Location of the house on the site in the cardinal directions: schemes, norms and recommendations

By purchasing a plot for the construction of a residential building (or cottage), the new owner, in anticipation, begins to plan what to build and where. Unfortunately, plans are not always feasible. Many of them may not comply with the requirements and rules established by law.

location of the house on the plot

When designing a house and developing a master plan, it is very important to choose the correct location of the house on the site. The rules governing these issues will help optimally position not only a residential building, but also the rooms in it in accordance with the cardinal points. This will help protect yourself from cold winds, drafts and let in the greatest amount of sunlight. And this, in turn, will save the cost of heating and lighting the building.

Building codes are not the only things to listen to. You should take into account the experience, both yours and your neighbors, acquaintances. Some of the nuances in this case can greatly facilitate life in the future.

Where to begin

First you need to carefully familiarize yourself with your new site. To do this, place the pegs around its perimeter, if there is no fence yet. This will help to conduct a survey of their possessions. Imagine exactly what you want to see. Create a “preliminary” master plan.

The next step is to study the regulatory documents that govern the location of the house on the site. Norms exist sanitary, fire, urban planning. All of them must be taken into account.

location of the house in the normal area

At the design stage, it is necessary to take into account all the buildings, neighboring buildings, even the location of the trees. To do this, order a topographic survey of the area. Documents of this kind are issued by the geodetic service.

Room Insulation

The location of the house on the site in the cardinal directions should correspond to the standard duration of insolation. By insolation is understood the ingress of sunlight into the room. There are clear requirements for its duration. But they concern only living rooms. Other premises (kitchens, corridors, verandas, and so on) are not taken into account.

Residential buildings should be located on the cardinal points so that the continuous period of insolation is the following values:

  • More than two and a half hours a day from the north from April 22 to August 22.
  • More than two hours in the central zone from March 22 to September 22.
  • More than 1.5 hours from the south from February 22 to October 22.

the location of the house on the site in the cardinal

These values ​​indicate the time during which the sun should enter the room. Moreover, these requirements are presented not to one room. The number of rooms depends on the size of the house:

  • In a one-room apartment - one living room.
  • In the "kopeck piece" or "three rubles" - in any of the living rooms.
  • In houses where the number of rooms is more than three - in two living rooms.

In some situations, the duration of insolation can be reduced by half an hour. This applies to houses located in the northern and central zones. And only in the following cases:

  • The houses are built in the central or historical part of the village.
  • If the sun penetrates more than two rooms in two-bedroom and three-bedroom houses.
  • If insolation is provided in more than three rooms of a multi-room house.

Cardinal points when designing a house

The location of the house on the site should be planned taking into account the cardinal points. This will help to meet the requirements of insolation of the premises, save on heating and lighting at home.

Least of all light hits the walls located on the north side. Most of the light in the rooms located on the south side. With this in mind, living rooms are recommended to be located on the east and west sides.

layout of the house on the site

Simultaneously with the finding of the sun and its penetration into the house, it is necessary to take into account the wind rose. They are taken into account for each region of the country separately. If we talk about the central part of Russia, the northern, northwestern and western are less favorable sides. These are the cardinal points from which winds prevail. Such wind flows have a higher speed, lower temperature, that is, they are stronger and colder than others.

Therefore, most often the walls on the north and west sides are blind or with a small number of windows. On the north side, it is recommended to place utility rooms, storage rooms, a garage. This arrangement of premises protects living rooms.

The best way to house

The layout of the house on the site may not be ideal. You can not take into account all the nuances at the same time. But you can try to do it. To do this, consider the following points:

  • Plan of the site and its relief.
  • The location of the entrance to the site from the road.
  • Neighboring plots and buildings on them.
  • Size of the planned house and its shape.
  • Personal wishes of the owners.

Properly selected location of the house and bathhouse on the site will help to better relax with your family. If it is necessary to bring communications to the bathhouse, it is located closer to home. Resting places (for example, barbecue) are arranged away from home, in the most secluded and beautiful place, away from strangers.

location of the house and baths on the site

The place to grow plants should be the lightest and most windproof corner.

The location of the house on the site on the cardinal points must comply with the most important rule: the shadow of the house should not be constantly on the site. If this rule is ignored, neither the owners of the house nor the plants planted around can enjoy the sun's heat.

Historic Housing Location

Previously, when there were no regulatory documents, the location of the house on the site was chosen taking into account the laws of nature. In particular, the sun.

The building itself was traditionally built on the northwest side of the site, preferably on a hill.

The porch was made from the southeast side of the house. In the same direction were a bedroom and a nursery. They seemed to meet the rising sun in the morning.

Kitchen windows traditionally face the courtyard. And that means - in the north or north-west direction. But the western wall was left deaf.

The layout of the house on the site

Building codes are designed for a reason. They help to plan the location of the house in such a way as to create the most optimal and comfortable living conditions.

The requirements of sanitary standards clearly determine that in the interval 200-290 degrees north latitude there should be no windows. Windows are installed on the south and southeast side. This requirement applies to a one-room apartment located in an apartment building. As for the two-room apartment, the window of one of the living rooms should face these sides. Two windows should be installed in a three-room apartment in this direction, and three windows in a five-room apartment.

On the north and west sides there is an arrangement of a kitchen, outbuildings, pantries, a bathroom. In this direction, it is permissible to equip the front door.

All other premises must be located on the south or east side.

Room layout

The location of the house on the site requires individual compromises in solving the problem. Each of the cardinal points has its pros and cons. They must be considered when choosing the location of the premises.

location of the house on the land

Most of the sunlight falls on the south side of the house. Therefore, games rooms, verandas, halls, winter gardens are usually located in this direction.

Least of all the sun falls on the north side. From this side, little light enters the room. And large windows in this case are not a solution to the problem. They only exacerbate it. A large glazing area will result in severe heat loss due to cold winds. On this side of the house are kitchens, garages, utility rooms.

The east side of the house is best lit in the morning. But in winter, the sun disappears from the windows early enough. Therefore, from this side equip bedrooms, offices, dining rooms.

The controversial side is the western. It is stronger than others exposed to cold winds and precipitation. But after lunch, the room in this direction is flooded with sunlight. Usually on this side are rooms for guests, bedrooms (for those who like to sleep longer).

Feng shui recommendations

Recently, it is considered fashionable to follow the requirements of Feng Shui. The location of the house on the land can also be built according to the laws of this science. But, to do this correctly, you need to seek help from a specialist. This is an expensive pleasure. Therefore, this is a justifiable step only if it is planned to live according to the proposed recommendations. If there is no such desire, you can adhere to only some individual points.

floor plan of the house

The location of the residential building on the site of the correct form should approximately coincide with its center. If the plot is elongated , the house is located closer to the long side. Moreover, the building is not being built from the edge of the site, but in the depths. But there should be more space behind the house than in front of it.

Dormitory rooms are located on the west side. But it is recommended to equip the bedrooms towards the sun, that is, on the southeast side. On the west side the bedrooms are not organized.


The location of the house on the site plays an important role in creating comfortable and cozy living conditions. The traditions, recommendations and requirements of the legislative bodies will help to do everything right. But all these norms can change taking into account the climatic zone of the region of residence.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/E42/

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