The child is growing rapidly: reasons for what to do

Parents are always moved if the child is growing rapidly. They prophesy a basketball career for him and watch with pride how he stands out from his peers. However, many do not even suspect that such a feature can be dangerous to the baby's health. If the skeleton of a child is rapidly increasing in size, then the internal organs may not have time to form at the same rate. This leads to numerous problems.

how fast a child grows after a year

Therefore, do not rejoice that the child is growing very quickly. It is necessary to understand whether this is the norm and how to act if such changes can lead to unpleasant consequences.

Normal growth rate

The first 12 months of the baby's life are considered the period of the most intensive growth. At this time, it can increase in size by 20-25 cm. In this case, there is absolutely nothing to worry about. A similar indicator is the norm.

If we talk about how quickly the child grows after a year, then he should begin to increase twice as slowly. That is, an average of 10-15 cm per year. Starting from the age of two, a child’s growth increases with the same indicators. By the age of three, the average baby increases by only 6 cm. After this, growth gradually begins to slow down. But the child is still growing.

What factors can change these values

Speaking about why the baby is growing rapidly, it is worth considering that from birth, the baby first of all needs the right balanced diet. For example, if a baby received milk from his mother, then, surprisingly, he will grow a little slower than his peers who have already switched to artificial mixtures. The quality of breast milk largely depends on what the mother eats. If she does not monitor her diet, then this will slow the baby's growth. But usually these kids grow up quickly in subsequent years.

Boy is growing

In turn, babies who switched to nutritional mixtures at an earlier age begin to increase in size more rapidly. This is due to the fact that the composition of such nutrition includes vitamins and all supplements necessary for growth.

If we are talking about a baby who is already six months old, then the reasons that the child is growing rapidly may be different.


If one or both parents are quite impressive growth, then there is nothing to be surprised that the baby is already much higher than their peers. Gradually, the increase in its size will slow down. If the parents of the baby do not reach 165 cm, then it is worth paying attention to grandparents. Perhaps they transmitted a large gene.

how fast a child grows to a year

Genetic predisposition

This is a more difficult situation. If a child has a genetic predisposition to chromosomal pathologies, pituitary tumors or abnormalities in the endocrine system, then growth can become a symptom of just such problems.

Vitamin D

It is not for nothing that they call it a “growth activator”. If the baby receives too much of this vitamin, then perhaps it was he who caused such jumps in growth. It is worth once again to review the diet of your beloved child.

the child is growing very fast

Many mothers are afraid that due to a lack of this component, a child will develop rickets. Therefore, they begin to literally stuff the baby with vitamin supplements.

Early puberty

If we are talking about the fact that the child is growing rapidly at a later age, then it is entirely possible that this is precisely the reason. Especially often it is girls who face this problem. Doctors say that in some of them, the first menstruation begins at 9 years old. If this happens, then do not worry. After a few years, the hormonal background in the child's body stabilizes, and growth begins to slow down. This does not happen often, but you should not rule out a similar reason.

Growth rate in children

As a rule, a newborn baby rarely exceeds 51 cm. In one month, his height increases to 55 cm. By two months, this figure is approximately 59 cm. Until six months, the child's growth increases by 2 cm monthly. After this, an even greater deceleration occurs.

If we talk about how quickly a child grows up to a year, then by 12 months, as a rule, a boy’s height is 76 cm. By 1.5 years, he increases to 82 cm. The ten-year-old boy’s height is 138 cm on average. an organism jumps can be observed. If growth then slows down, it becomes more intense, then there is usually nothing to worry about. However, regardless of the causes of such uneven changes, it is best to consult a pediatrician periodically.

Why growth spikes are dangerous

If the child’s development is too rapid, then in this case the baby’s body may begin to lack calcium. This component is very important. If the child is growing rapidly, then in this case the bone tissue is not enough quantity of building elements. Bones become more fragile and weakened.

why baby grows fast

In order to timely identify the lack of calcium in the child's body, it is worth paying attention to the condition of his teeth. If small white dots appear on them, then this is the first sign that the enamel is not formed strong enough. She lacks calcium. This means that the whole body experiences a similar deficit.

In such a situation, you need to pay increased attention to the hygiene of the baby's oral cavity. It is necessary that he brush his teeth for at least 3 minutes. It is also worth a visit to the dentist. He needs to say that the child grows faster than peers. If this is not done, then the destruction of enamel will lead to a fairly rapid development of caries.

Muscle development

If the bones grow much faster than them, then the child may begin to suffer from sprains. The child will constantly complain that he has flattened and tingling limbs. A similar symptom appears due to a lack of potassium, calcium or water in the body. The last point is also important. The fact is that a growing body needs 30% more fluid. Therefore, a child should drink water much more often than an adult.

If in this case we are talking about a teenager, then it is worth completely forbidding him to drink soda. Drinks of this type only contribute to a greater excretion of calcium from the body. If after some time the problems do not stop, you should consult a doctor who will give a referral to the pool. Water treatments help relax muscles, and the child is relieved.

Frequent headaches

If a child’s vision has been affected due to rapid growth, then it is possible that he will begin to complain of a similar symptom. In this case, it is recommended to visit an optometrist first. The problem is that the child himself may not notice any changes in the quality of vision. However, a specialist will be able to identify a similar problem at the initial stage of its development.

do children grow up fast

Otherwise, headaches can go into migraines. If the child began to complain of nausea, hypersensitivity to sounds and bright light, then a neuropathologist will help. It is dangerous to engage in self-medication in this situation.

When you need to visit a doctor

Of course, you should not tighten if the child suffers from pain or other unpleasant symptoms. If it is only that he is above his peers, then you need to understand whether this is a deviation from the norm.

Knowing whether children are growing fast is much easier to assess the situation. Anxiety is justified if the baby's dimensions exceed the norm by 15-20%. In all other cases, most often we are talking about individual physiological characteristics. However, regardless of this, it is recommended to visit a pediatric endocrinologist who will conduct standard tests and diagnostics. Also, each baby must undergo a pediatrician examination. He must be aware of all changes in the health of the child. If you ignore the baby’s growth problems and do not take timely measures, this can adversely affect the quality of his whole life. For example, a heart defect may develop or blood pressure problems may occur. Therefore, it is better not to delay and always note any deviations in the formation of the child.


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