Mourning mother: monument to fallen sons

A few decades ago, the terrible battles of the Great Patriotic War, which claimed the lives of millions of Soviet citizens, died. A grief came to every family, which placed a heavy burden on the tormented hearts of people who had lost loved ones. The feats and heroism of fellow countrymen deserve to live through the centuries: they are passed down from generation to generation, carefully stored in archives, immortalized in memorials and monuments.

Monument to the Grieving Mother in Perm

One of the monuments reminiscent of the terrible wartime is the “Grieving Mother” - a monument erected on April 28, 1928 in Perm. This ten-meter sculpture is located on a high hill at the confluence of the Styx and Egoshihi rivers . The place for the monument was not chosen by chance: it was here, on the Egoshinsky Pogost, that the last refuge found in the hospitals from wounded soldiers - defenders of the Fatherland. The erection of the monument was dedicated to the 45th anniversary of the Victory; its author is Yu. F. Yakubenko, architects - M. I. Futlik and A. P. Zagorodnikov. Yekubenko assembled his sculpture in parts in the premises of the Krasny Oktyabr factory specially designated for this. The work lasted 4.5 months. First, the monument was made of concrete, and then on it the sculptor made a drift out of bronze.

grieving mother monument in perm

The “Mourning Mother” - a monument in Perm - depicts a woman bowing her head in deep grief. This is a mother, wife, sister, daughter, who blessed the beloved man who did not return from the battlefield for the feat of arms. Grief over the loss of her son puts a heavy burden on her fragile shoulders, silvering her hair ahead of time, laying sad wrinkles on her face and compressing her heart to pain.

Volgograd grieving mother: monument

Volgograd. History seems to have frozen in the sculpture of a grieving mother, located on the top of the Mamaev Kurgan and part of a huge memorial complex built in the 60s. Mother, bending over the lifeless body of the deceased son ... A terrible picture that affected almost every family. The heroes of this monument are a collective image of all mothers who lost people dear to their hearts during the war.

grieving mother monument volgograd history

The grieving mother is a monument, originally conceived in a slightly different light. Its author - a talented Soviet sculptor-muralist Evgeny Vuchetich - wanted to portray a dead soldier with a face, and then changed his mind and created an abstract image that embodies a father, brother, husband, son. The grieving mother is a monument located on Sorrow Square and surrounded by the Lake of Tears, through which a path leads to the monument.

Chelyabinsk. Composition “Mourning Mothers”

They grieve for their sons and husbands remaining on the territory of a foreign land, and in Chelyabinsk. Here, at the Forest Cemetery, where the dead soldiers lie, a composition called “Mourning Mothers”, consisting of two female figures - a bride and a mother, was installed. Both women face each other and carefully hold a military helmet in their hands. The 6-meter sculpture was created by sculptors E. E. Golovnitskaya and L. N. Golovnitsky and architects I. V. Talalay and Yu. P. Danilov.

Mourning Mother: Monument to the Fallen in Afghanistan

Sons who fulfilled their international duty and died in Afghanistan ... In memory of them, a monument to a grieving mother was erected in Kursk. Its author, Nikolai Krivolapov, depicted a woman mother who was spread over the bodies of her children on cold granite slabs. The names of the dead children, who will never be returned, are forever imprinted on a silent stone.

grieving mother monument to the dead in afghanistan

Many people, when near the monument, feel deep guilt in front of their deeply grieving mother and the children who died in a foreign land. This monument, not claiming large-scale grandeur, underlines the whole tragedy of the meaninglessness of military operations. The memorial makes you think; everyone who comes here carries with him a touching feeling of gratitude to the author who perpetuated the feat of young Soviet children.

Composition "Pain" in Vitebsk

The “Pain” sculptural composition is dedicated to international warriors, representing a mother and son standing on their knees, as if passing through it. The son is bandaged, and his swaddling mother seems to mourn her child.

grieving mother monument
The memorial, cast in aluminum, rests on black granite stones. A small chapel was erected nearby, where you can put a funeral candle for those who died in Afghanistan. The grieving mother is the monument to which the alley leads; on both sides of it on granite slabs are carved the names of residents of Vitebsk who died in Afghanistan.


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