How to craft a map in Minecraft?

Everyone knows that there are no checkpoints in Minecraft, no one will tell you what to do next and where to go to get this or that result. You have to independently look for resources, entrances to caves, water, and so on. But at the same time, the world of Minecraft will be huge, even if you have chosen not the largest map. If your choice fell on the largest option, then a journey from one end to the other will take a lot of time. But in any case, you cannot remember where absolutely all the important points and objects that interest you in the research process are located. For this, in the game there is such an object as a map. It will help you navigate the world, remember where exactly the objects important to you are located, get directions and always know the way home. But how to craft a card and how then to use it?

Craft cards

how to craft a card

Before crafting a card, you need to stock up on a lot of paper, as well as get (or craft) a compass for yourself. A map is made in the workbench, as it consists of nine elements, and in the inventory you can combine only four. So, the compass must be placed in the central cell of the workbench, and all other cells should be filled with paper. After that, you can safely click on the craft button, and you will get an empty map, on which only your current location point and a few surroundings will be indicated. Embark on a journey to fill the map, but first you need to pay attention to its scale. You already know how to craft a card, but as it becomes clear, not everything is visible on it.

Map extension

how to craft a map in minecraft

So, it’s not enough to learn just how to craft a card. Initially, it has a small scale, and you can only see a limited area around you. What to do in this case? How to zoom in? To do this, you will need a large amount of paper, which you stocked up initially. If you put the card in the workbench as you put the compass in the previous recipe, and lay eight sheets of paper around it, then after crafting your map will have a slightly larger scale. Depending on the size of the world, you will need to do a few more similar manipulations to get the full picture as a result. After that, you can safely go traveling and fill out your map with detailed information about the world. So, now you know how to craft a map in Minecraft and how to increase it, but what about using it directly?

Where to create a map?

how to craft a map in minecraft

If you think that you only need to know how to craft a map in Minecraft to make it perfect, you are mistaken. The fact is that it does not always come out the same - its final image will depend on where exactly you crafted it. Thus, the place of crafting determines the center of the map, from which the image of the world will then be deployed in all directions. What can it be used for? Naturally, it is best to label your home in this way - you will always know how far you have moved away from it, where exactly you should go in order to return. For this, of course, there is a compass, but it never hurts to have an extra landmark. As you can see, it is important to know not only how to craft a map in Minecraft, but also where to craft it. It is recommended to do this near your home, but the final decision, of course, is made by the player himself, and if he wants the center of his card to be in another place, then no one will forbid him to do this.

Filling Features

how to craft a twilight forest map

It remains to talk only about how your card will be filled. The fact is that all your travels around the world that took place before its creation will not be displayed on it, so it is recommended that you craft a map as soon as possible so that all your movements can then be seen. It will be much more convenient, otherwise you will waste your time on research, because then you will not be able to view the investigated territory on a map. Many gamers are asking how to craft a twilight forest map. In fact, all parallel worlds are displayed on their own map, which is simply created in this world. So all you have to do is go to the twilight forest, hell or paradise and create a regular map there.


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