What characteristics should tile adhesive for pools have?

For pool lining, special tiles are most often used, which have not only an attractive appearance, but also many advantages. It is not susceptible to decay and corrosive phenomena, does not react with minerals, and is resistant to mechanical stress and high pressure.

tile adhesive for pools


Glue for pools waterproof consists of a sand-cement mixture of high quality and polymer additives. The composition is suitable for use in tanks designed to fill water and lined with ceramic or tile. The material is distinguished by hydrophobic and adhesive characteristics, due to which it provides high-quality fixing of tiles with constant exposure to water. Most brands can be used with a high content of chlorine in the liquid. Tile adhesive for pools It is characterized by elasticity, resistance to frost, water resistance, environmental friendliness and the absence of substances that can negatively affect health. The material can also be used for rooms that are often affected by water, such as basements, ground floors, terraces and showers.

What you need to know

In order for the pool to please for many years, it is important to choose not only the material for the lining, but also the liquid glue for fixing it. It increases the water-repellent characteristics and the period of operation of the coating. There are certain criteria that should be considered when choosing an adhesive:

  • water properties and temperature conditions;
  • tank depth;
  • the location of the pool (in the building or on the street);
  • base materials and tiles;
  • size, weight and type of elements.

When using products with a large mass and size, tile adhesive for pools should be selected with an increased level of adhesion, it has a viscous structure that prevents the elements from sliding before the solution begins to harden.

liquid glue

How to choose

In addition to the properties of bonded materials, the possibility of deformation of the base and the geometry of the tank during shrinkage and under the influence of a mass of water should be taken into account. For a base that is highly susceptible to deformation and flexibility, a polyurethane elastic composition or agent containing other highly plastic components is used.

The ambient temperature and the location of the pool are decisive factors in selecting the right adhesive material. For an open tank suitable frost-resistant liquid glue, which retains its characteristics under frequent temperature extremes.

The strength and quality of the tiles are selected in accordance with the depth of the pond, that is, with increasing depth, the requirements for the reliability and thickness of the lining increase, as a result, adhesive with suitable properties becomes necessary.

Water can have a different chemical composition with a certain ratio of minerals and salts. When used in the pool, chlorine-containing and disinfecting substances are added to it, which affect the inner surface of the tank. That is why tile adhesive for pools should be resistant to chemical attack.

glue for pools waterproof


High demands are placed on the fixing material, it must possess the following qualities:

  • high level of tightness;
  • preventing the development of fungus and mold;
  • reliable adhesion of the surface of the tile and the base;
  • resistance to temperature changes;
  • preservation of previous characteristics when exposed to salts and chlorine;
  • high elasticity and water resistance.

Given the available characteristics and specifics of use, waterproof glue for pools can not be cheap, so you can’t save on it. It is worth giving preference to solutions from popular, proven manufacturers and carefully following all the instructions and recommendations indicated on the package.

waterproof glue Price

Preparatory work

A high-quality result depends not only on a competent tile laying methodology, but also on compliance with all preparatory work, which includes three main stages:

  • surface preparation consists in thorough cleaning from dust and dirt;
  • in the presence of an old paintwork coating, it must be removed, then level and sand the base;
  • preparation of the working composition (as a rule, 250 ml of liquid is taken per kilogram of dry matter).

It is worth remembering that the finished tile adhesive for pools should be used within 2-3 hours, after this time it will become solid and unsuitable for further use. The final solidification of the material will occur in three days, the process should take place in suitable conditions, in particular, in the absence of precipitation and other atmospheric influences.

adhesive waterproof plus

What you need to know

The inner surface of the pool is always under pressure from a large amount of water, so all materials for lining, not only tiles, but also waterproof glue “Plus”, must be of high quality. When you buy too cheap funds in unverified stores, you can be very disappointed in the result. Poor-quality products do not have all the necessary characteristics, which can be seen even at the preparatory stage and during the installation process. The tile does not hold well on such compositions and eventually begins to move away from the base, which is why the tank has to be faced again. Today, the stores offer an extensive assortment of tools, so when choosing, you should contact the seller-consultant who will help you navigate among the variety of brands and brands. For glue, the waterproof price is in the range of 300-1000 rubles for a package weighing 25 kg.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/E3701/

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