Spraying fruit trees in autumn will protect future crops

Spraying fruit trees in autumn
Autumn is the time of the most important and labor-intensive process, the stage of preparing the garden for the onset of cold weather. In order for the wintering to take place successfully, it is required to protect it from many diseases and pests, which, as they say, are just waiting to wake up in the early spring and begin their destructive activity.

And one of the important and necessary steps is spraying fruit trees in the fall. As a result, the garden will have a flowering, healthy appearance for the whole subsequent season.

Autumn spraying of fruit trees, as well as spring, is carried out using a spray gun. In addition to this, the gardener will need a protective gown with gloves and a respirator for this. Such precautions are not unnecessary, since spraying fruit trees in autumn is carried out using pesticides.

Autumn spraying of fruit trees
The drug is selected based on the season, type of garden, as well as suspected pests and diseases. Since there is usually a lot of rainfall in September-October, spraying should be done when there is no rain. Categorically it is impossible to do this procedure just before the rain, which can wash away all the substance, and then the garden will remain unprotected.

Experienced growers know that fruit trees are sprayed once a season. Specialists have compiled a special calendar, which describes in detail all the dates in which you need to carry out certain activities for the care and treatment of the garden.

Unlike spring, carried out more for the purpose of prevention, spraying fruit trees in the fall is necessary to reduce the likelihood of plant diseases in the coming year. It is produced using a urea solution prepared at the rate of seven hundred grams of a substance per ten liters of water. In this case, the composition is applied not only to the trunk and branches, but also to the ground under them, so that the entire infection around is destroyed. The atomizer on the spray gun should be installed on a fine, almost dusty spray.

At the same time, fertilizing plants with phosphorus and potassium fertilizers is also carried out.

spraying fruit trees

Many gardeners make the mistake of processing their apple trees, pears or plums at the very beginning of autumn, when the trees are still covered with greenery. As a result, untimely leaves fall, and in the worst case, you can burn the whole garden, which will become weakened and, due to lack of nutrients, may simply not survive the winter.

Therefore, the most correct will be spraying fruit trees in the fall - somewhere in November.

In addition to urea, fruit trees are sprayed in autumn with fungicides, as well as a solution of copper sulfate - against scab or fruit rot.

Spraying fruit trees
In addition, in specialized stores you can buy Bordeaux liquid, which is a mixture of milk of lime and copper sulfate. Those who do not have the opportunity to purchase it, can prepare the mixture on their own. For this, a kilogram of copper sulfate is bred in fifty liters of water, mixed well and filtered. In another container, a kilogram of lime is extinguished, and then the first ingredient is poured into it.

Spraying fruit trees is a guarantee that in the summer the garden will pamper its owner with an excellent harvest.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/E3754/

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