DIY droplet suit for a girl

All little girls love to dress up. Particularly carefully chosen dresses for the matinee, balls and masquerades. But if it is a thematic matinee, you may need to sew a costume for a certain hero or character. Perhaps every child was a snowflake in childhood, but a droplet suit for a girl is not very common. We will consider different options for how to sew such a suit without any special expenses.

Costume droplets for girls based on tutu skirts

little suit for girls

The easiest option for a droplet costume is to take a gymnastic leotard in blue, blue or white and sew a blue tutu to it.

The costume can be made of tulle of different colors or polyethylene. To do this, take any bright girl’s skirt and sheathe it with the selected material. The more folds there are, the lush the skirt will turn out. After the product is ready, tulle is covered with hairspray and sparkles. You can wear a rain wig or blue hair on your head. Or on top you can wear a crown with blue pebbles. Such a droplet suit for a girl will look very elegant and festive.

How to sew a dress for a droplet costume

If you don’t have a suitable skirt, you can sew a beautiful blue or blue dress.

You will need:

  1. The fabric is blue or turquoise.
  2. Scissors.
  3. Blue tulle.
  4. Thread and needle.
  5. Gum.
  6. Blue beads in the shape of a drop.
  7. Secret castle.
  8. Tailor's ribbon.

Take measurements from your girl and make a standard dress pattern based on a sun skirt. Transfer the patterns to the fabric, cut out the elements and gently sweep. Leave a cut for the lock at the back. If you have no tailor experience, it is better to sew a sleeveless dress. It is much simpler and less fabric is required. Try on a dress and make sure that the child is comfortable in it. Stitch the lock and sew all the seams on the machine. Finally, you can decorate the shoulders and neckline with blue beads. It will be very beautiful if you can string the beads on monofilament (a transparent thread resembling a fishing line) and let them go down the back. Fatin fold 3-4 times, collect on an elastic band and sew to a skirt.

Droplet suit for the girl with paper do-it-yourself

costume droplets for girls

If your daughter participates in a sketch and you need a simple suit that can be easily removed, that is, the ability to make it out of paper. Choose a light dress of neutral or blue color, in which the girl will be most of the matinee. Prepare a costume for the performance. Draw a large drop on paper about 70 cm in size, depending on the size of the girl. Cut it and make two holes from the top indented from the top left and right. Two more on the sides closer to the middle of the drop. Pass through the holes of the tape, they will be needed so that the droplet rests on the girl. A crown or a rain wig can also be worn on the head.

Such a drop suit for the girl will be easy to remove after the performance, and it will be possible to continue the celebration in an elegant dress.

do-it-yourself droplet suit

We examined several options for making a costume. Also, a drop suit for a girl can be made from a raincoat, Christmas tree rain, serpentine. You can use any materials that are at your fingertips. Ask the child how she would like to look at the matinee. The girl will be very pleased to participate in the creation of her own unique carnival costume.


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