Mite sprays for dogs: rating, instructions for use, reviews

The spring sun, drops and the appearance of the first green grass do not please everyone. Dog owners during this period are anxious for their four-legged friends: the time for ticks is coming. Ixodid ticks are carriers of many dangerous diseases that pose a threat to both humans and animals. That is why every caring owner, with the advent of spring, wonders if any new means of protection against these insects have appeared, which ones are the most effective and at the same time the least safe for their pets.

Protecting your friend from these insatiable bloodsuckers is easy, but you need to know which ones are more suitable for your animal. Today, the range of these products in specialized stores is quite diverse: these are tablets, shampoos, and dry formulations, and collars, and sprays.

dog tick sprays

But most pet owners (and veterinarians support them in this) believe that they are most convenient to use, effective and mostly safe from tick mites (for dogs). What is the advantage of drugs in this form? We will try to figure this out in our article. We will also name the best dog tick spray. The rating of these popular products may help you choose the drug that suits your four-legged friend more than others.

Types of Sprays

So, let's understand what these drugs are and how they act on hated insects. Antiparasitic drugs, produced by different manufacturers in the form of sprays, are always popular. This is due to their effectiveness and quick result after application. Active substances penetrate the mite through the respiratory system.

All dog tick mites are divided into two types:

1. Acaricides, which are intended for poisoning and further destruction of parasites on the dog’s body.

2. Repellents - drugs are less toxic, which, as a rule, do not kill parasites. They are used to protect the animal before visiting dangerous places (a trip out of town, to the cottage), since they are able to repel insects.

Sprays include insecticides. The following toxic substances are most often used:

1. Permethrin

The most famous insecticide, which can be found in almost all antiparasitic drugs. This substance is designed to quickly and effectively kill ticks, so it has a fairly high degree of toxicity. For this reason, owners should be careful when using permethrin-based products.

2. Fipronil

Another widely used insecticide, which is part of many sprays and not only. It is used in the manufacture of special collars that are used to protect animals. The substance is also toxic, but recently veterinarians have noted that a spray from ticks for dogs (owner reviews confirm this) even with a high content of this substance does not very effectively cope with its main task. This is probably due to the developed immunity in ticks, so this insecticide is less and less often included in protective agents.

dog mite spray frontline

3. Neostomazann

More recently, it was the main component in the composition of most antiparasitic drugs, but over time it could not compete with more effective and modern analogues. However, today it can be purchased in pet stores as an independent tool for combating ticks or found in some drugs.

4. Essential oils

These are not toxic substances, but they are also part of many sprays, mainly repellents. They are designed to repel parasites. Their effectiveness is not so high, but the advantage is that this component is non-toxic, therefore completely safe. The most commonly used oils are eucalyptus and citrus.

The vast majority of antiparasitic drugs, especially acaricides, are toxic substances and should be used with caution. All the exceptions, both foreign and domestic manufacturers, are provided with instruction for tick mite sprays for dogs. It must be strictly observed and in no case should the processing norms and rules indicated in it be changed.

Overview of popular sprays

To make it easier for you to navigate the huge range of sprays that protect the dog from ticks, we will present you with a small overview of the most popular and well-established drugs.

Front line

The composition is developed by French specialists. Available in various forms, and in the form of a spray as well. Many owners, with whom veterinarians agree, are of the opinion that this is the best spray for ticks for dogs.

flea and tick spray for dogs

Frontline dog tick mite spray has an undeniable advantage: it is its versatility - it can be used to treat not only dogs, but also cats. It will protect your pets not only from ticks, but also from fleas.

The main active ingredient that is part of this spray is fipronil, so you must strictly follow the instructions. The average price in Russia is about a thousand rubles per 100 ml bottle.


This is a German analogue of the Front Line spray presented above. However, it has a significant difference: its main active ingredient is propoxur, and not fipronil. Experts consider it a safer composition. Even if by chance it gets on the mucous membranes, it will not cause serious irritation.

The dog mite spray “Bolfo” is available in 250 ml cans. Its average price today is 500 rubles.

dog tick spray reviews


An effective dog tick spray. Its distinguishing feature and main advantage is the safe natural composition, which is based on essential oils and substances of plant origin.

Beaphar does not destroy ticks, but is guaranteed to provide high-quality protection against them during walks. The price of a 150 ml can is about 750 rubles.

mite spray for dogs bolfo


A well-known American manufacturer of pet products also produces a dog tick spray. Its main active ingredient is tetrachlorvinphos. This remedy should not be used with other medicines. Specialist consultation required.

dog tick spray reviews

Spray the substance carefully, as irritation may occur if it enters the mucous membranes. Perhaps you are interested in how much the dog tick mite spray from this famous manufacturer is worth? A large 475 ml bottle will cost you about 600 rubles.

Green fort

This is a multifunctional spray for fleas and ticks for dogs. The drug will provide your pets with protection against almost all types of insects and arthropods, including ticks. The composition is based on citrus oils, there are no insecticides in it. Therefore, this spray is absolutely safe and non-toxic.

The volume of this product is 200 ml, the price is about 300 rubles.

dog tick rating

Spray from ticks for dogs "Bars"

This is the best domestic product, well known to many dog ​​owners. The drug is produced in Russia in the form of drops and spray. Drops retain their properties for two months. One pipette is enough to handle a dog weighing from two to ten kilograms.

The action of the spray is not so long - no more than two weeks. The spray from ticks for dogs "Bars" is intended both for the destruction of parasites and for their deterrence. This allows you to not only rid your pet of ticks, fleas and other parasites present on the body, but also use it as a prophylactic.

Such a spray from fleas and ticks for dogs costs 220 rubles (a bottle of 100 ml).

best tick mite spray for dogs

Rules for treating the animal with a spray

  • Processing is preferably carried out in the fresh air. If this is not possible, then do this procedure in a well-ventilated area. If there is an aquarium in this room, it is better to take it out to another room, as the smallest particles of the preparation may remain in the air, to which the fish are very sensitive.
  • Wear a respiratory mask and disposable rubber gloves to reduce the risk of vapors getting into the airways and to avoid skin contact.
  • The spray can is kept strictly upright during processing. The product is sprayed only against the growth of wool. Carefully make sure that the drug evenly lay down throughout the body of the animal.
  • If your pet has thick and long hair, then spray from dog ticks should be applied by spreading the hair with your hands so that the product is better absorbed into the skin.
  • When spraying drugs near the animal’s head, close his eyes, ears, mouth and nose.
  • After treatment, the dog should be visible until the product has completely dried. Do not let the animal lick it to avoid poisoning.

Dog Tick Sprays: Advantages and Disadvantages

The popularity of sprays is understandable. These drugs have many positive qualities. Among them:

  • the ability to use as a prophylactic;
  • quick result of treatment;
  • spray from ticks for dogs, unlike drops, affects only the coat and skin, do not enter the body;
  • ease of use.

Despite the undeniable advantages, sprays also have disadvantages:

  • long-haired animals are not very convenient to handle;
  • with uneven processing, part of the insects can survive;
  • allergic reactions are possible;
  • short therapeutic effect.

Drug effectiveness

All sprays demonstrate a high level of effectiveness almost immediately after treatment, instantly acting on parasites or protecting against their attack. However, this indicator directly depends on the following factors:

  1. The length of the pet’s coat.
  2. The composition of the tool.
  3. Strict adherence to all processing rules.

Regardless of which insecticide is part of the spray, these drugs act on a single principle, which can be described as follows:

  • The toxic substance enters the mite through the digestive or respiratory system, with direct contact through the chitinous cover.
  • Insecticide provokes malfunctions in the central nervous system of insects.
  • The active substance affects only arthropods and insects, it does not affect warm-blooded organisms.
  • Ticks lose their viability, because they are deprived of the ability to move, eat, breathe.

What to look for?

When choosing a spray for combating ticks, pay attention to the following factors:

  1. The toxicity of the drug, which depends on the active substances.
  2. If you intend to treat an elderly or debilitated animal or puppy, give preference to drugs with a mild effect.
  3. Spray volume. This criterion is usually determined by the size of the dog and the length of the coat: the higher the numbers, the more you will need the drug.
  4. Compatibility with other means, if a comprehensive fight against parasites is planned.
  5. Brand of the drug. We recommend buying products from well-known brands that have worked well.
  6. The duration of the therapeutic effect. Sprays differ in the period guaranteed by the manufacturer, it must be indicated in the instructions for the drug.

how much does a tick mite spray cost for dogs

Dog reviews

Many dog ​​owners have long and successfully used dog tick sprays in caring for their pets. Reviews are received by almost all manufacturers. Many pet owners note that with prolonged use of Front Line spray, which copes with ticks, the animal may show an allergic reaction, so it should be periodically changed to another drug.

And one more tip: this spray is often faked, so you need to buy the product only from a French manufacturer in large zoo pharmacies.

Most of the sprays described above are effective and easy to use, but to choose the tool individually for your pet, do not risk it and consult a veterinary clinic for advice. Experienced dog breeders recommend the same when allergic reactions to a drug occur.


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