Where to relax in November: popular destinations. Beach holidays in November

Was your vacation in November? Of course, a vacation in a snowy city is not the most joyful prospect, so it’s easy to understand the lack of joy in the eyes. However, do not rush to wrap yourself in a plaid and sit on the couch, because you can relax in November too. Where? A great question to think about beforehand. Many people will surely prefer a trip to hot countries, because this is a great opportunity to get from a harsh winter to a bright summer in just a couple of hours of flight.

Where to relax in November at sea inexpensively?

Frankly speaking, there are not so few resorts suitable for this purpose. For people who travel infrequently, the choice may not be easy. To simplify the task, it is worth paying attention to several aspects. This approach will allow you to quickly determine what you really need.

No matter what they say, the price of the trip is one of the important indicators. At the same time, cheap does not mean bad. At many resorts, quite affordable prices are provided. If you want to relax with chic - choose fashionable destinations.

What should be envisaged?

Many countries need to fly with a visa. Visa processing is again a waste of money and a loss of valuable time. Those who do not want to spend resources on this can choose visa-free travel destinations for a beach holiday. In November, as, indeed, in any other month of the year, there are plenty of such proposals.

Interests are an equally important criterion, since the quality of rest directly depends on it. Couples relaxing with children need relative silence and fine sand on the beach. Young people look for noisy resorts, and adventure lovers look for a beautiful underwater world and other active entertainment.

Trip to egypt

The list of countries where you can relax in November should start with Egypt. There are several reasons for this.

Where to relax in November at sea
  1. Reasonable prices. At this time of the year there is hardly any other country ready to offer tourists such attractive conditions for recreation. Until about November 20, you can relax here for only 30-35 thousand rubles.
  2. Great weather for swimming. The air temperature here continues to stay in the region of +32 ° C, and the water warms up to +26 ° C. Here you can have a great time with an underwater mask while exploring the marine inhabitants. At the same time, the weather is calm, which means that surf lovers have nothing to do here.
  3. Developed tourist infrastructure. Suitable conditions for recreation here are for everyone. Sharm el-Sheikh resorts deserve special attention, where it is comfortable and pleasant to relax with children in November. This is where gentle descents into the water and fine sand on the beaches are, and young people are better off picking the noisy parties at El Fanar Beach Resort.

The only drawback of the trip is the need for a visa.

Travel to Thailand

Those who are already tired of Egypt can safely exchange a trip to the country of the pyramids for a ticket to Thailand. The rainy season here ends in November. Where to relax - you decide, but the hottest thing at this time will be in Phuket. What features can be called?

Beach holidays in November
  1. Relatively affordable prices. November is the very beginning of the swimming season, which allows tourists to relax in Thailand for a standard week for only 40-50 thousand rubles.
  2. The weather here is sunny and warm, the temperature reaches an average of +30 ° C, and the water temperature is +28 ... + 29 ° C. Bathing will bring only positive emotions.
  3. A fat plus for many tourists will be the lack of a visa regime, so you can go to Thailand right now, without delay. Meanwhile, it is hardly worth the haste, because it is at this time that massive influxes of vacationers are possible. Vouchers must be ordered in advance.

Trips to India

Studying the directions of beach vacations in winter, do not forget about India, where you can relax in the sea in November in comfort and quite budget. Seekers of sun and sea can go to Goa or the Andaman Islands.

  1. Prices for tours vary depending on the resort, but on average 70-90 thousand are needed. It is not as cheap as a classic beach tour to Egypt, but you will definitely not be dissatisfied.
  2. As for the weather, the temperature is set at +30 ... + 32 ° , the water is warmed up to +29 ° .
  3. Entertainment in the resorts of India require special attention. Here you will not be able to find noisy resorts with a vibrant nightlife and luxury hotels in the usual sense of the word. Those who are looking for just such a beach holiday in November in India may be bored. But for lovers of measured relaxation here is a real paradise: boating, swimming with elephants and picturesque surroundings.
Where it is warm in November

A visa to India is needed, and this is perhaps one of the few drawbacks of traveling here.

Unforgettable holidays in the UAE

Of all the proposed options for answering the question "where to relax in November abroad," many will probably prefer a trip to the UAE. The most popular city among tourists in this country is called Dubai. Is it any wonder that, in addition to the beautiful beaches, there are all conditions for a comfortable stay of guests.

  1. Prices for tours in Dubai can not be called affordable. If you manage to intercept a burning ticket for this time, its cost will be approximately 70 thousand rubles (for two). If you organize your vacation yourself, the flight will cost $ 350, and daily accommodation in a double room - $ 50 or more.
  2. The UAE can be safely called a place where it is warm in November. The thermometer column rarely drops below +30 ° C. Water at this time is ideal for swimming, its temperature is +27 ° C.
  3. In Dubai there is an activity for all categories of tourists. Those who prefer a lazy beach holiday can sunbathe on the beaches from morning until evening. They are mostly sandy here. During breaks, you can go on an excursion or in amusement parks. Fashionistas and women of fashion, among other things, will get a lot of pleasure from walking through shopping centers and expensive boutiques.
  4. A visa to the UAE is needed, but it can be quickly issued right at the airport in Dubai.
Where to relax in November abroad

Resorts in the Maldives

For those who want to be in a place where it is warm in November, travel agencies will definitely offer a trip to the Maldives. Indeed, these islands are the best suited for swimming in the azure waters and getting a bronze tan.

Prices are perhaps the only thing that can push tourists away. At the end of autumn, the cost of a ticket can be, according to the most conservative estimates, 100 thousand rubles.

If we talk about weather conditions, they are ideal for beach activities: on the shore +30 ° C, in the water a little less - 28 degrees Celsius.

Among the local entertainment you can not name diving, windsurfing, yachting, banana and water skiing. And what are the local landscapes that embody all the dreams of paradise relaxation!

Where to relax with a child in November

The undoubted advantage of a vacation in the Maldives is that for a stay of up to 30 days, tourists do not need a visa.

Colorful Jamaica

If Egypt, India and other classic trends seem “battered”, Jamaica is always ready to open its ardent embrace. Traveling to this country cannot seem boring and bland. In addition, the end of autumn is accompanied by sunny weather and the absence of rain.

Where to relax in November
  1. Prices for holidays in this heavenly place are not the most affordable. A week spent in a local hotel (together with a flight and a transfer) will cost about 130-150 thousand rubles.
  2. The air temperature here reigns within +30 degrees, and azure water warms up to +29 ° .
  3. Visas for a trip here are not required, so you can safely pack your bags in anticipation of an unforgettable vacation.

As it has already probably become clear, there can be no definite answer to the question of where to relax in November. The listed countries and resorts are just a small part of those places that are perfect for a beach holiday in late autumn and winter.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/E4196/

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