Pear Talgar beauty. Description, specifications, reviews

Many people rightly consider the pear to be the queen among fruits. This fruit owes this title not only to its delicious taste, but also to its beneficial effects on human health.

Which country was the homeland of the pear - no one knows. However, it is known for certain that at first this plant was wild and was used only for decorative purposes. Only with time, in the process of evolution, man got the opportunity to enjoy the great taste of these fruits.

But at first they could not be used in food without preliminary heat treatment. The first varieties, the fruits of which could be consumed raw, appeared in France and Italy. Today there are a huge number of varieties of pears. Each of them has its own unique properties. This article describes one such pear - the variety Talgar beauty.

The appearance of the plant

pear Talgar beauty

It is known that this variety was bred at the Kazakh Research Institute of Viticulture and Fruit Growing. It was received by A.N. Katseiko, an experienced breeder. After free pollination of the Forest Beauty, the Talgar beauty pear was grown from seeds (description below).

Trees of this variety are classified as medium-sized. Their medium-thick crown can be of various shapes - from round to wide pyramidal. On the trunk and main branches of the tree, the bark is gray in color and noticeably flakes.

Foliage, shoots, petioles

Pear Talgar Beauty Description

Is the pear growing well Talgar beauty? Feedback from experienced gardeners suggests that this variety has a very high shoot-forming ability. The shoots themselves are not too thick, hairless, not curved, brown. There are a large number of not too large, pinkish lentils. They are clearly visible.

The trees grow a lot of large long leaves, ovoid, slightly pointed, shape. The foliage is dark green in color, shiny and smooth to the touch. Their plate is flat, less often slightly concave, with finely serrated edges.

Petioles are not too thick and long. Medium stipules are awl-shaped. Pear Talgar beauty is distinguished by large conical pubescent growth buds and medium-sized smooth flower.

Main characteristics

pear talgar beauty reviews

It is believed that this variety has high winter hardiness. Of course, in a normal, not too harsh winter, the tree will not freeze. However, experts noted that if the temperature drops below 32-34 ยฐ C, then many plants freeze quite strongly. Meanwhile, the freezing of these plants is still much lower than that of other similar varieties, for example, Forest Beauty.

Good regeneration - this is another property that distinguishes the pear Talgar beauty. The description of the specialists who provided the frozen plants with good care suggests that the trees are restored very quickly. The very next year, they abundantly bear fruit, bringing about one hundred kilograms of wholesome fruits.

This variety has good resistance to pests and fungal diseases. It is easy to plant it on seedlings of cultivated varieties and on forest pear. It is also perfectly compatible with quince.

Flowering period is medium. Also beautiful is the fruit-bearing pear Talgar beauty. Planting annuals that were grafted on a seed stock to a permanent place after 4 years will bring a large number of fruits. Productivity is plentiful and regular.

Pear fruit

pear Talgar beauty planting

Fruits are larger in size than the average, reaching a mass of up to 140 grams or more. In shape, they are slightly beveled at the top, elongated. This form is called bottle. With a large crop, the pears may be slightly uneven.

Pear Talgar beauty differs in the form of a funnel. It is very small, but wide, conical and un rusted (on some fruits it is practically absent). The pear saucers are smooth, deep enough, but narrow. The stalks are slightly curved, with a beveled arrangement.

The integumentary coloration is spotted, blurred. There are a large number of small subcutaneous points. On one side of the pear, covered with blush, these white dots are clearly visible, and on the other side they are small, almost indistinguishable and painted green.

The peel of ripe fruits is quite thin, smooth to the touch. In appearance, the pale yellow pears look shiny and oily, have a bright blush on one side. In rare cases, a raspberry hue prevails on almost the entire surface of the fruit.

Pear Talgar beauty has a dense flesh of cream color, a little rough. However, it is distinguished by fine grain and juiciness. Fruit aroma is weak. Taste qualities were rated at 4.1 points.

Fruit ripening

Pear variety Talgar beauty

This variety belongs to the autumn. Ripe fruits begin to be picked at the end of September. Pear Talgar beauty is distinguished by friendly, almost simultaneous ripening of fruits. On the branches they hold tight.

Do not remove the pears too late, as they can over-ripen and then their core will not get a very nice brown color. Of course, this will not lead to the fact that the fruits will rot, but the presentation will be damaged.

Fruits have good transportability, do not deteriorate from pressure, during storage they are not covered with dark spots.

Advantages and disadvantages

Like any fruit, the pear Talgar beauty has its own characteristics. The feedback of those involved in the cultivation of this variety, allowed us to make a list of its main advantages and disadvantages.

The positive qualities include an attractive appearance, long shelf life, high yield, good disease resistance, early maturity and good winter hardiness.

Negative - browning of the core during late harvest and non-oily, slightly rough fruit pulp.

Meanwhile, this variety has more advantages than disadvantages. That is why it is very popular among experienced and novice gardeners.


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