How much money to bring to Thailand? What currency to take to Thailand? When is the best time to fly to Thailand

Thailand is a very popular destination among lovers of exotic. If you decide to go on vacation on the coast of an amazing country, then for sure there will be a lot of questions. How much money to bring to Thailand is one of the most relevant of them. After all, every tourist wants to calculate the budget of a future trip.

Money issue

If you are planning to visit Thailand for the first time, you will always have to find out many nuances that should be decided in advance in order to avoid unpleasant surprises. The better you prepare for the trip, the more interesting it will be.

How much is a trip to Thailand

What currency to take to Thailand? Usually they take euros and dollars with them on a trip. And this is quite justified, since rubles are not accepted in all countries. Even if you manage to exchange them, the course may not be entirely profitable. Experienced travelers recommend not to doubt what currency to take to Thailand. To avoid unnecessary problems, immediately exchange rubles to euros or dollars.

Country Currency

What is the currency in Thailand? This is Thai baht. If you are interested in local bills, then in circulation you will see banknotes in denominations of 1,000, 500, 100, 50 and 20 baht. One baht is 100 satangs. Also in use are small coins of 5.10, 2 and one baht. Satanges are not popular in the country. You can get them at the supermarket or pharmacy for delivery. But small coins are not accepted in souvenir shops, restaurants and shopping centers. In such establishments, prices are rounded to baht.

Please note that in any shops and shops in Thailand, only national currency is accepted for payment. Even merchants are very reluctant to take dollars. But if desired, they may refuse. As a rule, sellers do not own the real exchange rate, so they can offer unprofitable. Therefore, experienced travelers recommend that you go to the bank upon arrival to exchange money.

What currency to take to Thailand

What do tourists need to know about Thailand? You can change money in the country at banks or currency exchange points. On the largest beaches of the resorts you will find banking facilities. And in remote places there are only private shops. In large stores you can usually find several exchangers.

Currency is exchanged at the Bangkok airport, but the rate there is completely disadvantageous. Therefore, you can stock up on a small amount to get to the place of rest, and there already change bills as needed.

What currency to take with you

How much money to take to Thailand with you depends on how big you are going to relax. We have already mentioned that experienced travelers recommend using euros and dollars for overseas trips. If we are talking about Asian countries, it is preferable to take dollars with you, because they are still accepted in some places. The exchange rate in all banks of the country is approximately the same. It may vary within tenths of a baht. The most profitable rate at UOB Bank, but it is not easy to find at resorts. In second place is the CIMB institution, its exchangers have red logos. Third place is confidently taken by TMB Bank. But at Auddhaya Bank institutions you can not only make exchange transactions, but also receive Western Union transfers. If you didn’t find an exchanger nearby on the beach, do not despair; tourists will be willingly exchanged for money at the reception of any hotel.

Coming to Thailand with rubles is not very profitable. And in Russia to buy baht - too. It is for this reason that it is better to have dollars with you or, in extreme cases, euros. On some large beaches (for example, Patong) there are round-the-clock exchange offices, but their rate is disadvantageous for tourists.

Exchange Rates

I would like to pay attention to exchange rates. At any point you will see a printout or an electronic scoreboard. For those tourists who came to Thailand for the first time, it will not be clear why the dollar has three rates and the euro one. This situation is explained very simply. The fact is that the dollar exchange rate depends on the bill being changed. It is the least profitable for small bills (one and two dollars). The second course relates to banknotes of 20, 10 and 5 dollars, and the third for 100 and 50 dollars. The exchange rate difference is within one baht. Tourists recommend exchanging larger bills, and saving small ones for tips. In addition, it is worth remembering that in exchange offices banknotes are not broken. If you need to change, for example, 20 euros, and you have 100 in your hands, then they will exchange you a hundred-dollar bill.

ATM withdrawals

Many tourists wonder what to bring to Thailand: cash or a credit card. In order to make the right choice, you need to know the features of withdrawing money from ATMs in the country.

Thailand what tourists need to know

In Thailand, local ATMs only issue baht as cash. The same situation is in bank branches. In addition, a withdrawal fee of 220 baht is taken for each operation.

Nuances of calculations

Many tourists justifiably prefer to take currency with them on vacation. And even open currency accounts for Visa cards. Do not forget that in Thailand, absolutely all operations are carried out in baht. And this means that if your card is opened in a ruble or hryvnia account, then when you withdraw money, it will not be very beneficial and difficult to recalculate. Therefore, most often foreign currency accounts are opened for trips abroad.

When is the best time to fly to Thailand

But most tourists prefer to carry cash. And keep cash reserves on the card.

How much money you need to take on a trip

How much to take money with you to Thailand? The answer to this question depends on the duration of the trip and the extent of the rest. On average, experienced travelers recommend taking at least 300-500 dollars for one or two weeks. Money should be calculated in this way: $ 50 per day for each person, plus funds for souvenirs and excursions. Such a calculation is valid only if you have a paid tour with breakfast and insurance included.

In order to guide readers how much money to take to Thailand, here are some prices. If you plan to see the sights, you will have to pay for each tour from 30 to 170 dollars per person. Prices in Thailand for travel are much cheaper than street touts. The cost of excursions booked online or offered at the hotel will be slightly higher.

Cost of food

In order to understand how much money is needed for a vacation in Thailand, you need to take into account the possible costs. Regular expenses include food. On average, up to $ 30 per person per day. This amount includes dinner, lunch, snacks, transportation costs, water and renting a sunbed. It should be borne in mind that this option applies to economy rest. If you plan to eat in a cafe where seafood is prepared, then a much larger amount should be laid for food.

What to bring to Thailand

You can economically dine in the dining room for 4.7 dollars (150 baht or 309 rubles). A meal in a pizzeria or cafe will cost at least 19 dollars (600 baht or 1,250 rubles). Lunch at restaurants will be even more expensive. The cost of a cocktail in a bar by the sea starts at $ 7 (220 baht or 460 rubles), and a glass of beer (0.33 l) - a dollar (220 baht or 65 rubles).

European food is very expensive at resorts. Therefore, many tourists prefer to eat in fast foods.


Do not forget about transportation costs. Travel in public transport costs from 10 baht (19 rubles), in tuk-tuks - 100 baht (198 rubles). Tourists recommend renting a bike. Such a service costs 150-500 baht per day (up to 994 rubles), depending on the vehicle model. You can rent a car, but it will take a lot more money. In addition, do not forget that for trips you will need gasoline.

Clothing costs

If you plan to purchase clothes in Thailand, then you can go to the market. Here women's t-shirts are very cheap. Three t-shirts will cost you 3.3 dollars (217 rubles). In budget places, branded men's capris can be purchased for $ 10 (657 rubles), and T-shirts for $ 5-7 (up to 460 rubles). Shopping in shopping centers in Thailand is not of interest, since the cost of things exceeds Russian prices.

Cost of housing and flight

In order to find out how much a trip to Thailand costs, you need to consider the cost of plane tickets. A direct flight to Thailand from Moscow per person costs about 350 dollars one way (23,027 rubles).

Accommodation in a three-star hotel in a double room is at least 300 dollars (19,737 rubles) per week. Tourists do not recommend choosing housing in establishments below the level of three stars. And in five-star hotels, renting rooms is much more expensive.

How much is a trip to Thailand? The average cost of a 7-day tour with a flight and accommodation in a three-star hotel for two costs from 500 to 700 dollars (32 896 - 46 054 rubles). Last minute packages are especially beneficial. Usually their cost is equal to the price of the flight. Of course, you should understand that the minimum prices are given. In a given situation, the cost of rest may vary.

Wintering in Thailand

Currently, among our compatriots there are a lot of those people who seek to winter in warm lands. Thailand is one of those places where you can comfortably spend several months running away from hateful cold weather. If you plan to spend more than one week in the country, but a little more time, then a slightly different amount of money will be needed. At least 400 dollars (26,316 rubles) are spent on two people per month, including food and alcohol. For longer stays, it’s wiser to rent a private apartment or house, rather than a hotel room. Rental price depends on the area. A house in Phuket can be rented for 8 thousand baht (15 905 rubles), and in other regions you can find budget apartments and 4 thousand baht (7 952 rubles).

How much is a trip to Thailand

With long-term rental housing for water and electricity have to pay separately. Sometimes the Internet is paid independently.

High season

If you do not know when it is better to fly to Thailand, pay attention to the fact that the country has a dry and rainy season. Almost throughout the country, the high season lasts from November to March. It was at this time that the maximum number of tourists was observed at local resorts. The weather on the coast is not hot, but there is no rain. The popularity of leisure at this time leads to an increase in prices for tours.

Low season

Low season is a period from April to October. In the greater part of the country at this time there is hot and rainy weather. This does not mean that rest at this time is impossible. It rains most often at night, and they are short-lived. But tourists in the resorts are becoming much less, and prices are slightly reduced. Low season is an ideal time for a budget holiday.

Holidays in December

According to experts, December is the perfect time to relax. The last month of the year is characterized by dry and very warm weather. Therefore, travelers are not only happy to go to the beaches, but also willingly inspect the local beauty. In December, there is an influx of tourists, and therefore the cost of rental housing will increase. The air temperature at this time reaches +30 degrees. By the end of December, many of our compatriots gather at the resorts of Thailand, who are going to spend New Year holidays at the country's resorts. Rest in February is no less relevant, although at the end of winter the number of tourists is not so great.

The best time to relax

Winter is the best time to relax in Thailand. January is especially relevant for our tourists, because it is the time of our New Year holidays. Many compatriots tend to spend time in warm places. January can be safely called the peak of the high season in Thailand. If you want to spend Christmas and New Year in an exotic country, you need to book a tour for several months, since trips during this period are in great demand.

Tours in Thailand in January

In January, the country's resorts have wonderful weather. The air temperature reaches +30 degrees, and at night it drops to +15 degrees. In the northern regions, air temperature is 3-4 degrees lower. In general, the weather is warm and dry in the country, therefore it is good for a beach holiday.

If you prefer a mild climate, you can go to Thailand in January. The sea temperature at this time does not fall below +22 degrees. If in the first half of the month the influx of tourists is large, then after the end of the New Year holidays the number of vacationers is significantly reduced, which affects the level of housing prices and excursions. If you want to save, then go to the resort after the tenth of January.

On average, the cost of tours in January to Thailand for a week per person is from $ 760 (50,000 rubles) and above. In many respects, the price of rest depends on the choice of the hotel, its proximity to the coast and other factors.

Instead of an afterword

Summing up, it is worth noting that the article shows the average price level, which allows you to calculate the approximate budget of the trip. Travel costs depend on the level of selected housing, resort, remoteness of the hotel from the coast, food and other factors. Many tourists prefer not only to spend time on the beach, but to visit excursions and allow themselves entertainment, which means that the budget of the trip increases. No less important is the chosen period of rest and the resort. We hope that the above data will help you to find out how much to take with you to Thailand.


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