Riddles for children. "Hid in a small oak a golden glomerulus" - what is it?

Children love to make riddles. And what a glee happens when they solve it! They are pleased with their own inventiveness and quick wit. In addition, coming to an answer, the baby develops logic and imagination. With them, he gradually enters the cultural heritage of his homeland.

What is a riddle among the peoples of the world

A riddle is almost always a metaphor. She develops not only logic, but also poetic imagination. Example: Russian riddle "Hid a golden glomerulus in a oak. What is this?". This folklore genre was born long ago and developed among all the peoples of the world. Her poetic image is slightly reminiscent of how the answer should turn out. The riddle has a very strong figurative language. This is just a simple mind exercise today. In ancient times, it was used to describe natural phenomena or to explain them, for example: "A small tree hid in a golden glomerulus."

hid in a little oak a golden glomerulus what is it

Riddles like a competition

Competitions in riddles were very common in the folk epic. Sometimes wise girls ask the good young man difficult questions to confuse him, and to show him how sharp his mind is, and he can cope with any, not just a physical obstacle. So the bride shows the groom that she is not any more stupid than him. Guess leads to the fulfillment of desires, helps to avoid danger.

Walk in the park or in the forest

in a golden glider hid a little oak

Taking a walk with the child, you can offer him a riddle when her very object, which lies under her feet, quickly allows the baby to solve it: he hid a golden ball in a small oak tree. What is it? If he does not immediately find a suitable answer, you can ask leading questions.

How to bring a baby to an account

He should be invited to collect carved leaves of oak, under them he will see acorns. After this, it is necessary that he carefully examine the golden brown acorn, which before that, perhaps, did not pay attention. An acorn can be oval, which is more common, or maybe round. This is less common. But it is better to find several acorns and twist in the hands, carefully examining. A round acorn is a bit like a small glomerulus. Then we can repeat again: โ€œA golden glomerulus hid in an oak tree. What is it?". Then the baby will have to compare what he saw the ball of thread, and which is now in the hands. Maybe not right away, but he will figure out what the answer to the question should be: โ€œI hid a golden ball in an oak tree. What is it?". And if he doesnโ€™t figure it out, then ask: โ€œUnder what did the head of the golden acorn hide?โ€ โ€œUnder the hat,โ€ the baby answers. Here we are a little and moved to guess the mystery that every child loves. Holding an acorn in his hands, he begins to examine it in detail. It is important that he is not distracted. After all, a small child quickly switches his attention.

What to ask next

"What do you think will grow out of it"? Then the baby can think. After all, he had never seen a plant grow out of a seed. You can show him the sunflower seed, taking it with you in advance, and tell how the seed of a sunflower or a cucumber grows. This he will be able to understand. It must be suggested that two segments are hidden under the skin of the acorn.

golden glomerulus hid a little oak puzzle
You can consider them. Then the baby logically compares them with the seeds of smaller plants and guesses that a mighty oak will grow from large lobules. So he will understand that in a golden glomerulus a hid is hidden. The riddle is guessed.

You can always develop your child in a playful way, and he will enthusiastically wait for new questions.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/E3722/

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