy for normal operation. As a result of improper installation, the design may fail at all after some time, without having time to justify the cost of the purchase.

Solar panels for the apartment should be directed towards the sun. It is important to carry out the installation so that the flow of sunlight falls on the photocells of the battery most of the day. If the house is located in the northern hemisphere, then the front surface of the device should be oriented south. While in the southern hemisphere, you must install the batteries so that they face north. Slope is also a rather important aspect and depends on geographical location. As experts advise, the angle of inclination should be equal to the latitude in which it is located.

Additional location guidelines

solar kit for apartment

If the house is not at the equator, then the correction of the angle should be carried out depending on the time of year. It is important to ensure access to the batteries. The invention is unpretentious, but dirt and dust can cover its front surface over time, in winter the battery may be covered by snow. If this happens, energy storage will decrease. In order to solve the problem, the base of the structure must be cleaned regularly. It is important to remember that the layer of snow on the surface of the battery can cause the cessation of energy production, so you need to monitor the state of this part of the panels.

Installation steps

solar panels for an apartment on the balcony

You can install solar panels for the apartment yourself. It is important to decide where they will be located, special farms or the roof of the house can become a place. If you stop at the last option, then you have to install the profiles and fix the panels to the bolts. It is recommended to use fasteners for this, the diameter of which varies from 6 to 8 mm.

If you install solar panels for the apartment on profiles, this will fix them in a stationary state and save space on the balcony. When installation is carried out on land farms, you should first purchase them. They are usually aluminum profiles, angles or iron elements that are supplied in a collapsible form.


installation of solar panels in the apartment

For work, in addition to fasteners, keys are needed, the size of which depends on the parameters of the bolts. In order to install solar panels in an apartment, it is necessary to assemble farms, and then choose a place, guided by the tips given above. The place of installation may be the roof. The design is fixed on it in a designated place, and then the panels are installed.

At the final stage, it is important to make sure that the batteries do not move even with strong gusts of wind. Once the above steps have been completed, you can proceed to connecting the batteries to the panels. The first ones will be connected to controllers or inverters.

Mounting Features

solar panels for an apartment in an apartment building

If you decide to install solar panels for an apartment in an apartment building, you should study the nuances of installation. Whatever type of installation you choose, you need to monitor the angle of inclination. It is important to note that batteries may be obscured by each other if improperly installed. If you install elements on the same plane, then with the help of farms you can form several levels. It is important to consider the distance to avoid shading.

In order to use the available space more efficiently, the battery placement techniques should be combined. For example, roof-mounted batteries can be supplemented by ground-based systems. It is important to remember that after installing solar panels, it will not be possible to refuse the services of local electric networks, because the houses have energy-intensive devices like televisions, irons, electric heaters, for which the charge of the modules will be insufficient. Therefore, before installing solar panels in the apartment, you need to think about whether the event will be cost-effective. After carrying out all the calculations, it is necessary to purchase the main parts of the system, namely:

  • solar panels;
  • batteries
  • inverters;
  • controller.

Specialist advice

how to install solar panels in an apartment

As practice shows, the main problem when installing batteries and accumulators is the choice of the right place. Solar panels most of the day should be exposed to sunlight, in the apartment there are very few such places, so the choice is small. To do this, you can use the walls closest to the balcony and balcony glazing. This is true if roof mounting is not possible.

Most often recently, batteries are installed on the glass of a balcony, but this negatively affects the natural lighting in the apartment. Some consumers find in this outlet positive aspects that are associated with ultraviolet delay. Mounting in this case can be done in a balcony frame or on glass.

A set of solar panels for an apartment can be installed using this technology only if the balcony is on the sunny side, otherwise installation does not make sense. The next important point will be the search for a location for the accumulation of elements. When purchasing an average kit for an apartment, you should get batteries in an amount of from 20 to 30 pieces. For an apartment in a panel house, such an area is quite large. This number of batteries will be difficult to place.

You can solve the problem by placing the elements in the upper part of the ceiling of the balcony. However, this place is used extremely rarely. For this, a shelf is usually built on which all the batteries are located, which in this case will not be visible, in addition, they will not interfere. It is important to remember the mass of the elements, the weight of each can vary from 15 to 20 kg, so the shelf must be reliable.

What is important to remember

It is necessary to pay special attention to the insulation of the shelf. This is because in cold weather, the battery capacity may decrease if you do not protect them from frost. In order for the batteries not to work in vain, they need to be insulated with high quality. If the installation of alternative sources is not carried out correctly, then you will encounter only unnecessary costs. Therefore, you should reconsider your opinion regarding some electrical appliances.

Before installing batteries, experts recommend abandoning powerful consumers, replacing them with less energy-intensive ones. For example, a laptop or computer will perfectly replace plasma panels. They are not so energy intensive and save kilowatts. A prerequisite will be the use of energy-saving light bulbs, but LED lighting devices are an ideal option.


Solar panels for an apartment on the balcony can be installed independently. For this, a loggia is best suited, since in its space you can place shelves in the ceiling area. In addition, they should be insulated with thin heat-insulating materials.


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