What is a beam? Types of beams

In modern construction processes, reinforced concrete, steel and wooden beams are often used. Let's try to determine what this structural element is and what its purpose is.

What is a beam?

Modern construction is a variety of materials and processes for their processing. To strengthen structures, a beam is often used - an element that is a horizontal or inclined beam, most often working on bending. It is this detail that allows you to reduce the weight of metal structures and strengthen them qualitatively.

what is a beam

In modern construction processes, a beam placed in a horizontal position is responsible for the transverse load of the floor. But some situations force one to take into account possible natural influences, for example, earthquakes, powerful hurricanes and other disasters.

You already know what a beam is, but how does it affect building supports? We are talking about suspensions, walls, columns and various bars on which a reinforcing structural element is located. The beam presses on the supports, passing them a certain part of the pressure, and as a result, the latter begin to work in compression.

Not a single large industrial building of production and even a large garage can do without ceilings, which reduce the load on the structure and at the same time strengthen it.

Types of beams

Absolutely all building parts and mechanisms differ in type, size and purpose. "What is a beam?" is a basic question. And from it we will move on to more complex concepts, considering the most common types of reinforcing bars working in bending.

For example, I-beams have parallel faces and are divided into wide and columned types, each of which has its own purpose.

For the formation of supporting supporting structures in construction using wide-beam beams, because the columns are not able to withstand such a powerful load.

Wooden beam

Earlier, when answering the question about what a beam is, we already spoke about the variety of materials from which this structural element is made. Wooden parts are most often used to form floors in frame, log, timber houses and suburban homes. Only thanks to the wooden beams can the load be evenly distributed along the plane of the roof and the last floor of the building. Thanks to the quality characteristics of this material, the strength and stability of any home are ensured.

wooden beams

In addition, the timber treated with a special solution is not affected by mold and fire, which means that the building structure will be reliably protected from cracks and further destruction.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/E3723/

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