Maxim Gorky: interesting facts from life, biography, creativity, political views and ideas

Maxim Gorky is a global writer. His real name is Alexey Peshkov. Such a pseudonym was invented by the writer in honor of his father, whom he lost as a child. About how the life of Maxim Gorky, interesting facts from life, the creative path - all this to this day interests the biographers of the writer and not only.

Writer childhood

Maxim Gorky - youth

Little Maxim was born on March 16, 1868 in Nizhny Novgorod. The family of the future writer was rather poor, his father worked in a carpentry, his mother was a bourgeois. Maxim Gorky very early became an orphan. At the age of three, the boy dies of cholera, the father dies, and after 8 years, the mother dies, after a serious illness - consumption. One interesting fact follows from the life of Maxim Gorky: it turns out that when little Maxim was a little less than 3 years old, and both of his parents were still alive - the boy himself gets cholera. Next to him was his father, who cured his son, but he became infected and soon died. For this, the mother never forgave her son.

After the death of the parents, the educational role of Maxim Gorky, Vasily Kashirin, who by nature was a very strict person and his grandmother, Akulina Ivanovna, who introduced him to Russian fairy tales and songs, took on an educational role. Despite the age of eleven, the young man has to work a lot. He worked as a dishwasher on the ship, helped a messenger in a shoe store, baked bread, and generally took on any available work. It was a difficult childhood that gave birth to the true spirit of rebel in the writer.

In order to “become a big man”, in 1884 Maxim Gorky tried to enter Kazan University, but he was unable to do so. Then, while still a teenager, Maxim gets acquainted with Marxist literature and is engaged in propaganda among commoners. To better learn about the life of the people, the future writer travels around Russia.

Literary career

Maxim Gorky - portrait

The literary career of Maxim Gorky begins with the provincial activities of a newspaperman under the pseudonym Yehudiil Khlamid. Only in 1892 did the writer first publish in the Kavkaz newspaper under a new name. The first work "Makar Chudra" the reader received with particular enthusiasm. And after “Chelkash” and “Old Woman Izergil” were published, Maxim Gorky realizes that writing is exactly the craft that he wants to do all his life.

In 1898, the first collection of Gorky was published. In his subsequent works, the writer does not hesitate to show his revolutionary moods. And after the release of "Songs of the Petrel", active participation in workers' circles and the publication of a proclamation that called for the struggle against the Russian autocracy, Gorky was arrested and deported from the city.

In addition to novels and short stories, the writer finds himself in dramaturgy. In the works "Petty bourgeois" and "At the bottom", Gorky tries to show the structure of life of ordinary peasants and villagers.

The personal life of the writer

Maxim Gorky with his wife

Not sparse to the events and personal life of Maxim Gorky. There are many interesting facts and scandals here. Admirers of the writer reacted rather negatively to his love affair with married actress Andreeva. During a joint trip to America, Maxim Gorky represented his mistress as his wife. When the deception crawled out, the writer lost the material assistance that American patrons gave him. Moreover, Gorky was not even allowed into the hotels.

Earlier, the writer marries Catherine Volzhina, and their son Maxim is born.

Political Views and Revolutionary Activities

writer Maxim Gorky

There are many interesting facts about Maxim Gorky regarding the revolution in this sphere of life. The writer took an active part in revolutionary movements. In 1898, Gorky was first arrested and three years later sent to exile for organizing an underground press.

In 1905, at the height of the revolution, Gorky was again arrested for written proclamations, the main idea of ​​which was the overthrow of the tsarist government.

A year later, the writer illegally leaves Russia and goes to America to raise the necessary funds for his fellow revolutionaries. He has been there for almost a year. During this time, he manages to write a new propaganda novel, “Mother,” which tells how a simple Russian woman, inspired by the ideas of her revolutionary son, becomes an activist in the class struggle.

From 1906 to 1913 Maxim Gorky is located on the island of Capri (Italy). In 1913, he receives an amnesty from the tsarist government and returns to Russia.

In the next three years, the writer finishes work on 2 autobiographical volumes: "Childhood" (1913) and "In People" (1915). The third volume, My Universities, is published in 1922. Gorky's autobiographical works are the writer's most successful work, which accurately describes the people who have surrounded him throughout his life. The biography of Maxim Gorky is full of interesting facts. From the life of the writer you can see only one thing, that he rightfully lived a decent life and this is also an important fact. The biography of Maxim Gorky is interesting to different generations, and not only in Russia, but also abroad.

Facts about Gorky's late career

Maxim Gorky in thought

After the end of the October Revolution of 1917, the writer worked very hard for the benefit of the Russian cultural heritage. This is a very important and interesting fact. About Maxim Gorky then there were legends. He created art and writing houses, erected publishing houses and theaters, his connections with the Soviet elite contributed to the development of art. From 1921-1933 Gorky is mainly located in Germany and Italy, where he heals sick lungs. However, some said that the writer left the country due to disagreement with the policies of the Soviet government.

During this period, Gorky wrote several voluminous and significant works: The Case of the Artamonovs and The Life of Klim Samgin. The second, by the way, is translated into English as 4 separate novels. The essence of all these works is to show the "worthless" life of pre-revolutionary Russia.

The death of Maxim Gorky

The death of the writer, like the death of his son, is still mysterious. Many experts claim that it was a violent death - however, this is not documented. The writer's ashes are placed on the Kremlin wall.


Maxim Gorky picture

Of particular interest are not only interesting facts from the life of Maxim Gorky, but also no less significant events after his death:

  • In 1932, the city of Nizhny Novgorod was renamed Gorky. However, after 58 years, its historical name was returned to the city.
  • In Nizhny Novgorod there are a huge number of places that are named after the writer. But the main attraction is, of course, the museum-apartment named after Maxim Gorky.
  • The Gorkovskaya metro station in St. Petersburg is also named after the writer.
  • There is the Moscow Literary Institute. Gorky.
  • The village of Gorky in the Omsk region - got the name, you guessed it, in honor of Maxim Gorky.
  • There are many places with the name of the writer in other countries: “Maxim Gorky Park” in Odessa, “Maxim Gorky Central Park” in Minsk, “Russian Drama Theater” named after Gorky in Astana.

And this is just a short list of how the name of Maxim Gorky is immortalized - in almost every city there is a place that preserves the memory of the writer and his biography. There are more and more interesting facts from the life of Maxim Gorky every year, this suggests that the final point in the biography of the writer has not yet been set.


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