Rare beautiful names for cats

When a kitten appears in the house, the first question that arises before the new owner is how to call a cat a beautiful name. Another owner will not be tormented with the nickname for a four-legged friend, he is called the usual Murka or the usual Vaska. Someone will consult with family members, relatives, and friends. And some will search for a name for their pet on the Internet, they will select several beautiful names for cats and cats, according to the sex of the animal. "Try" each of them to their kitten, think it over, and make a choice.

Here he is - naughty mobile.

Name selection according to the letter

There are certain rules for purebred cats when choosing a name. For example, the cat has the first litter, which means the letter "A". Accordingly, each subsequent litter begins with a certain letter. The names of these animals are beautiful, not common, and exclusive. Usually, the breeder himself names the kitten, but the owner has the right to take part in choosing a name for the future pet. Beautiful names for cats can be found on the Internet, and the chosen ones to discuss with the animal breeder.

Lizzy, and no other way.

Choosing a beautiful name for cats according to breed characteristics

The acquired animal is a thoroughbred, but there is no pedigree, and therefore no letter. Really, in this case, you can not pick up beautiful names for cats or cats? Not at all. The owner can name the pet, based on the basic character qualities inherent in this breed.

For example, beautiful names for Scottish cats, such as Elsa, Isa, Ice, Don. Short, sonorous, moderately aristocratic and soft - these names emphasize the uniqueness of the animal. But, you should not focus on the similarity of a cat with a plush toy, and call it Plushka, Baking, Chubby, Bear and other nicknames that are quite offensive for moving animals. This name can not be called, except as - a nickname.

True Elsa.

Exterior name selection

Exterior is the appearance of an animal. Each cat, whether purebred or not purebred, has its own unique exterior. This is not only about color, but also about physique, expression, eyes, "features" of the animal as a whole. Take the usual striped "noble" cat. Its color may be the same as that of other relatives and does not stand out among the many feline individuals. But, only this cat has a dark spot on the cheek, or a particularly curved strip along the back. And only the name Flick, which translates as "speck", will suit her.

The red, fluffy handsome cat can be called Fire, that is, Fiery. Or, give him the name Simba - in honor of the protagonist of the famous cartoon. And the imposing black cat, with emerald eyes, the name Bayadera, Byroness, or Smeralda is perfect. From English it is translated "emerald."

That's for sure - Bayadera.

Choosing a name by the nature of the pet

Sometimes, a person becomes the owner of an already adult animal. In this case, the owner wonders how you can call your cat a beautiful and rare name, focusing on her character. To do this, it is enough to observe the “new settler” for two or three days, highlight one of the most striking features of his character, or - give a name to the pet, summarizing all its features.

For a cat whose characteristic trait is kindness, Kindness will be a good name. It is translated - "kindness." Affectionate purr, not coming down from the owner’s knees, none other than Karessa (Eng. Caress - tenderness) or Purry (Eng. Purr - rumble). A playful minx, whose ability does not include the ability to sit in one place, deserves the name Frisky or Engine. From English they are translated as "Playful" and "Engine".

Sonya is sleeping, she is tired

Choosing a name by cat's date of birth

If the exact date of birth of the pet is known, then the name can be selected based on the time of year in which the animal was born.

"Winter" cats and cats, as a rule, are stubborn, dominant, often trying to become leaders among members of the family of their master and among other pets. "Autumn" - the owners of a strong balanced and mobile central nervous system, that is - sanguine. They are not particularly affectionate and demanding to the attention of the owner, balanced and a little cunning.

These two types are suitable names that mitigate the "harsh" character traits. Soft, melodious, without the presence of aggressive endings and the letter "p". For example, Sean, Kant, Ozzy, Aisa, Gest, Sent.

Animals, whose birthday was in the spring, are distinguished by a certain isolation. They are careful, not to say shy. But, at the same time, they are very affectionate and mobile.

Summer awarded its “children” with such features as noise. These animals are active and energetic, characterized by attachment to humans and sociability.

For “spring” and “summer” representatives of cats, names that contain the letter “p”, expressive and somewhat harsh, are suitable. For example, Ares, Kurt, Juran, Ira, Irma, Urma.

Name - legacy from the owner

When the owner gives the pet a name, he strives to make it ideal for the animal. There is usually no problem with a name for a cat. As for the representatives of the cat's “female” gender, everything is not so simple here. The owner often thinks for a long time how to call a cat-girl a beautiful name.

In order for the newfound owner not to have to think long, rare and beautiful names for cats and cats will be given below.

Miss Charm

Names for cats

Ares, Apollo, Argon, Ajax, Ax, Ice, Art, Ast, Aron, Bryanen, Bright, Brown, Baileys, Belkant, Bernitz, Bern, Blade, Belt, Vogue, Van, Weiss, Veit, Vicks, Vilor, Goode, Greg, Gray, Gold, Guard, Grost, Gels, Grant, Grand, Don, Dor, Deal, Deep, Deutsch, Dayse, Dark, Joger, En, Eu, Ekt, Ero, Jens, Eut, Wife, Joss, Giscard, Zaldo, Zan, Zart, Zayn, Zane, Zeus, Sieber, Zorro, Zilber, Yves, East, X, Irt, Ilt, Imgar, Ilgar, Irben, Iberius, Kurt, Kors, Kant, Claude, Card, Kent, Crete, Kyle, Cold, Cruise, Craise, Cookies, Cainte, Lear, Lord, Land, Laid, Lox, Lourdes, Loki, Maine, Mat, May, Maine, Mult, Mars, Mayes, Mayb, Mays. Munny, Neil, Knox, Nord, North, Novel, Orc, Ors, Oys, Obby, Ozzy, Otto, Olin, Pet, Paul, Page, Prince, Prax, Pussik, Reeve, Rick, Ron, Ram, Ray, Reeves, Rain, Ramiro, Seth, Siv, Soul, Sens, Saint, Sorn, Strike, Strife, San Rain, Thor, Ted, Theme, Time, Toyce, Tris, Tys, Tant, Twix, Tiger, Tinger, Un, Urs, Uyce, Ulk, Uls, Uyron, Uaron, Fan, Face, Fij, Fane, Phlox, Floyd, Finner, Khan, Hot, Hoyce, Hans, Hunt, Hives, Khros, Haight, Tsak, Cent, Zoyk, Tsamb, Zeyn, Tsorin, Cham, Than, Chim, Chus, Choice, Es, Aise, Aers, Ert, Egs, Ern, Evz, Engels, Yun, Yud, Yus, Yuks, Yuld, Yutis, Yuran, Yussi, Juventus, Yamb, Yand, Yaks, Yars. Yani, Yaki, Yass, Yasso, Yambo, Yarro, Jason.

Names for cats

Isa, Aina, Ira, Aisa, Amma, Abba, Alna, Alsa, Athena, Artemis, Aphrodite, Ashanti, Baby, Basie, Barca, Bunny, Bagheera, Bayadera, Weiss, Vilna, Vaira, Verna, Werth, Wurma, Vesta, Wicky, Velary, Girlle, Gabby, Grace, Hesse, Goldie, Gasta, Green, Gamey, Grange, Dei, Dale, Darley, Ginny, Diana, Dyne, Daisy, Dottie, Doro, Dolly, Dora, Jadi, Dejanira, Ema, Era, Evvi, Essi, Erona, Europe, Zhadi, Zhazi, Zhani, Zhandi, Zharsi, Zhazira, Jeanne, Xena, Zana, Zazi, Zoli, Zefi, Zira, Zema, Zora, Zorya, Zolli, Evie, Ima, Inca, Irma, Ista, Ilda, Ilga, Istia, Ilmira, Yokki, Kami, Kali, Kassi, Kissi, Kl oto, Kenny, Kenya, Cameo, Kiara, Kissi, Callisto, Lucky, Lucy, Livi, Libya, Lorna, Lizzy, Miza, Mika, Miss, Moth, Mani, Masya, Myra, Maisy, Missy, Martha, Mirta, Manzi, Monica, Nemi, Nema, Nola, Nala, Nari, Nora, Nori, Nyuta, Nyuma, Nyuza, Noisa, Nokki, Nancy, Nessie, Nikki, Neili, Nemesis, Oda, Ola, Orsi, Oise, Auggie, Oji, Oira, Ossi, Pani, Paty, Party, Peggy, Peira, Parma, Pussy, Princesses, Panyan, Rina, Riga, Rona, Rosa, Raina, Royce, Rocky, Ressi, Sif, Sarah, Sonya, Suzy, Sayna, Senta, Sunny, Setty, Tofa, Toki, Toda, Tom, Tavi, Teffi, Terra, Teira, Tokki, Toisi, Taeynchi, Una, Hooray, Ussi, U rma, ukki, ulna, floa, fani, phloxy, fanta, faire, feppi, jorha, hansi, haina, hitti, tsana, tzora, tsara, zolli, tsayna, tsanni, tsushima, chami, chiba, chita, chafi, choisy, Shiva, Sheba, Shora, Shaki, Shawnee, Shelley, Shaer, Esi, Era, Erna, Eina, Ezzi, Eska, Elba, Elda, Elsa, Erona, Yuna, Yusa, Yufa, Yudi, Yuldi, Yusta, Yutta, Yunira, Yudvig, Juno, Yan, Yas, Yar, Yalma, Yalta, Yask, Iasi.

What should not be called pet

First of all, these are the names of the Saints - Barbara, Peter, Mary, etc. The names of living things, objects and things are best left to them. Squirrel, Grass, Bolt, Drill - obviously inappropriate names for a cat or cat. Words that have a negative character - Death, Freak, Oblique, Balda also belong to the list of forbidden names.


The animal can be given a name from the proposed list. Or if you want to dream up and come up with an original name on your own. It should only be remembered that the name will accompany the pet his whole life. Therefore, to treat his choice is responsible and careful.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/E3678/

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