Baby-dollars - dress for all time. History and Models

Baby-dollar dresses (English babydoll - "baby doll") in recent years have gained extraordinary popularity among the fair half of humanity. Baby-dollars - a dress that openly talks about the youth, freshness and playful coquetry of his mistress and fits almost any type of figure.

History of the appearance of style

In the 60s of the XX century, the movie Baby doll was released, the main character of which appeared before the audience in an outfit resembling a lace peignoir or doll dress. Delicate color, lace and minimum length for that time. The film was dubbed the "depraved sight", but despite the indignation of the conservative public, the baby-dollar-style dress became witty.

Outfits attracted the attention of women around the world, primarily due to the successful silhouette, which sat on any figure and perfectly masked flaws. Baby dollars - a dress that, having appeared in the fashion world a little more than 50 years ago, remains at the peak of popularity.

For modern women, this style personifies the warm season and carefree. Over the years of creativity, fashion designers have developed the idea and now baby-dollars - a dress that has grown into the category of casual dresses. Modern materials and sewing techniques allow you to create wedding and evening patterns in this style.

baby dollars dress

Features models baby-dollars

The attractiveness of doll outfits is explained by the fact that they look excellent on any figure. Baby-dollars - a dress that, depending on the features of the cut, can be as follows:

1. Models with high waist lines or an A-shaped silhouette, visually resembling shirts or shirts. They are suitable for women with a tight or lush physique.

2. Models with a clearly defined belt and a fluffy skirt, masking imperfect hips.

A common point in different styles is the length of the skirt - a maximum to the middle of the thigh, due to which the effect of “legs from the ears” is created. To create dresses, loose fabrics of a delicate structure are used - knitwear, linen, chiffon, silk, satin and others. Pastel shades are associated with the style of the baby doll, but modern fashion has discarded this relic. Baby-dollars - a dress that can be bright, have a large ornament and embossed inserts.

A lot of attention in doll outfits is given to decoration (lace, ribbons, embroidery, etc.), as well as to such elements as a neckline, sleeves, belt. Details of the outfit are carefully crafted.

dress baby dol pattern

Create Pattern

Baby-dollar- style dresses are easy enough to "build" on their own, without resorting to the services of a professional cutter. To create an outfit of an A-shaped silhouette, consisting of a bodice and a skirt, the following measurements will be required:

  • Shoulder width.
  • The height of the bodice from the line of the shoulders to the place under the chest (conditional belt).
  • Depth of armhole and neckline.
  • The length of the skirt from the waist line to the middle of the thigh or higher.
  • The width of the skirt depends on its type. For example, for a straight pleated skirt, you need to measure 2 widths of the bodice.

baby style dresses

Even a beginner will be able to sew a baby-dollar dress. Patterns are laid out on fabric and cut out with a 1 cm allowance. You can use fringe, rhinestones and artificial flowers to decorate, which will successfully hide any mistakes of the beginning seamstress.


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