Political Rights and Freedoms

Political rights and freedoms of citizens - a group of constitutional freedoms and rights belonging to the citizens of a country, giving them the opportunity to participate in the political as well as public life of the country.

They are most directly related to citizenship, but this does not mean that political rights and freedoms of a person must be recognized by the grace of the state. They are as natural as personal freedoms and rights. The state only secures them. The basis of this group of freedoms and rights is that the Constitution of our country calls the people one single source of power. The whole constitutional system of the Russian Federation is built on this provision .

Political Rights and Freedoms

Citizens, of course, have the right to contribute to the government. They can do this indirectly or directly. Indirectly - through persons elected to the authorities, directly - directly, that is, through referenda, gatherings and so on. All citizens of the Russian Federation have the same chance of joining the civil service.

Political rights and freedoms include the right to any association. It is about freedom of association and union. Note that the association is possible only within the framework of the current legislation. Public associations are not controlled by the state, it does not have the right to interfere in their affairs. Most attention should be paid to such public associations as political parties. They directly participate in election campaigns and have the opportunity to take part in solving state-level problems. Political parties today have stringent demands. This means that the opening of new public associations of a similar type is difficult.

Political rights and freedoms include the right to rallies and meetings. In fact, the citizens of the country have the right to express their opinion by holding pickets, meetings, rallies, demonstrations and so on. Freedom of assembly means the ability to gather in any enclosed space to discuss and resolve certain issues or perform the necessary actions. Access and rules for participation in the meeting are determined only by the founders. The state has no right to prevent people from holding meetings. Of course, we are talking only about those cases when they do not discuss plans for a public coup and so on.

Rallies are held outdoors. They have a place to be public speaking. Demonstrations are held on specific routes. Information is conveyed to citizens not by shouting from the rostrum, but by means of posters and banners.

Picketing - standing or moving with posters.

These political rights and freedoms today seem very, very doubtful. The state is doing everything possible to maintain its power and prevent the masses from understanding that its policy is by no means aimed at improving the life of the people. Almost everything requires special permissions. Conducting, for example, an unauthorized demonstration will entail legal liability. The fines that can be obtained for the "illegal" exercise of their rights are high today.

Citizens of the Russian Federation have the right not only to choose, but also to be elected. We are talking about active and passive suffrage. These rights appear from a certain age and under certain conditions (legal capacity and so on). Together, they are components of a political personality.

Political rights and freedoms include the right to appeal. Appeals are sent to public authorities or officials. They, as a rule, contain a requirement to clarify a particular state of affairs.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/E3685/

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