Ceramic tile: density, weight, types and purpose

For several millennia, ceramic tiles have been manufactured according to classical technology, which involved the use of the following materials:

  • glaze;
  • clay;
  • water.

The mixture after molding was exposed to high temperature. Modern ceramic tile, the density of which will be mentioned below, is a product made of a mixture of quartz sand, clay, as well as other ingredients that are pressed and fired during production. You can subdivide this finishing material into the following varieties:

  • glazed;
  • unglazed;
  • matte;
  • glossy.

To this day, tile laying on walls and floors continues to be the most practical and convenient way of decorating rooms. This decoration is traditional for the kitchen and bathroom, and ceramics, which can be found in living rooms and bedrooms, are increasingly being included in the interior of residential premises. Tiles are also used for external wall cladding, as well as for the decoration of public buildings.

The main types of ceramic tiles

ceramic tile density

Ceramic tile, GOST which provides for the observance of the rules of production technology, is divided into several main groups, among them it should be highlighted:

  • ceramic granite (porcelain tile) ;
  • cotto;
  • clinker;
  • single fired tile;
  • double-fired tile.

As for ceramic granite or porcelain stoneware, it represents products that are manufactured according to one of the new technologies. We can say that porcelain tile acts as the highest stage in the development of ceramic-based tile production.

Glazed and unglazed tiles are represented by clinker, which is obtained by extrusion. The raw materials are pressed through the mold, and in some cases the products are obtained by pressing.

Double and single firing tiles are products that are produced according to the most ancient method of glazed finish. The clay mixture is pressed in the process, exposed to high temperatures, and then glaze is applied to the surface, at the final stage the tile is fired a second time.

GOST ceramic tiles

ceramic tile gost

Ceramic tile, GOST which is periodically updated, must be resistant to cracking, heat-resistant, frost-resistant and wear-resistant. The norms for the described material are certain indicators that are periodically updated, they are spelled out in standards No. 6141 and 13996. Among the updated data, the following standards should be distinguished:

  • No. 6141-91;
  • No. 6787-2001;
  • No. 13996-93.

According to state norms and rules, the composition of ceramic tiles must include:

  • quartz sand;
  • clay;
  • feldspars;
  • carbonates.

The first ingredient is responsible for the skeleton of products, while clay maintains the ductility and shape of the material. As for carbonates and feldspars, they are responsible for the viscosity of the products, this is what gives the finish a density and vitreous.

Ceramic tile weight

ceramic tile properties

The weight of the ceramic tile will vary depending on the type of material. The mass is affected by the coefficient of porosity and density. Depending on this, ceramic tiles can be divided into several types, among them tiles should be distinguished. He is the easiest.

With standard tile sizes, which can be equal to 20x30 or 30x30 cm, the weight of a square meter will vary from 11 to 16 kg. Clinker ceramics are used to decorate the facades. In this case, the weight per square meter will be equal to the limit of 20 to 30 kg. Buyers are often interested in the weight of ceramic tiles. If we are talking about porcelain, then it has a low coefficient of porosity, respectively, a rather impressive mass, which is equal to the limit of 20 to 70 kg per square meter.

Sidewalk ceramic products are very thick; due to this, their weight can be 90 kg per square meter. Depending on which natural stone is used in the manufacture of ceramic pavers, its weight reaches 150 kg per square meter.

Appointment of ceramic tiles

purpose of ceramic tile

Ceramic tile, the density of which may be different, is used for decoration of rooms and external surfaces of buildings. In the first case, we are talking about floor products, as well as wall decoration. Ceramics in the kitchen and in the corridors, where surfaces are subject to high abrasion, exhibits all its best operational features.

The described products are also used for decoration of public premises, cafes and shops should be included here. Considering the purpose of ceramic tiles, it can also be noted that it is used as floor and wall coverings, however, such decoration can also be found during outdoor works. Most often, ceramic tiles are used in the arrangement:

  • pedestrian crossings;
  • parks;
  • the veranda;
  • metro stations;
  • airports
  • train stations.

Ceramic tiles, the density of which will be mentioned below, must have high qualities of frost resistance. Such products are extruded enameled tiles with low water absorption.

Some technical characteristics of ceramic tiles using porcelain stoneware as an example

purpose of ceramic tile

Ceramic tile, the density of which can reach 1400 kg / m 3 , is also offered for sale in the form of porcelain stoneware. Its specific gravity is 2400 kg / m 3 . This parameter approximately corresponds to the specific gravity of the glass. The frost resistance of this finish acts as one of the important indicators that determines the possibility of using the material outside the premises. Any of the varieties of porcelain can withstand up to 50 cycles of freezing and thawing. Water absorption of porcelain stoneware is quite low, it is about 3%. However, as practice shows, this parameter varies from 0.05 to 0.5%.


Considering the properties of ceramic tiles, it can be noted that it is wear-resistant and resistant to abrasion. The material is frost-resistant, it absorbs moisture in minimal quantities, and among the additional pluses, resistance to mechanical stress should be highlighted. During operation, the material retains color fastness. For laying ceramic tiles on the floor, you can use a rough variety, because this eliminates slipping.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/E3731/

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