Sumatran cat: view description

Amazing grace is noted for all representatives of the Feline family. Along with famous species in nature, there are unique few, so rare individuals that it is extremely difficult to see them today.

Sumatran cat
One of such representatives of the family is the Sumatran cat - an elegant, beautiful and very cautious animal.

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The homeland of this cat is considered Southeast Asia, the area of โ€‹โ€‹its distribution includes the territories of Indonesia, Sumatra, Malaysia and Borneo. Sumatran cat is found in coastal areas and river floodplains, where humidity is high, which is vital for it. Note that this population is currently so rare that at the end of the last century the species was considered extinct for some time until the animal was accidentally seen on palm plantations in Malaysia. Sumatran cat is also called flat-headed and rusty. Such names are not accidental, the peculiar shape of the head and the dark copper color of the animal make it somewhat unusual, and therefore memorable.

The catโ€™s appearance is amazing: with its grace, habits and elegance of lines, the Sumatran resident resembles other representatives of the cat family. Body sizes (45-70 cm) are similar to the sizes of their family relatives. The mass of the animal does not exceed 3 kg. Males are slightly larger than females. The cat's body is dense, strong, sinewy, covered with soft thick hair of a wonderful terracotta color. The color of the cat is heterogeneous, the belly and breast are decorated with different sized spots - white and dark brown.

Sumatran cat breeding

But the head of the animal is flat and wide. The muzzle is slightly sloping, the color of its upper part is the same as that of the whole body, terracotta-brown, in the lower - light, milky-white tones predominate. Light strips are located at the nose, eyes, descend on the cheeks. The ears of a flat-headed cat are neat, small, unusually low set.

For many observers, the shape of the animal's muzzle evokes associations with the muzzle of the lory due to the large round eyes set quite close together.

Sharp strong teeth are adapted for fishing. Paws are short, front ones are noticeably shorter than hind ones. They end in claws that the Sumatran cat does not pull. The fluffy tail is quite short, it does not exceed 20 cm.


Sumatrians need a reservoir, which is why they choose coastal areas. And not only because these cats are lovers of swimming and playing in the water. The physiology of the species determines the living conditions.


The Sumatran cat, a photo of which is presented in the publication, is a night hunter. The most active time for her is evening twilight and night. Excellent fishermen, these animals choose their place of residence on the banks of the rivers, since the basis of their diet is fish. Frogs, small rodents, and shrimps, on which the animal successfully hunts, diversify the cat's menu. The Sumatran cat often regales itself with various ripening fruits, digs edible roots from the earth, for example sweet potato. Like many cats, Sumatran cats are inveterate cleanlings, and, like a raccoon-raccoon, they often wash their prey before having a meal.

Sumatran cat photo

Observers note the magnificent sense of smell, with the help of which the cat determines where the prey is located. Only after this begins the hunt itself: completely immersing its head in water, the cat grabs the fish with lightning speed and quickly pulls it ashore.

Sumatran cat: breeding

Puberty in these animals occurs at 10 months of age. It is not known exactly, but biologists suggest that the mating season in the Summit begins in the spring and lasts from March to May. During this period they form couples. Females hatched kittens for 50-60 days and bring from one to three blind babies. For the first 3-4 months, the kittens do not leave their mother, but she looks after them until they become completely independent, coming with the maturity of young animals.


The Sumatran cat, the description of which we tried to present, is a poorly studied species due to living conditions and the animalโ€™s natural care. Since it is considered extremely rare, the population size cannot be determined.

Sumatran cat description
The Sumatran cat is already listed in the Red Book, this is a vulnerable species, which biologists today reckon to meet a representative in vivo for incredible luck. We can only state the fact that water pollution by waste from various industries, reduction of fish resources and massive deforestation of mangroves for the installation of palm plantations leads to the disappearance of the habitual habitat of the cat, and therefore the livestock as a whole. However, there is evidence of the adaptive abilities of these animals - they have been repeatedly seen in thickets on palm plantations.


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