Variety Bolotovskoe (apple tree): description. Grade Advantages

Apples owe their popularity to a huge number of varieties adapted for cultivation in various climatic zones. The most valuable are trees that can withstand low temperatures. In the northern latitudes, these fruits are the main source of vitamins in the winter season. Variety Bolotovskoe (apple tree) is one of those that is widely cultivated in the Volga region and Central Russia.


These apples were bred at the All-Russian Research Institute of Fruit Crop Breeding (Oryol). In 1977, a group of specialists, consisting of Z. M. Serova, Yu. I. Khabarov and V. V. Zhdanov, under the guidance of Academician E. N. Sedov, received a hybrid from an apple tree of 1924 (more precisely, the fourth generation of the apple tree is plentifully blooming) and a winter variety Skryazhapel.

swamp apple tree

In 1993, the variety Bolotovskoe (apple tree) was accepted for state testing. After their successful completion, in 2002, it was included in the State Register and recommended for breeding in the central regions of Russia. In the southern regions, these trees also worked well, delighting gardeners with a high and stable crop.


Variety Bolotovskoe is an apple tree, the description of which can be summarized as follows: it is a winter-hardy dessert variety of Oryol selection, self-fertile. The best pollinators are winter and autumn varieties. The peculiarity of the genotype - the presence of the Vf gene - provides the leaves and fruits with absolute immunity to scab. These trees can be characterized as follows:

  • Tall, can reach 10 meters, the crown is spherical, the stem branches are rare.
  • Their shoots are brown in color, weak pubescence, the edges are noticeable in cross section.
  • The leaves are elliptical, elongated, large. The top is helically twisted. The color is dark green, the surface is wrinkled, shiny.
  • Fruits are large, an average of 150-160 grams, individual specimens reach 200 g. Sweet and sour juicy pulp, quite dense, pale green. The shape is slightly flattened, broad-ribbed. The skin is dull, oily, has no wax coating. The main color (when harvesting in early September) is greenish yellow. After storage - whitish yellow. Taste qualities received a rating of 4.27 points, appearance - 4.4 points.
  • From one tree remove up to 200 kg of apples. For several years, stably gives at least 130 kg / ha.

Agricultural technology

For a seedling, choose a sunny place with a low level of groundwater. The introduction of compost (humus, ash, superphosphate, peat) into the pit before planting will help provide the seedling with good nutrition for the whole year. Experts recommend using any bean culture as siderat.

apple variety Bolotovskoe

Variety Bolotovskoe (apple tree) is quite unpretentious. Fulfillment of the necessary requirements of agricultural technology in the first five years of life will ensure the absence of health problems in an adult fruit tree. The gardener should regularly do:

  • soil treatment (watering, loosening, weeding);
  • top dressing;
  • annual crown formation;
  • pruning damaged branches;
  • protection against frost and rodents in the winter season;
  • disease prevention (spraying, whitewashing).

Remember that late harvesting can cause fruit to fall off.


The apple variety Bolotovskoe has a number of advantages that allow it to be recommended for cultivation:

  • it is unpretentious, well rooted and quickly begins to grow;
  • the versatility of the tree allows you to grow and yield in the temperate and southern regions of the country;
  • gives the first apples for 5-6 years of life, and from 7-8 actively bears fruit;
  • an adult tree gives up to 200 kg of apples per season;
  • crop stability allows you to plan annual profits;
  • absolutely immune to scab (Vf gene);
  • the fruits have good keeping quality - up to 5 months - with the preservation of the presentation and taste;
  • traditional apple flavor - dessert, sweet and sour;
  • It is used both in fresh and in processed form.

swamp apple tree description

The variety is highly rated for its growing potential for juice production. The yield is 65%, which is higher than the control samples of Antonovka variety. The tree itself will fit perfectly into any landscape. Variety Bolotovskoe is an apple tree with a luxurious spherical crown, bright green foliage, yellow-pink apples, which until the first snow will be an ornament of the garden.


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